Risky's Rescue! Team Karma's Endgame! (Part 9)
(TheStarGod assisted me with this idea, major kudos to him!)
(A few weeks after getting the Talon Badge...)
Date: December 21st, 2019, 23:00 hours (11:00 PM)
Me: (Sees a bunch of people battling)
Manfred: This is our last stand in the SSS Region! We're not fucking around anymore! We'll kill you...or die trying!
Turco: So be it!
Jen: Go, Greninja!
Greninja: Nin!
TSG's Antasma: Mismagius, use Thunder Wave on Tauros!
Tauros: (Bull noise)
???: Nightwing, use Low Sweep!
Me: Somebody needs assistance? (Sees Risky) So Risky was the Elite Four member held hostage?! (Turns super) OH, HELL TO THE MOTHERFUCKING NO! Nightwing! You know what time it is!
Decidueye: Yes!
Me/Decidueye: (Stares at Manfred's Bisharp) TIME TO TAKE OUT THE TRASH!
TSG's Antasma: Vait for me! I neffer got the chance to use that moof! SKREEYEESH!
Me: A double whammy?! Sure!
Me/TSG's Antasma/Decidueye/Nightwing: Signature move...
Bisharp: I'm sorry, Master...(Faints)
Manfred: You left me no choice, Antasma. (Places blade near Risky's neck) Surrender, or Risky here will go to the Distortion World where she BELONGS!
Me: Gggh... You cowardly motherfucker...
???: Yo, Antasma! Ya need a hand, mah bonafide friend?
King DeDeDe: Coily Rattler, I'm gonna need ya to clobber dat dere Tauros! Use Iron Tail!
???: I will not allow them to get away with this! (Sends out a Houndoom) Hades! Mega Evolve!
???: I will not have Risky executed! (Sends out Ghost-Type Silvally)
???: Hitmonlee! Take care of that Electrode! Double Kick!
???: Hitmonchan! Get rid of that Golbat! ThunderPunch!
???: Articuno, use Ice Beam!
???: Zapdos, use Thunderbolt!
???: Moltres, use Flamethrower!
???: Gallade, use Brick Break!
???: Help out Neo Metal Sonic, Crobat!
???: Taka, use Flare Blitz!
???: I'll help, too! Go, Galvantula!
???: Go, Torterra!
???: Go, Staraptor! (Notices someone) Oh, hey, Christina! Can you help me out?!
Christina: Sure! Go, Persian! (Notices someone) Smesh, can ya help the two Antasmas?!
Smesh: Sure! (Takes out a Poke Ball, kisses it) Go, Heracross!
???: (Over the phone) Distract Team Karma! I'll rescue Risky! (Falls out of the sky, lands like Zero from Borderlands 2)
Me: Thanks, guys!
InfiniteTheEdge/King DeDeDe/Hellen Gravely/Blackquill/Sagiri/Android 17/Android 18/Neo Metal Sonic/Fransizka/Zan Partizanne/Flamberge/Sephiroth/Blizzard Dragmire/Geno/Machito/Christina/Smesh/TSG's Antasma: Anytime!
TCF: (Loosens Risky's chains) There we go! You're free!
Risky: Go, Barraskewda!
Fransizka: What are you going to do? You can't kill us!
Me: Oh, hell no! Looks like I have no other choice... (Plays the Moon Flute, hears a distant cry)
Me: How are you, my friendly Lunala?
Lunala: (Trills at Antasma and friends, then growls at Team Karma)
Me: Use..."Moongeist Beam"! (Every member of Team Karma is frozen with fear while the rest move to where I am)
Team Karma:
Me: Looks like Team Karma's a bitch, am I right?!
Everyone else:
Viger: Classic! Antasma will see you all in the Elite Four challenges, and as always, toodles!
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