Chapter 12 - Taking down Team Cerebro!
As the TEOU arrived at the Midwhich Slopes, they noticed how ragged the terrain was, however they braved through and eventually came across a mysterious tall building, It was radiating negative energy. But right before it....
(What? Troy is evolving!)
Switchy: Great, he's going to be emo now..
March: I've dealt with Emos before, so this is no problem for me.
(Congrats! Troy has evolved into Raboot!)
Troy: Well, i may look emo, but I'm not!
TEOU: Thank Arcues!
Troy: Well, should we investigate this building?
Switchy: Maybe (They start raiding the building)
The TEOU encountered many enemies while getting to the top, and March almost fainted so Troy stayed behind with her. Switchy was the one leading the team, at that point in time. When they reach the top, they saw that a Legendary Pokemon was captured and being tortured!
Switchy: Oi! A Lugia is being tortured! We need to help!
???: Not if i can help it!
Switchy: W-Who are you!?
???: Well, the Pokemon i am is a Noivern. My name is, Commander Angeline Chalice of Team Cerebro! You'll have to get through me and my grunts to help Lugia!
Switchy: We already defeated your grunts.. However.. Take This! (Uses Solar Beam)
Commander Angeline: Argh! (Uses Supersonic)
Serena: Not if i can help it ! (Uses Fire Blast)
Commander Angeline: ARGH! (uses Dark Pulse)
(Critical Hit!) (Serena is hit badly!)
Switchy: Hrrrrrrrrrr. (Uses Leaf Blade)
(Critical Hit! Commander Angeline is badly hurt!)
Commander Angeline: Dammit. (Uses Hurricane)
(Its super effective on Serena! Serena Fainted!)
Switchy: Serena! (Turns to Commander Angeline) You WONT get away with this! (he gathers all his rage and Gigantamaxed!)
(BTW, this is Gigantamax Petill, this isnt my art.
Switchy: ARGH! (uses Max Overgrow)
Commander Angeline: *literally dies*
Switchy: *becomes normal*
Kru: Now, lets help this Lugi-
(The Lugia escapes from its cage and roars loudly) (Dialga's Fight to the Finish! theme plays)
Switchy: Oh shit, we are DEAD!
To Be Continued!
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