Chapter 36 - Hoenn Arrival
Troy: We've been on this boat for days!
Are we there yet?
Void: I think.
Fittle: We probably are, look! *She points at a landmass in the distance*
Troy: Damm- i forgot you existed.
Fittle: Ive just kinda not said shit for the past month or so.
Void: Bro that's not normal.
Fittle: *shrugs*
The group had been dropped off at Slateport City.
Troy: Damm- it's like a metropolis here!
March: Cuz it is, dumbass.
Void: We need to see if Switchy washed ashore in Littleroot Town!
Troy: Then let's split. Me, Void, March and Fittle will go find Switchy. The rest of yall can try to get info from the locals.
Everybody nodded, and they went separate ways.
With the group to Littleroot Town…
Troy: So… How the hell do we get to Littleroot?
Void: We can look at the map.
Troy: But we dont have a map of Hoenn.
March: Dont you see the fuckin sign with a map over there? *Points to said sign*
March: Tsk tsk tsk. You just dont pay attention.
Void: *coughs* dumbass *cough*
Void: Moving on-
*Troy was already at the map*
Troy: So we're in Slateport- we gotta go through Route 110 to Mauville City, to 117 to Verdanturf, go through 116, get to Rustboro, Route 104, to Petalburg City and then across 102 to Odale and finally 101 to Littleroot.
March: That's gonna be a long journey.
Troy: See why i hate Hoenn?
Void: Yep, I can imagine us being tired halfway.
Troy, March and Fittle: No shit Sherlock!
Void: Shut up.
Troy: We aint shutting up.
Void: Well are we gonna get moving or what? We aint got all day
They had start walking along Route 110 to get to Mauville City
Troy: Sometimes i wish i was a Petill.
March: But then you wouldn't be a fire type.
Troy: No shit.
Void: Hoenn is ass.
Troy: Real.
4 grueling hours later they finally reached Mauville City and it was pretty dark.
Troy: Im exhausted…
Void: Sameeee
March: Can we just pitch camp?
Fittle: I guess.. Who has the camping gear?
Everyone: …
Troy: You mean.. the others have it, or we just didn't bring any?
March: The first option?
Troy: Well shit. Guess we're sleeping on the grass. Eh- shouldn't be that bad.
Then it starts raining for some reason
March: Your so gonna lose alot of your fire powers.
Void: We're cooked, sleeping on the muddy ground.
Troy: Just dont sleep in the tall grass then, don't want wild Pokemon killing us while we're asleep.
Flittle: But aren’t we going to be attacked by one anyways?
Troy: Can we have at least ONE DAY without someone jinxing us?
Everyone then stopped “jinxing” themselves.
Troy: So we'll just have to sleep on the ground?
Everyone Else: Yup..
Troy: Damn
Void: Who got the radio?
March: I do.
Troy: You carry too much.
March: *shrugs and tunes the radio to the other radio with the others. Who responds is none other then Ash.
Ash: yea?
March: How's gathering info on Switchy
Ash: Not good, yall at Littleroot yet?
March: No, we just got to the outskirts of Mauville.
Void: Plus we’re sleeping in the mud-
Ash: Imagine. We actually were smart and had our sleeping bags and tents.
Void: Could you spare us some?
Ash: I am NOT sharing a tent with anyone.
Void: Bro do i sense third wheel for Switchy and Serena
March: Stop Void, your wasting the batteries!
After a bit, they went off the radio.
A couple minutes later..
Troy: Im cold.
March: Same.
Void: Suck it up.
Fittle: Some people are trying to sleep, deal with it you three!
After a bit, they had huddled for warmth, Troy with March and Fittle with Void.
(A/N: shits and giggles btw no ship intended)
To be Continued
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