Chapter 25: Team Soul
"So, now you know," Combusken said looking down at us. I turned to Pippy. He had pity in his eyes. I too felt bad for Combusken. I made a jester with my head towards Combusken. Pippy looked confused for a second then nodded.
I stepped forward, Pippy slightly behind me. "Combusken," I started, 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry that happened to you.' "Shut up, I don't want your pity," Combusken interrupted but I ignored him.
'I'm sorry those Pokemon hurt you, they didn't even give a chance to prove yourself...' "Stop." 'But I... we want to give you that chance.' "I said STOP!" I looked at Pippy and nodded. I turned around to face Combusken and smiled. 'Combusken, would you like to be a member of Team Soul?' "I-I..."
"Don't worry you'll be great, I know you will!" Pippy reassured. 'Combusken, the choice is up to you, but I'll you know that we would be honored to have you as a member of our team and a friend.' I gave him a reassuring smile. 'So, what do you say? Want to be friends?'
"Why?" He asked. "Why are you being so nice to me?" Pippy took another step forward so that we were standing side by side. "Because you're a good Pokemon, so let's put this all behind us and be friends, okay?"
Combusken looked down at the chain in his hand then back at us. "You're right, I don't want this." He dropped the chain. "I want to be your friend." He walked towards Pippy and I looking hesitant. Pippy's smile grew. "Group hug!" he yelled jumping at me and Combusken. I laughed.
"Pathetic," Riolu said glaring down at us. "And to think I thought Combusken could be useful only to turn out he is as if not more pathetic as you two." Riolu bent down and grabbed to chain Combusken had dropped. "Did you really think that loser was the real bad guy here? Well, check again!"
The chain in Riolu's hand glowed. It left his grip and started to spin around him. "The Two Great Powers are mine and with their strength, I will destroy this world and recreate it into a place with no happiness or annoying brats like you. A world where I am king!"
Sorry for the short chapter! I'll try to get another one out as soon as possible. So Riolu is the real villain, surprise? Sorry if it was too obvious I'm not very good at this sort of thing. Thanks for reading! Bye!
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