Chapter 6
I get up from my bed and head to my drawers. I search through them. I see a blue handkerchief in the back corner. I reach back and pull it out.
"This is Ash's handkerchief." I say to myself as I look at it in my hands.
I move my hands and place the handkerchief on my heart.
"My knight in shining armour was right beside me this entire time." I say quietly as I look at myself in my mirror.
I grab my backpack and open it up. I tuck the handkerchief inside. I also take out Fennekin and Pancham's pokeballs. I toss them into the air.
"Hey guys. You can stay out for the night." I smile.
The two pokemon jump up at me, and knock me down onto my bed. They start cuddling me. I hold the two in my arms as I giggle.
I was interrupted by my phone. I get up and look. Looks like someone texted. It was Dawn. I unlock my phone and read what she sent.
"Serena! What are your plans for tommorow?"
I think for a while, and remember that it's Saturday tommorow. I totally forgot.
I begin typing.
"Idk. I'll probably stay home." I reply.
2 minutes later, Dawn replies back.
"We should like, hang. I heard the weather is good tommorow. I say we go to the beach."
The beach does sound fun. I never been there in a while.
"That's actually a great idea. We can invite Misty, May and Iris." I reply.
Dawn replies in less than a minute.
"Yay! We can invite Gary and the rest of the guys too!"
"Sounds fun. Alright." I reply.
I jump back onto my bed.
"We are going to the beach tommorow." I say to my pokemon.
"Fenn fennekin!"
Fennekin and Pancham both start jumping with joy. Later on, I quickly eat my dinner. I spend time with my mom for a while, then I head back to my room. I open up my phone, and Dawn just sent me another message.
"I called everyone, and they are all coming. I don't have Ash's number, though. Can u tell him? Btw, we meet up at the beach at 11am tommorow."
"Alright, I'll call him." I reply.
I dial Ash's number, and wait for him to pick up.
"Hey Ash. It's Serena."
"Oh, hi! I was just about to text you. So why'd you call?"
"Dawn just invited everyone to come to the beach at 11 tommorow. I was wondering if you'd like to come?"
"Oh...Serena I'd love to. It's just that Miette already invited me to hang with her."
"I'm sorry."
"N-no it's fine! There's always next time, right?"
"Yeah, I guess."
"Alright. See you on Monday then."
"Okay, bye."
I hang up the phone and sigh. So he is going with Miette. I don't know why, but I feel jealous. I feel kinda upset that he's hanging with her. It's not like I like him or I? I shake my head away from my thoughts. Enough of Ash.
I text Dawn telling her Ash isn't coming, and later on, head to bed.
The next day...
I go through my closet, looking for my cutest bikini. I finally find it. My swimsuit consists of a red bikini top with ruffles and a red short shirt with a pink bow. I pack it in my backpack and decide to change once I get to the beach. I also pack sunscreen and a towel. I then run downstairs.
"Mom! I'm going to the beach with a few friends." I say as I walk up to her.
"With who, exactly?" My mom looks at me.
"Dawn, Iris, May, Misty, Gary and his friends." I reply.
"Oh, alright sweetie. Just don't get lost, and be back before dinner."
"Alright mom."
I leave my house, and start making my way to the beach.
Ash's P.O.V.
"Pika?" Pikachu says from my shoulder.
"I don't know where she is...maybe she's late?" I say as I look at the time.
I see Miette walking towards me.
"Sorry I'm late!" She waves.
"That's fine." I reply.
Miette has invited me to go to the mall with her. I am not a kind of person who likes shopping, but I didn't want to be rude and deny her. To be honest, I kinda wish I were at the beach right now with Serena and the others.
"Alright, let's go!" Miette says as she tugs my arm.
"Uh, can we eat first? I'm hungry..." I say as I rub my stomach.
"No! We came here to shop, and that's what we will do!" She says as she drags me into the nearest boutique.
"Woah!" I say as she pulls me with her.
Who knew Miette had this much strength.
2 hours later, Miette is still shopping. Right now, I am sitting on a couch in front of Miette's changing room. I didn't even get the chance to eat yet.
"How about this?" She says as she comes out with a completely different outfit.
"Err, looks good." I sigh out of boredom.
"Alright! I'll get this one too then!" She says as she gets back into her changing room.
"Pikachu? Please kill me." I say quietly.
"Pika..." Pikachu scratches its head.
A few minutes later, Miette comes out with her normal clothing.
"Okay, I'm done." Miette smiles.
"Finally!" I groan.
Miette and I head out of the shop.
"Well, I visited all the shops in this mall, so we are finished!" She says.
"Oh, really? Thank arceus." I say with relief.
"But Ash, I don't want you to leave yet...I'm having such a great time with you." She says in a sedective tone as she reaches and holds my hand.
"Uh, so what do you want me to do?" I say.
"Let's go somewhere else! You can decide this time. I'd like to spend the entire day with you." She smiles.
I don't know how I feel about hanging with Miette for the rest of the day. I mean, I want some time to myself too. I think for a while. I then come up with a great idea.
"Okay, why don't we go to the beach?" I smile.
If we go to the beach, then I get to hang with Serena and the others.
"The beach? I'll do whatever you want to do." Miette replies.
"Great! Let's go." I say.
Serena's P.O.V
I set down my towel on the sand. May, Iris, Misty and Dawn also set their towels beside mines.
"I'll be back, I need to change." I say.
"You don't have your swimwear on yet?" Dawn says.
"Nope." I scratch my head.
"I don't either." May says.
"Same." Iris adds.
"I just wore mines under my clothes." Misty says.
"Now that I think of it, I should've done that." I sweatdrop.
"Anyways, let's go." May grabs my hand.
May, Iris and I head to the changing rooms. Moments later, we come back out with our swimwear on. We walk back to our towels.
I sit down and put on some sunscreen as I watch Pancham trying to drag Fennekin into the water.
"Cham!" Pancham nudges Fennekin.
"Fenn! Fennekin!" Fennekin says as she runs away and jumps onto my lap.
"Pancham, Fennekin doesn't like water." I say as I pet Fennekin's head.
"Panch..." Pancham sighs.
"I know!" Dawn says from beside me.
She turns behind her and faces her pokemon.
"Piplup, Pachirisu, Buneary? Why don't you have some fun in the water with Pancham?"
All 3 pokemon nod. They walk up to Pancham and head to the water.
I look to my left and see Gary and his group walking towards us.
"Hello ladies." He says.
"Hey." Misty says.
"You guys just got here now? It's already 11:40, we were supposed to meet up at 11." Dawn says while looking at the time.
"Well, sorry." Gary rolls his eyes.
Gary and the others place their towels around ours, and sit down.
"Serena? Did you bring food?" May asks me.
"Yeah, did you? I'm starving!" Iris says.
"Well, I happen to have made some macarons!" I smile.
I take out a small basket from my backpack and open it.
"Ta da!" I smile while looking at everyone.
"Uh, there's nothing in there." Misty says.
"Huh?" I look into the basket, only to find it empty.
"Wahh? Where did they all go?!" I say as I search the area around me.
"Ches, chespin!" I hear a voice.
I turn to the direction of the voice, and find Chespin with all the macarons in his mouth.
"Hey! You have to share all that!" I shout.
"Ches?" Chespin looks at me, then swallows the rest of the macarons.
"AGHH, Chespin!!!" Clemont yells.
"I already told you it's not nice to steal food and have it all for yourself!"
"Ches..." Chespin scratches its head.
"Chespin just loves food so much." Kenny laughs.
"Man...I need to teach Chespin to control himself." Clemont sighs.
We all chat for another 15 minutes, while all our pokemon have fun in the water. We decide to swim with them later on.
"Hey!!!" A voice says.
"Hm?" We all turn.
We see Ash running towards us.
"Ash?" Dawn says with a questioning look.
"Ashy-boy? I thought you were on a date with the monster." Gary says.
Ash on a date with Miette? I don't like the sound of that, to be honest.
"It was not a date, Gary." Ash rolls his eyes.
"What are you doing here?" I ask.
"I got really bored with Miette, cause she brought me to a shopping mall. So I decided to just come here." He smiles.
"Oh, that's great!" I smile back at him.
"So did you just leave Miette?" Barry asks.
"Nope." Ash says as he turns around.
"I brought her here with me. Look, there she is." Ash says.
Miette walks up to us.
"Hey guys!" Miette smiles.
We all exchange looks while our jaws drop. Miette is here.
"Um, hi!" Iris fakes a smile.
"Glad your here." Drew adds while sweatdropping.
"Alright, I'll be back I need to change." Miette says and walks away.
We all watch Miette until she was far enough not to hear us.
"WHY DID YOU BRING HER?!" Gary yells.
"W-what do you mean?" Ash gulps.
Misty gets up and grabs Ash by his collar. She lifts him up into the air.
"AGH! Okay, I'm sorry! Let go of me!" Ash wiggles.
Misty let's go of Ash. He fixes his shirt and glares at her.
"Why do you guys hate her so much? She isn't that bad of a person." Ash says.
"What? You just haven't been here long, you don't know who Miette actually is yet." I say.
"Miette is a brat." Dawn says.
"Well, I'm sorry. I didn't know." Ash says as he places his towel beside Paul and sits down.
"It's fine." Drew says.
"I'm back!" Miette says.
She places her towel beside Ash and sits down.
"It's so great to be here, with all my good friends!" Miette smiles.
Why is Miette acting like this? I know she hates us all.
"I'm gonna go get some food from the stand." Ash says as he gets up.
"Get me a drink, Ashy." Gary says as he tosses Ash some money.
"Fine." He says and walks away.
Once Ash leaves, we all turn to Miette.
"Alright, quit the act, Miette." Misty says.
"Why are you acting so nice?" I say.
"Does it look like I want to?" Miette rolls her eyes.
"Then why are you doing it?" Paul says.
"I have my reasons." She smirks.
"Anyways, I'd rather be at home than be here with you nerds." Miette says.
"Then leave!" Misty almost shouts.
"I don't want to. Ash is here, so I will stay." Miette crosses her arms.
"Ash? Why?" I turn to her.
"Cause he's cute! I like him! I am acting all nice to you goofballs to make a good impression on him." Miette says.
"You and Ash? Like that's gonna happen." Gary smirks.
I feel I just been hit by a bus. Miette likes Ash? That makes me sick.
"I'm back!" Ash says.
I see him holding a burger in his right hand and coca cola in his left.
"Here." Ash says as he tosses Gary his drink.
"Thanks Ashy-boy."
"Um, I need to go to the bathroom." I say as I quickly get up.
"Okay." Iris says.
"Can you guys come with me?" I turn to Misty, May, Dawn and Iris.
"Sure." Dawn says as she and the other girls get up.
We walk far enough from Miette and the guys. I stop the girls from walking.
"I don't have to go to the bathroom." I say.
"Huh? Then why did you bring us here?" May raises her eyebrow.
"I need to talk to you guys." I say nervously.
"Alright, what's up?" Dawn looks at me.
"Well, hearing Miette say she likes Ash makes me upset. And the fact she's hanging with him makes me feel so jealous." I say as I try to hide my blush.
"Err, why is that?" Misty says with a questioning look.
"You what?" Iris says.
" you..." Dawn says with a knowing look.
I gulp and sigh. I think it's time they should know.
"I-I think I like Ash."
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