Don't You Remember Me, Red? (Namelessshipping)
An angsty Namelessshipping oneshot where Red and Blue arrange to meet up at the Safari Zone but while Red is waiting, he encounters MissingNo. After catching it, his memory is wiped and he passes out, to the horror of Blue who walked in right after. Will Blue be able to restore Red's memories?
Third Person POV:
Everything started one day where it had been a few weeks since Red had arrived home after completing his journey. He was sitting on his bed, playing on his Game Boy, but suddenly, a Pidgey flew through his open window.
The boy was about to chase it out but then he found an envelope attached to its neck. So instead of doing so, he decided to take then envelope off instead and read it:
Dear Red,
I haven't seen you in AGES and I miss you so much!!!
Meet me at the Safari zone xoxo
Love from Blue <3
During the time he had been taking a break, Red had completely forgotten that he had started dating Blue. They had only been together for a few weeks, but the relationship really meant a lot to him.
So with that, the boy wrote his response and then attached it to Pidgey and sending it back. After that, he ran outside and then let out his Pidgeotto and flew off.
When Red landed down by the Safari Zone, he didn't see Blue anywhere and realised he must not have arrived yet. But when he turned around, he spotted something... odd.
It was some sort of creature which was a strange block of pixels and was in the shape of a backwards 'L'. The boy has no idea what pokémon it was supposed to be, but he knew it was rare and knew he had to catch it.
So he let out his Pikachu and tried battling it first. The Electric Mouse Pokémon was really afraid of going near it so tried using long distance attacks, but those were failing.
"Come on Pikachu, actually attack it!" Red commanded.
Pikachu shook its head and then went back into its pokéball. Red gritted his teeth but just shook his head and decided to throw pokéballs at it instead.
After the first ball wobbled a few times, it then dinged and was now caught. The boy pumped a fist into the air and then went over and picked up the ball.
But when he did so, some pixels leaked out of the ball and went onto his hand. He tried wiping then off, but he couldn't actually touch them.
The pixels then soaked unto his hand and could be visibly seem travelling down his bloodstream.
Red began to panic but it was too late and by the time the pixels then travelled up to his brain, he had a powerful headache strike his brain which left him unconscious.
A few minutes later, Blue arrived but couldn't find his boyfriend waiting for him. He looked around the area and was struck with horror when he saw him lying on the ground with a pokéball next to him.
He inspected the pokéball first but was put off by the fact that it was oozing pixels out of it, distorting the patch of grass. Blue tried to feel Red's heartbeat, but all he could hear was cries that sounded like they came from a Game Boy.
So with that, the boy picked his boyfriend up and carried him on his shoulders to the nearby Pokémon Center. The case was urgent so Nurse Joy put everything aside to help him.
While waiting at reception, Blue had let Pikachu out and told it about everything that had just happened. Both of them had tears in their eyes and held each other tightly as they waited to see what would happen.
Soon after, Chansey called for them and then directed them to the room where Red was lying on a bed. With Pikachu on his shoulder, Blue ran over to his boyfriend and held his hand.
Due to the sudden touch, Red very slowly opened his eyes. Blue was so overwhelmed with joy that his boyfriend was okay and leaned in to hug him tightly.
The boy with the red hat didn't understand what was going on and screamed, making the other boy pull away.
"What's wrong?" The brunnete haired boy asked.
"Who are you and what were doing to me?!" Red exclaimed.
"I'm your boyfriend, and I was just giving you a hug!" Blue answered in a mumbled.
"Boyfriend?" The boy questioned, raising an eyebrow.
"Don't you remember me, Red?" The other boy stuttered, starting to shake with fear.
"I'm sorry Blue," Nurse Joy said, putting a hand on his shoulder, "But Red has amnesia, meaning that he doesn't remember you..."
"Who is Red?" Red questioned, full of confusion about everything.
The brunnete haired boy was so overwhelmed with guilt that he didn't manage to save him in time and this was his fault that he dropped down to the floor. Nurse Joy and Pikachu, tried to comfort him, but he wouldn't let them in.
After a few minutes of coming to terms with everything, Blue stood up and Pikachu hopped on his shoulder.
"How many days will he need to stay in hospital for?" The boy asked.
"Only two, but you'll be free to visit him whenever you want!" Nurse Joy answered.
"Okay," Blue nodded.
For the next two days, Blue and Pikachu would visit Red in hospital. They would remind him of battles they've had together or the time where the boy with amnesia managed to confess to his boyfriend so easily, unlike him.
Sadly, nothing seemed to be working, but the boy and pokémon wouldn't give up. So on the day that the black haired boy was ready to be taken out of hospital, they decided to walk him back to Pallet Town.
As they went from town to town, they reminded the poor boy of the adventures he had in person. And to their luck, he could kind of remember them.
Although they didn't get anymore out of him until they actually arrived in his hometown.
"P-pallet town?" He asked.
"Yes!" His boyfriend replied.
They walked him into his house and Blie told his mom about everything that happened to him. He couldn't remember his mom, so they took him up to his bedroom.
There, he immediately gazed over at his Game Boy.
"My Game Boy!" Red exclaimed.
He sat down and turned it on, and as he did, he remembered everything. The boy then looked over at his Pikachu and tears started to form in his eyes.
"Pikachu!" He cried, pulling his partner pokémon into a hug.
After that, he then looked up at the boy he loved so dearly.
"Blue!" He sobbed, standing up to give him a hug too.
"I missed you so much!" Blue cried, tears starting to trickle down his cheeks.
"I missed you too!" Red said.
And with that, they both kissed...
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