I Want To Show You How Much I Care (Modelshipping)
A hurt/comfort Modelshipping oneshot where Bianca gets annoyed with Trip because she feels that she is the only one putting effort into their relationship. Trip then decides to take her on an expensive date to show her how much he really does care
Thank you, @Herosperger, for the request!
Trip's POV:
After finally being able to mature after meeting Ash, I started to get close with his other rivals. Along the way, I fell in love with Bianca, and we started dating.
She is so beautiful, with her blonde hair and emerald green eyes. She is a really energetic girl too, which can be annoying at times, but I still like her.
But recently, she has been really avoidant of me. She doesn't make eye contact with me like she used to. Her warm smile is now a cold frown, and she mumbles when she speaks, like she doesn't want to talk to me at all.
And this was starting to get annoying too so one day, I decided to ask why,
"Hey Bianca?" I called to her while she was staring into space on our walk together.
"What is it?" She asked in an angry mumble.
"Why are you acting so different?" I asked.
"How am I acting different?" She then asked me.
"You just aren't your usual self, I guess!" I shrugged.
"Well then, maybe if you treated me like I'm your girlfriend, I would be all nice and smiley for you..." She mumbled.
"What does that mean?" I asked, "What have I done wrong?"
"You don't hug me, you don't kiss me, and you never take me anywhere exciting!" She exclaimed, "You don't even treat me with affection or basic human empathy!"
What was she talking about? Of course, I show her basic human empathy, but I guess I haven't really been showing her any affection yet. We haven't even kissed yet...
Because I wasn't giving her answer, she stamped her foot in rage and stormed off, leaving me on my own. I knew I needed some time to think so I went home and thought of what to do...
I then decided my best chance would be to take her some place romantic, and luckily, the best place for that was right here in Unova.
With that, I decided to leave a text message:
I know you probably hate me now, but meet me at Rondez-View Ferris Wheel
Fine 😒
I let out my newly evolved Unfeazant and then got on. With a simple command of patting its side, we then flew off to Nimbasa City...
My pokémon didn't really know where the ferris wheel was despite it being plain obvious, so it just dropped me off at the entrance of the city. But I didn't mind the walk.
Once I got there, I saw Bianca was waiting by the counter and was pouting while looking down at her Rotom Phone. I walked up to her and waved, but she chose to look away and continue to avoid eye contact.
"Are you ready to go on the ferris wheel?" I asked.
"Yes!" She replied, not in the kindest tone, but she was not mumbling now, which was a start.
I paid the money and then we got into one of the carrages together. I had stepped in first, but then bent down and gave my hand to help her in, too.
She was really surprised by this, and started blushing.
"Why, thank you!" She said while smittenly staring into my eyes, taking my hand.
I helped her up, and then after a minute of waiting, the ride started. At first, it seemed lovely and was a suprise to me as I had never rode on a ferris wheel before. But once we got to the top, I felt Bianca clung onto my jacked for dear life.
"I'm so sorry, Trip, I completely forgot to tell you I'm fairly of heights!" She apologised.
She looked so cute, and I ended up laughing nervously.
"It's fine, I don't mind you clinging on!" I responded.
Bianca smiled and then led into my shoulder, completely forgetting that we were up high and that we had been arguing previously.
Once we went around the wheel a few more times, it then came to a hault. We then stepped out of the carriage together, holding hands.
I felt really dizzy as this was my first time on one of these and almost fell over, but my girlfriend was quickly to react and managed to pull me up. She then took hold of both of my hands and stared at me with a smile.
"Thank you for this lovely date!" She said, "I'm sorry for everything I said to you earlier!"
"It's fine!" I chuckled, "But this date isn't over yet!"
"What do you mean?" She asked.
I let go of one of her hands and then pointed over to the Musical Theatre that was just up ahead.
"I managed to book us a ticket last minute to see one of the sold put shows in there!" I explained, "I think it is called The Little Milotic..."
"Awww, thank you, I've always wanted to see that show!" Bisnca exclaimed, "But you really didn't have to do that all for me!"
"I wanted to, though. You deserve it!" I replied.
Her face went so red from all that I was doing for her that she pulled me down, and we shared our first kiss together. It was sweet, and with my cheeks now turnt rosy red, we skipped down to the Musical Theatre together, hand in hand...
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