Lumiose Crisis (Part 2)
Prism Tower
" Okay if i can hack into the system it should open the door " Clemont said " Alright but hurry... things are getting worse up there " Ash responded " C'mon Clemont go faster! " Bonnie said " Bonnie it will take some time to hack into a regional landmark " Ash added " Aaaand were in! " Clemont said " Or not " Ash added " Alright lets go " Bonnie said " Yea... about that. Its dangerous so i cant let you go up there " Ash said while shutting the door and smashing the controls " Ash!! " Bonnie and Clemont yelled " Im sorry but the only person im gunna risk putting in danger is me " Ash yelled back through the door "Ash i don't know if i respect you more im mad that you just locked us out " Clemont said " Either is fine but i have to go now " Ash responded then ran up the stairs to Garchomp. when Ash got to Garchomp
Random guy who just got there " Hey up there its some kid "
" Hey Garchomp " Ash asked in a concerned voice to the Garchomp struggling to get the collar off " Gar? Gar-chomp!! " Garchomp responded by firing a hyper beam at Ash but he dodged it. the explosion getting the attention of the news reporter " Huh? Apparently the boy Garchomps hyper beam struck earlier is now trying to calm it down! " the reporter said
" ASH ARE YOU CRAZY!!!!! " Norman shouted " ASH!!!! " the girls and Max screamed
after firing the hyper beam Garchomp flew to the top of prism tower " No Garchomp " Ash yelled " Huh? nice i can still get up there " Ash said when he noticed a ladder attached to the tower and started climbing " That boy is climbing to the top of Prism Tower! " the news reporter said
" If Ash dies im going to kill him!! " Paul said
( Ash no... please stop climbing and come back to us... to me) Serena thought
" I hope Ash is okay " Bonnie said in a scared voice " Me too " Clemont added
when Ash makes it to the top " Im here to help Garchomp " Ash said after getting up from the ladder " UNBELIEVABLE!!!!! That boy has climbed to the top of Prism Tower!! " [ Serena now has her hands on her heart like ever other girl watching ] " Gar-CHOMP!! " Garchomp roared while firing another hyper beam at Ash " Whoa " Ash yelled before jumping out of the way " Piikaa! " Pikachu said while charging a thunderbolt " No Pikachu! " Ash said while Pikachu looked at Ash with a confused expression " Wait. I don't want you to attack Garchomp " Ash replied " Pi pikapi " Pikachu replied " Gar!!! " Garchomp roared as he fired another hyper beam at Ash pushing him back a bit and cracking the building " Garchomp can you hear me? " Ash asked " I know it hurts you're in a lot of pain. We just wunna help you. Please let me get that collar off of you so we can go back down. " Ash said with a friendly and concerned voice " Garrr!! " Garchomp roared back " Please. So what do you say? " Ash asked " Gar. GAARRRR!!!!!!!!!!! " Garchomp roared in pain " GGGAAAAAAARRRR!! Garchomp yelled in pain and took a few step back and about to fall off Prism Tower " WAIT! Garchomp look out!! " Ash yelled in fear then ran over to Garchomp and pulled him away from the edge by his claw Ash then tried to calm Garchomp down and then... " Pikachu use iron tail on the collar! "Ash commanded " Pika! Chuuuuu!! Pika!! " Pikachu yelled while using iron and getting pushed back behind the cracked part of the building Garchomp immediately clamed down and fell to its knees " Are you okay " Ash asked Garchomp nodded its head while panting and everyone gave a sigh of relief " Thank goodness that's over " May said everyone nodded in agreement when...
" Don't worry helps on the way " Ash said while rubbing Garchomp's back while Pikachu started running towards them but when he ran on the cracked part of the tower and it crumbled beneath him causing him to fall off Prism Tower while Ash was watching " PIKACHU!!!!! " Ash yelled in horror and jumped off Prism Tower to save him
which causes everyone to gasp in horror [ especially Serena ]
" ASH!!!!! " everyone screamed in horror as they saw their friend plummeting to his death while hugging Pikachu
" Alright go Charizard!! " Ash yelled loud enough for everyone to hear " CHAR!! " the red flaming dragon like Pokémon yelled as Ash got on its back while holding Pikachu as Charizard descends slowly and lands in front of Prism Tower
To the basketball team
" Thank Arceus " everyone except Barry said " I think you mean thank helix " Barry said " SHUT UP BARRY " everyone including the coach said in unison
To May's house
" Thank Arceus he's okay " Norman said .everyone agreed. " Im going to kill him for scaring us like that! " May said
With Ash
" Thank Arceus you're okay " Bonnie said " That was insane! " Clemont said " ARE YOU CRAZY YOU COULD HAVE KILLED YOURSELF!!! " officer Jenny shouted at Ash " Well it would have been worth it if as long as other people and Pokémon are safe safe!! " Ash said in a serious tone leaving her and everyone who heard him with blank faces except for Gary who said " Well that's Ash for you "
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