Ash's POV
" ASH! " all the girls screamed in delight getting the attention of the basketball team " Hey Ash " the basketball team said in unison " Hey guys why is everyone shirtless? " Ash asked " The ac broke " Lucas replied " Aw man on the last day of practice too " Ash said sadly " Hey at least we get more attention from the girls now " Brendan replied the rest of the team agreed and laughed except for Ash who asked " So? " the entire team then face palmed and Gary said " Ash come on your the most popular guy in school. Put that popularity to use and get a girlfriend so the girls notice us! " the rest of the team agreed even the ones with girlfriends " Yea Ash come on every girl likes you and the single ones love you " Lucas said "Love? " Ash said with a confused face the entire team gave Ash a blank stare and said " Your hopeless " jokingly and then they all laughed " Its really starting to get hot in here " Ash said while taking his shirt off and throwing near everyone else's
Serena's POV
as soon as Ash removed his shirt all the girls squealed, blushed, and giggled especially Serena, Shauna, and Misty " Hey Ash come on over here " Shauna yelled " Yea get over here " Misty said while Serena was just staring at Ash's 6 pack while blushing madly " Uh hey Serena " dawn said startling Serena " Dawn? i thought you were down there " Serena said while pointing to the bottom of the bleachers " Yea but i was bored without you or May to talk to so i came up here " Dawn replied " Oh uh... ok " Serena replied while staring at Ash's muscles again " Uhh Serena? " May " Your kinda staring at Ash like a stalker " " Yea " May and Dawn said in a creeped out voice " Oh i was. Did anyone else notice " Serena asked worriedly " No " Dawn said " Phew " Serena replied " All the other girls are sill staring at Ash " May said while laughing " WHAT!? " Serena said with a jealous look on her face " Oh by the way girls for summer vacation were going on a vacation to Dehera City " May announced
" Yay a vacation! " Dawn said " And better yet my mom said that if Ash comes we wont need any adults to come! " May said happily " WOOOHOOO VACATION!!! " the three girls yelled in unison " Wait why does your mom want Ash to come? " Dawn asked " Yea why is that? Now don't get me wrong being with Ash without adults sounds great bu- " Serena was cut off by Dawn " Ohh i bet you and Ash alone without any adults would be great Serena " Dawn said in a teasing voice wile May broke down in laughter " Not like that Dawn!! " Serena yelled while her entire face turned tomato red from blushing from that though " Because parents are buzzkills and Ash is cool, funny, brave " Serena broke down mid sentence from blushing to hard " Serena are you ok? " May asked " Yea im just blushing from thinking about Ash too much " Serena reassured her friend " Really because your cheeks are blood red " Dawn told Serena when they heard the bell " DING DONG " that was there cue to leave and go home " Hey wait up! " all three girls turned around and saw Ash sprinting towards them " Hey Ash! " the three girls replied " Pika! " Yelled the electric mouse on Ash's shoulder " Uh Ash " May asked " Yea cus? " Ash replied " Why did you not put your shirt back on? " May asked after realizing that Serena was blushing madly while staring at him " Because its a 5 minute walk back home and this shirt is sweaty so i figured why not? " Ash responded " HEY LOSERS!! " all four of the friends turned around to see the school bullies Red and Calem " What do you to want? " Ash said in a annoyed voice " Yea? " all 3 girls replied [ The girls would normally be scared but they knew from past experience that Ash could beat them both in 30 seconds flat ] " We want the girls now give them up! " Red and Calem commanded in unison " WHAT!?!? " the girls commanded in unison " NO!!! " Ash yelled angrily startling everyone [ Ash is very hard to upset but when you mess with his friends or any Pokémon near Ash you will be sorry and the entire school knew that ] " You heard us now give them up or you'll be sorry! " Red commanded " Oh please i can defeat both of you easily so go away before i get mad >:( " Ash yelled " Care to prove it? " Calem said slyly " If u can beat us in a 2 on 1 battle well go away deal? " Red said while grinning " Ash don't " the girls said in a quiet horrified voice " Don't worry girls i won't let anything happened to you " Ash said confidently while giving them a reassuring smile which made Serena blush " Deal " Ash said " Good lets battle!! " the 2 said
" GO CHARIZARD " Red commanded " GO KANGASKHAN " Calem yelled the girls noticed the keystones and mega stones " Ash are you sure that you can beat 2 mega Pokémon at once? " the girls asked in a terrified voice " Yes im sure. Like i said don't worry ill protect you! " he told the girls as they tried to hide behind him while a blushing Serena enjoyed being so close to her crush Ash
" OKAY GOODRA I CHOOSE YOU!!!!! " Ash yelled " Goo Goodra!! " the slimy dragon yelled " CHAR CHARIZARD!!!! " the flaming winged lizard yelled " KANG KANGA!!! " the parent Pokémon yelled " CHARIZARD/KANGASKHAN RESPOND TO MY HEART MEGA EVOLVE!!!!!! " Calem and Red commanded " MEGA CHARIZARD X USE DRAGON CLAW " Red commanded " MEGA KANGASKHAN USE MEGA PUNCH " Calem commanded
Back to the girls conversation
" Do you think Ash can win? " Dawn asked in a terrified voice " Only if he can dodge all the attacks those 2 can dish out " May said in a quiet and scared voice "Ash is battling for our safety he would never accept unless he knew he cou- " that's when they heard Ash's command break through Serena's voice
Back to Ash
" GOODRA TAKE IT " Ash commanded surprising everyone " WHAT!?!?! " all 3 girls yelled in unison " HAHAHA i knew it i knew that you were just an idiot NOW CHARIZARD X/ KANGASKHAN FULL POWER!!!!!!!!!!! " Red and Calem said/commanded in unison while grinning sure of their victory that's when something strange happened Ash started grinning " Ash why are you grinning?? " the girls asked in terrified voices " Id recommend you get behind me again " Ash said and the girls wasted no time in running behind their confident friend Ash he smiled and then yelled " GOODRA BIDE!!!! " the girls immediately understood why Ash was so confident and started grinning and as soon as Calem and Red heard Ash their grinned disappeared and turned into blank paralyzed faces Mega Charizard X and Mega Kangaskhan's attacks then hit and Goodra took the attacks extremely well " GOODRA FINISH IT! " Ash yelled and not a second later a blindingly bright and big beam shot from Goodra instantly hitting Mega Charizard X and Kangaskhan sending them flying in a huge and sending a powerful shock wave that blew everyone 5 feet back except Ash and summoned a huge cloud of black smoke that attracted lots of fellow high school students the smoke took 6 minutes to clear and for anyone to see anything and then...
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