Chapter 18: The Spirit of Knowledge, Uxie
It had been a few days since Pippy and I had come back to the guild. We were all helping to clean the guild. Pippy and I scrubbed the floors, Team Elementals did the laundry, Team Speed ran errands, and Team Meadow dusted. Zeraora, of course, was the head of the operation. He isn't Guild Master for nothing.
We were having a good time, even though the tasks were tedious. It was nice just hanging out with Pippy. Plus after going back to the human world I don't know if I would ever go back. Maybe things might be different after I get my memories back, but would I really be able to leave Pippy?
"What are you thinking about, (Y/N)?" Pippy asked. He had stopped scrubbing the floors and had turned to look at me. 'Nothing everything's fine.' "Come one, (Y/N), I've known you long enough to know that isn't true. You can tell me anything. That's what friends are for after all."
'Ok,' I responded. 'I was just thinking that...' I was interrupted when a Pokemon barged into the guild knocking over the bucket of water I had filled to clean the floors. I pulled my tail away just in time before it was drenched.
"Help me, please! It's urgent!" The Pokemon yelled sounding panicked. "Calm down," Zeraora order putting a paw on the Pokemon's wing. "Can you first tell us your name and why you need our assistance."
"Yes, of course! My name is Sigilyph. My master, Uxie, sent me to find a Rescue Team to come protect him. He hasn't been able to get in contact with Mesprit in a few days and fears the worst." Sigilyph hovered moving as though scared of what Zeraora might say.
"Of course we'll help you. Uxie is a respected Spirit of the Soul and it would only bring harm upon us if he was to be injured or go missing. You may take Team Meadow and Team Speed to..." "Um, Zeraora sir," Sigilyph interrupted. "They are both reliable teams, I'm sure, but Master Uxie wants Team Soul to protect him."
"What? But they are a new Rescue Team and have very little experience. Wouldn't he like a more experienced team?" Zeraora questioned. "Master Uxie has his reasons, he's the Spirit of Knowledge. You shouldn't question his actions." Sigilyph replied. "Of course. Then take Team Soul with you. I'm sure they'll be pleased to have been picked for this mission." Zeraora nodded his head in understanding.
Why us? Why do things like this keep happening to Pippy and me? Is that Mysterious Pokemon the cause of all this?
Sigilyph had led Pippy and me to a lake a few hours away from Plesant Town. The lake was hidden in a lush forest. A tiny waterfall poured into the large pool of water.
"Ah, Team Soul, it is good to see you here. The human and his partner standing side by side just as the prophecy for told." Uxie smiled as he saw us approach. "Sigilyph, you are dismissed." "Yes, Master."
"Prophecy?" Pippy asked after Sigilyph had left. "Yes, a prophecy. You two are the promised heroes destined to stop the Great Evil from taking control of the Two Great Powers of Time and Space. The Evil has already captured my sister, Mespirt, and I fear it will come for me next. I heard how you tried to protect her valiantly but failed. I believe that this time though you will prevail."
It was starting to all click. The prophecy is the reason I'm here right? I'm a human, why should I be in this world? There's no other explanation. I shook my head. No, I promised the Mystery Pokemon that I would save his world and that's what I intend to do.
'We'll protect you Uxie! I fight to my last breath to save this world!' I stared determinedly into Uxie's eyes. Pippy nodded. "We'll do whatever it takes," he repeated solemnly.
"Thank you." Uxie's eyes shone with relief. "Please promise me that if the Great Evil manages to get ahold of me that you'll protect my younger brother. He's a little head-strong but has a kind heart. He'll also be the last thing left between the Great Evil fulfilling his goal."
'We'll protect him, but I don't think we plan on losing you to the Evil either.' "Only time will tell, which is something we do not have power over." Uxie flinched and turned around. "The Evil One's servant approaches."
"Servant? If anything I'm more of an evil threat than Combusken could ever be." I gray figure pushed its way out of the bushed. "Long time no see, Pipsqueaks."
Here you go, another chapter. I just want to thank you guys for all the reads and votes! When I first started this book I didn't even expect this thing to get 100 reads, but 300, that's a lot expecially for my first story. Thank you all so much and thank you for reading! Bye!
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