Chapter Forty-Five: "Fire Burns"
Nate struggled to get to his feet in the dark, pulling and pushing himself off the walls and dash of the ship. Seeing the orange light coming from the front of the ship, Nate saw Mark leaning forward a little to look at something. When his head jerked back with a startled gasp, Nate asked him softly. "What?" Mark's dark silhouette turned to look in his direction, answering slightly rattled. "We've got to get off the ship. Now." From the other corner, Sean asked curiously. "Why? What's wrong?" Mark didn't answer. Nate staggered forward to look for himself. Reaching the front, Nate leaned over the dash to see exactly what was causing the light. The rain sizzled over the molten lava beneath the broken pieces of island rock that the ship had smashed apart. Mark grabbed his arm tightly, his scared face finally visible in the dim light cast by the lava. Nate exhaled slowly, saying coolly. "I was really hoping we'd make the dock... The whole island has rivers of this stuff..." The front of the boat shifted, causing Nate to fall into Mark's chest. Swallowing, Nate whispered to Mark. "The boat is melting... fast." Chad scrambled over to Mark, wrapping his arms around Mark's arm like a scared child.
Mark stared intently at Nate, asking a bit shakily. "Can we make it to the dock?" Nate looked out a broken side window. He could faintly see the red lights indicating the dock through the heavy rain and swallowed uneasily. Bowing his head, a bit, he told Mark honestly. "With the storm... It could help us... or get us killed." Mark looked to Chad, ordering him. "Chad, get into your ball." Chad shook his head, burying his face in Mark's arm. Mark grabbed his ball, holding it up as he ordered him. "I'm not playing around. Get in. I don't want you to get hurt." Chad slowly backed up and Mark added more wholesomely. "And Chad... Don't come out until I tell you. That's an order." Chad clearly saw how scared Mark was but lifted his ghostly hands to touch his ball. Mark recalled him, then told Nate reluctantly. "I'm following your lead." Sean moved up to them, asked perplexed. "What's going on?" Nate helped steer Sean away from the front. Leading them toward the back of the ship, Nate called over his shoulder. "We've got to go before anyone shows up."
Outside in the rain, the lightning flashed across the sky and the thunder roared. The waves splashed the back of the ship making the metal sizzle. Nate extended a hand to show them, stating out nervously. "Stay away from the water!" Sean gawked as the back of the ship continued to sizzle even with the rain hitting it. Pointing to it too, Sean stammered out. "Nate...?! WHY is the ship doing that?!" Nate pulled them to the side, peeking over the ship's railing. Fresh lava was oozing down the belly of the ship and hissing as it hit the ocean water. Sean leaned over, then screamed out. "LAVA! OH, FUCK NO!" Sean bolted away from the side and Mark grabbed him to settle him down. Sean shook his head, unable to stay still as he rushed out. "No! We can't be here! It will melt the ship! I've seen what lava does to a human! I don't wanna die like that!" Mark tightened his arms around him, yelling out. "Stop! STOP! Sean! Panicking isn't going to help! Calm down! Think!" Sean shook his head, starting to gasp for air as he whined out. "I can't... I can't breathe..." Nate gripped the rail, watching Sean's panic with a heavy heart.
Mark forced Sean to his knees, pulling him close to his chest to tell him calm and soothingly. "Sean, we'll be fine. Calm down." Mark hid Sean's face against his chest, locking eyes with Nate as he asked. "What's your plan?" Nate pointed off, replying grimly. "This is pahoehoe lava... If it's been sitting awhile, we can walk across it." Mark licked his lips, mumbling out. "And if it hasn't...?" Nate gave him a scared look that answered it without words. Nate looked out at the rock between him in the dock, then told them seriously. "The Harbor Master will have seen our wreck. The Valor Rangers will arrive any minute to rescue the crew and salvage supplies... You don't have to come with me. You can stay and wait..." Mark released Sean, snapping out. "You plan to walk across that?!" Nate hefted a sigh, looking out at the ocean as his red Gyarados still fought with the blue one farther out. Looking back at Mark, he told him seriously. "They are looking for me... Not you two. You can be rescued, and I'll meet you inside."
Mark rushed over to grab Nate's arm, snapping out over the thunder. "We attacked the crew! They'll arrest us!" Nate shrugged, yelling back. "Better to be arrested than risk your lives following me across this!" Mark yanked him away from the edge, growling out. "Then get arrested WITH us! It's not like they want you dead! Why risk your life?" Nate tensed a bit, hesitating a bit before answering. "There are people here that want me dead. I have to do this. You don't." Nate tried to move to the edge of the ship, but Mark pulled him back to scold him loudly. "We are doing this together or not at all, Nathan!" Nate groaned, but pointed at Mark as he snapped out. "Fine. Watch for the rain hissing on the rocks. Stay off them and be careful... The rain might make them slippery." Sean got to his feet, saying firmly. "We should wait!" Nate reached out to cup Sean's face as he told him confidently. "I'm going first. You stay right behind me and you'll be fine." The sirens around the island began to blare, jerking Nate's attention away.
Out in the sea, his red Gyarados whipped its tail across the blue one's face. The blue one let out a deep groan, splashing into the water and causing a wave to reach the shore. Nate let out a loud whistle, drawing the attention of his Gyarados. Nate pointed high up on the volcano, shouting out over the thunder and rain. "DISTRACT THEM!" Gyarados roared, turning its attention up to the vent shaft that was slowly opening to reveal a tunnel. Opening his mouth, Gyarados's wide mouth started to crackle with a white light. As a Ranger came out of the tunnel on a large flying metal bird pokemon, Gyarados unleashed a powerful bolt of lightning. The Ranger on the metal bird fell off, dropping to cling to the tunnels edge as the metal bird was blasted into the mountain with a metallic screech that cut the air. Nate watched the Skarmony strike the wall so hard that it cracked the rock layer and got exposed to the molten lava beneath. The Skarmony thrashed trying to get free of the cliff before he was melted, splashing bits of lava everywhere in its panic. All the splashing was keeping the other Rangers back in the tunnel. Over the heavy winds, Nate could hear them yelling out. "GYARADOS OFF THE REEF!"
Nate didn't waste anymore time. Climbing over to hang off the side, the others watched him tap his foot against rock that was farther from the ship and didn't appear to be hissing. Thinking he found one, he took a deep breath and carefully pushed off the ship to land on it. He slipped a bit on the wet rocks, but it held him. Extending his arms out, he called out. "Sean! You next!" Sean shook his head, uttering out. "I can't!" Mark stepped behind him, pushing him forward a little as he told him. "Sean, we can't wait!" Sean gripped the side of the ship, the heat bubbling up from the lava below, causing him to pant harder. Nate snapped his fingers to get Sean's attention, calling out to him calmly. "Sean, look at me? I've got you! Come to me!" Mark helped Sean over the side, but as the ship shifted, Sean tried to pull himself back up. Mark stopped him, grabbing his shoulders as he kissed him briefly. Sean whined, leaning back down and reaching out for Nate. Nate grabbed his wrist, telling Sean what to do with his feet.
Sean released the ship, hopping over. Nate guided him to a spot beside him that had held Nate just fine. However, as Sean landed on it... it cracked to expose the lava beneath. Nate pulled Sean to his spot, moving quickly to a new spot. Sean froze, asking Nate in a panic. "Nate?!" Finding a new spot, Nate raised a hand and told him calmly. "I'm good. Watch me." Nate looked around, testing a few spots before moving over to it. Beckoning to Sean, he told him seriously. "Move to where I was slowly. You're ok." Sean stepped over, reaching out to grab Nate's hand. Nate squeezed his hand, watching Mark make his way over quicker to the spot that Sean had left. Gyarados zapped the tunnel again to keep the Rangers back, then let out a sharp roar in pain. Nate moved to a new spot, then looked out to see Moltres was taking swipes at Gyarados with his sharp talons. Frustrated, Gyarados tried to blast Moltres with hydro pump. Moltres quickly avoided the powerful jet of water, screeching aggressively at him. Not wanting him to get hurt, Nate removed his ball to recall him. Gesturing to the others to follow him at a slightly faster pace.
The Rangers finally began to fly out of the tunnel toward the shipwreck once they saw Gyarados was no longer around. Splitting into teams in the air, some went to the ship. While others went after Moltres to keep him away. Moltres shot jets of flame at the Rangers, engaging in them now that Gyarados had vanished from his view. Nate was thankful that they were wearing dark clothing. It kept them mostly hidden in the dark environment. Nate set the pace for the others, leading them around the mountain side toward the dock. The heat rolling off the mountain was making him sweat even though the cold heavy rain was falling. They were almost there when Sean yelped and tugged hard on Nate's hand. In a panic, Nate responded by yanking Sean up against himself. Sean huddled into Nate's arms, while Nate looked at the cracked rock Sean had left. Mark pointed at Sean's shoe and Nate leaned down to look. The bottom of Sean's sneaker was smoking. Reaching down to grab his ankle, Nate looked over the shoe to make sure it wasn't melting. Sean clung to him, asking terrified. "How bad is it...?" Nate watched the rain run off the shoe, answering calmly. "It's ok. It just heated the rubber."
Testing more rock, Nate beckoned Mark over to replace him by Sean. The rock felt thicker here. He guessed it had to do with Valor watering down the only entrance. Reaching the dock, Nate crawled up onto it on all fours. Freezing like an animal in the hanging lantern light, Nate crept closer to the dark tunnel entrance. The place smelled of burnt metal and brimstone. Behind him, Sean gagged and groaned out. "Ugh... The smell is worse over here... What is that?" Nate glanced back, answering over the pattering rain against the stone carved dock. "It's the volcano. Smell is stronger because it's coming from inside. Stay close." Nate went to the gate just inside the tunnel. Usually, the Harbor Master was here to greet the ships and open the gate. He wasn't here. The CB was hanging off the desk and coffee was dripping to the floor inside. The guy had left in a hurry. Mark crept up behind him, asking curiously. "What's with the look?" Nate smirked, replying. "I think crashing made him rush off to get help. Might buy us some time." Nate kneeled before the gate, rummaging through his bag for his lock picking kit. Sean slipped in under the ledge, shivering from all the rain as he chattered out. "I hope it is... w-w-warmer inside."
Nate chuckled, getting to work on the lock as he said softly. "It is. And trust me... You'll wish you were back out here." The lock clicked softly, and Nate put his kit away. Letting Mark untangle the chain, they opened the gate. Stepping in before them though, he turned and asked curiously. "Either of you Claustrophobic?" Mark shook his head, but Sean mumbled out. "Depends... How tight are we talking?" Nate shrugged, saying lightly. "Shouldn't be that tight... but I just wanted to check." Getting inside, Nate picked up a rock and smashed the camera before throwing the rock to smash the computer screen in the office. Joining back up with the others, the volcano rumbled and shook. Nate kept his footing, but Sean and Mark leaned on the walls with worried faces. Patting their backs, Nate took the lead again, telling them casually. "Easy, boys. That happens a lot here." The heavy sound of rain faded as they went deeper. The tunnel veered down to a chamber with more tunnels leading off and mine cart tracks laid out across the floor.
Nate could hear the heavy 'whooshing' of the bellows to blow air into the forges. There was loud hissing and hammering coming from everywhere. Mark exhaled behind him as the heat of the place rose to a slightly unbearable level. The very walls down here were rippling with heat. Nate pointed to a few tunnels, telling them curtly. "This is the lower level. The closest to the lava... They keep the forges down here." Overhead on the low roof of the tunnel, pipes dripped with water. The only light down here came from oil lamps that hung on hooks every few feet along the walls and the eerie red glow of the lava in distant chambers. Nate felt the rumble of the tracks, reaching out to pull Mark back from a side tunnel entrance. From the pit of darkness, what looked like a large black mine cart came rocketing through. As it passed though, the glowing face hidden among the stacked charcoal across its back growled at them. Mark froze, blurting out. "What the fuck was that?!" Nate relaxed as the rumbling stopped, telling him promptly. "Carkol. Watch for them. They'll run you over if you aren't paying attention. And the last thing you want to feel is its one-thousand-and-eight-hundred degree Fahrenheit breath on your skin..."
Sean inched closer, asking curiously. "What are they doing?" Nate gestured off where it went, replying casually. "They make coal and transport it to the forges. They race around the mine tracks as a way of generating power to the chambers above. Just watch out for Coalossal. He incinerates intruders." To Be Continued...
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