episode 2 the city battle begins! the sleeping hero sleep!?
(last time i woke up in a new world and have already made a few new friends made new enemies..kinda but one thing just remains and runs around in my head how are my friends doing in the human world? Will they win the city tournament!? Oh man why must this happen to me!! But will they be ok without me? Oh now i gotta know really!)
*play zat opening*
..in the human world....
Duna; its strange how ren didn't come to school today..I mean he's always here but why today?
Mio; hrm..lets try checking on him at his house
Duna; h-huh!? Wait you're not serious are you mio!?
*then mio packs in her stuff then walks away*
Duna; h-hey mio!*quickly picks up her stuff and stuffs them into her bag* w-wait for me!!
*at ren's house*
Mio; oh jun you're here to huh?
Jun; i just wanted to talk to ren for battle strats for the upcoming city tournament
Duna; is that so? You always have pokeAR in the mind huh jun?
Jun; that and school stuff..but mostly pokeAR
Duna; *chuckles a bit* of course...
Mio; then let's knock and ask for him
Duna; ok *goes to the door and knocks on it*
Ren's mom: oh hello duna,mio and jun what brings you guys here?..let me guess your hungry?
Mio; no but if your offering..
Duna; mio!
Mio; sorry
Duna; no we are here to see ren he didn't show up to school today so...
Ren's mom; oh my! What good friends ok come inside then
Duna/Mio/Jun; okay
Ren's mom; ok he is in his room its the 3rd door to the left
Mio; got it
*they go to ren's room*
Duna; hello ren are you ok?
Ren?: zzzzz....zzzzz...
Mio; he's asleep?
Jun; and he has on his battle gazer! I see training while asleep..i see i must write this down!
Duna; um guys?..isn't this kinda..you know?..bad..
Mio/Jun; hrm?
Mio; what do you mean duna?
Duna; what i mean is that if ren continues to stay asleep then he is gonna miss the tournament!
Jun; HUH!?
Mio; oh yeah..your right..now that you think of it..it starts tomorrow right?
Jun; o-oh man! I never thought of that!! H-hey ren wake up! Your gonna miss the epicness that is the city tournament!
Ren?: zzzzzzz......zzzzzz
Mio; no use he's down like a rock
Jun; grah! Darn it he submitted his application and everything who's gonna take his place in all this now!?
Duna; yeah..who?
Mio/Jun; *both turns their heads to duna and stares at her*
Duna; u-um what? Is there something on me or?
Mio; *takes the ren's battle gazer off his face and gives it to duna*
Duna; H-HUH!? W-wait your not saying that!?
Jun; you take ren's place? Yes yes we are
Duna; e-eh!? B-but is that even allowed?
Mio; probably
Jun; don't worry i'm sure they will alow it..*mutters to mio* even if it might resort to us disguising her to look like him
Mio; *mutters back to jun* if it comes down to it i agree
Duna; huh? Eh? You two are making me worry about all this..
Jun; its fine its fine just be ready for the next 3 days and hone ren's team like your own team ok!?
Duna; *looks at ren's battle gazer that is now in her hands*...yeah..*then she clenches her hands with the battle gazer still in hand* i'll get ready for it! Just you wait!
Mio; hehe that's my girl duna!
Jun; nice! ok let's meet up at the plaza where me and ren had our battle in 3 days
Mio/Duna; ok!
Jun; good! Now then i'ma head out and get ready!*runs off and leaves the house*
Mio; and there he goes *sighs* honestly..anyways duna if you want me to build you up a team then just let me know ok?
Duna; *nods her head* yeah thanks
Mio; heh no problem*walks away and leaves*
Duna; *turns around and looks at ren* ren..though it must be strange of you to be sleeping at a time like this..but if you can hear my voice then hear me!
Ren?: zzzzzzz...zzzz
Duna; i'll just take that as a yes..*in mind*or so i hope at least*clears throat* well hear me now ren i promise until you wake up..I WILL WIN THE BATTLE TOURNAMENT FOR YOU! So please..wake up and see me win the tournament ok? Please promise me that you will wake up by then..ok?
Duna; *takes a step back* h-huh!?
Ren?: i.....promise...zzzzzzz......zzzzzzz
Duna; ......ren...*in mind* Was I imagining that?..d-did ren just!?..*shakes her head and still in her mind* y-yeah probably was just my imagination running a bit wild there.. *then she looks back at the sleeping ren*
Duna; .... *turns around* right now i must hone your team ren..see you later ok?*then she walks out and closes the door behind her*
Ren's mom: ah you're leaving already?
Duna; yep i gotta go but i guess i'll stop by tomorrow to visit and see hows ren is doing ok?
Ren's mom; aw..what a sweetheart you are duna *walks to the kitchen and returns to give duna a bag* bye bye now i gotta make dinner for my husband before he comes home oh i bet he is just starving
Duna; ok bye!*then she runs off and in her mind* ok just you wait ren i'm going to win this whole thing for you! So you better wake up soon you hear!? Now its my time to shine!
*and after 3 days of training and visiting ren later the day of the city wide battle tournament is about to start*
Jun; wow so many people here...
Mio; and to think everyone here is a 3 man team
Jun; not really everyone some of them here are either a solo units or a pair unit
Mio; oh yeah your right..*looks around* So where's duna?
Jun; huh?..i'm not sure..*looks around* where is she?
Duna; hey guys! Sorry that i am late!
Jun; oh? Don't worry duna your just in the nick of..*turns around mid sentence to see duna* TIME!?
Mio; hrm?*turns around* whoa!
*duna comes running in with a messed up hair,looking kinda dirty and her clothes kinda beaten up*
Duna; hey i arrived at the nick of time so..*yawns*..what did i miss?
Mio; a shower! Duna what happened!? *gives a closer look at duna and sees bags under her eyes* h-have you been sleeping!?
Duna; only for a few minutes and it was back to training with me
Jun; you take training to a whole new level..impressive
Duna; just doing it how he would train like..*yawns* So when does everything start?
Mio; its will start once your done looking more battle ready*grabs duna by the back of her shirt* come on lets get you freshened up*and she drags duna away with her*
Duna; huh um ok!
Jun; i hope this plan works...
*a few minutes later*
Mio; ok we are back!
Jun; huh?*turns around* where's duna?
Mio; right behind this wall
Duna ;*whispers to mio* w-why am I wearing this outfit?
Mio; you needed a new pair of clothes after the tattered one's so i got you that nice outfit so come on out here and show it off*then she drags duna out and she is wearing a white dress with grey gloves and yellow belt that has aqua colored gem on it*
Jun; battle dress?
Mio; battle dress
Jun; cool
Duna; *groans* i look weird..
Mio; I think you look great! Now come on lets go they are about to start the tournament
Duna; fine...
*at the main stage*
Announcer; ok everyone! Are you all ready!?
Crowd; *cheering*
Announcer; good good! NOW THEN!!! Today is the 3rd annual battle tournament!! Where this time its going to be city wide!!
Crowd: *cheers even loader*
Mio; looks like everyone's pumped for this whole event huh?
Jun; of course they are who wouldn't be pumped
Mio; i guess that's true..how about you duna how you feel about all this?
Duna; well i feel pretty good about all this but that still doesn't change that fact that you--
Announcer; now then let's hear it form last years winner and stand off champion of pokeAR it's SHIROU KOTOSABA!!!
*and the crowd goes wild*
Duna; gah! My ears!!
Shirou; yes yes thank you thank you *grabs the mic* ahem ..today is the 1st time city wide battle tournament unlike the 1st and 2nd battle tournaments that took place in an indoor arena but now its going to be a citywide battle tournament with AR battles happening in every corner you look now then i bet many of you are wondering how do i progress in the tournament? Well then announcer if you will?
Announcer; yes thank you now! As the champion says the way to progress in the tournament is to earn points or collect these badges *then he holds up a gym badge* collect all 8 and you progress to the next round simple as that ok?
Random challenger #1; but how can we tell if we pass!?
???: simple simple!
Duna; hrm? Hey isn't that?
Hana; i the one and only virtual AI with pure human thoughts and more!(aka free willed) professor hana will bring you the news that this person won and pass on to the next round!
Jun; she is overly energetic about this
Mio; i would be to if i was helping host a big tournament like this
Announcer; now then with all that said and done..get ready everyone! Because once we count down to 0 the gates to the big city wide battle shall begin!
Hana; 3!!!
Jun; here we go!
Announcer; 2!
Mio; our time to shine
Shirou; 1
Duna; for ren!
*then the gates starts to open and everyone starts to run in*
Duna; *in mind as she runs along side with mio and jun* just you wait ren no matter how many times i repeat myself i will win this for you until you wake up! So please hurry up and wake up!
*play the ending*
(now that the city wide battle tournament has begun, how will the events go for our trio duna,mio and jun? Only time will tell but ..among all this ren is stuck in the pokemon world with no idea on how to get back home how can he fair now? Only time will tell....)
To Be Continued....
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