Chapter 10: The Journey Begins
"Harvest Town, home sweet home!" Pippy said stretching as we walked the last few steps into the tiny town. 'Alright, let's get started. Pippy where are these People... er Pokemon you said would train us?' I ask excitedly. 'The faster I help the quicker I get answers.' I thought.
"Well, we actually have to earn the right to train with them." 'What!' I yelled shocked. 'You made it sound like these Pokemon would be ready to train us the moment we got back.' "I know. I was really excited." 'What do we have to do,' i sighed.
"We're going to join the Pokemon Rescue Team! They're coming here tomorrow to find new members, and guess what? The most famous guild, Zeraora's Guild, is coming to town and Zeraora himself might even be here!"
'Aren't you just a little too excited about this?' I asked. "Well..." Pippy started. "It has always been my secret dream to start a Rescue Team. I never was strong enough or hand any friends, but now I have you. This must be our destiny!" 'Ok, I'll help you, but what does a rescue team do?' I asked. "A Rescue Team goes into Mystery Dungeons, like the one we went into today, and help lost Pokemon." 'That sounds so cool,' I said, eyes twinkling. 'Let's go back to your treehouse and get a good night sleep ok?' "Ok..."
"(Y/N), you really are my best friend and even if we don't pass the test, if we have to train alone, I will never give up on you or our destiny." I nodded. 'Yeah, I feel the same way.'
---------The Next Day---------
"Welcome to the Rescue Team Challenge. I expected more of you, but that doesn't matter, this is a tiny peaceful town after all. I, Zeraora, have set up an obstacle course. The first team to get their Pokedoll to the platform at the end of the course wins and gets to join our wonderful guild. Are the rules clear? Good. When I say go you may start."
I turned my head to Pippy and glared towards our opponents. Riolu and Bidoof. "Poor Bidoof. He probably wants nothing to do with this!" Pippy sighed. 'Yeah, he was probably forced into this by Riolu. Never the less, I refuse to lose to that stupid gray brute.' Pippy nodded in agreement only to turn his head back towards Riolu.
"Hey, losers," Riolu growled. "You got lucky last time but this time you're going to lose. After all only one of you knows how to battle. Heh heh, this victory is mine. I will become the greatest and most famous Rescuer of all time, even better than Zeraora!"
"In your dreams!" Pippy hissed. "Zeraora could beat you in a fight before you could yell Aura Sphere. And just so you know we're not interested in losing. We're a stronger team since last time we met." Pippy nodded at me. I nodded back in understanding. 'I know how to fight this time Riolu,' I thought. 'And I'm going to give you a battle you'll never forget!'
"Get ready, GO!" Zeraora yelled. I snatched our team Pokedoll and started to race off. Behind us, Riolu had picked up Bidoof and the Pokedoll. Within seconds, Riolu had caught up to Pippy and I. The race to join Zeraora's Guild had begun.
Hello! A new chapter's here. I hope you enjoyed it. Next chapter we will see Pippy and you fight to win the race to join Zeraora's Guild. I hope to make the next chapter longer. Thanks for reading! Bye!
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