Chapter 30
This may be a little late but...
Just look at her face! XD
Sorry for publishing this chapter a little later than usual, I have been watching a lot of Fairy Tail lately.
Serena's P.O.V.
"We're done."
Those words keep repeating in my head as I watch Ash quickly disappear.
"This can't be happening..."
My tears keep falling down my cheeks. I fall to the ground and cry into my hands. I don't care if anyone is watching.
"" I whimper between my sobs.
Calem groans from beside me. I almost forgot he was there. I wipe my tears away and scootch over to him.
"Are you alright?" I put my hand on his arm.
He sits up and leans on his locker. He holds the bottom of his cheek with his hand, covering the bruise Ash made.
"I'm fine." He looks down.
I take another look down the hall the mysterious boy ran to. There is no sight of him. Why did he do it? Was it by accident or by purpose?
"I'm sorry." Calem's voice cracks.
I look at him, unclear as to why he is apoligizing. "What for?"
"It's my fault. If I hadn't been here...this wouldn't have happened...I'm sorry." He closes his eyes.
"What? It's not your fault, Calem. I saw a boy push you."
He opens his eyes. "Now that you say, I did feel a pair of hands against my back earlier."
"That's what I'm saying. It wasn't your fault."
He clenches his fists. "But still. I was the reason he broke up with you."
Broke up with me. I couldn't believe it at first, so it didn't come up to me. But now that Calem mentioned it, I lose it.
Tears begin the build up in my eyes again. My relationship with Ash is over. He dumped me. All the times we had...the hankerchief. It was all wiped away in a blink of an eye.
"Serena, don't cry." Calem trys to comfort me.
"Sorry, I can't help it...." I cover my face with my hands.
Calem scoots closer and places his hand on mines. "Stop. You are only making me feel even worse."
I stop crying, and look back at him.
"Look. I'll talk to Ash. I'll fix this, I promise."
"It'd be better if I do. Thanks for offering though." I give him a smile. "Anyways, I need to go. See you later." I get up and walk away.
Calem nods, and allows me to go. He brings his hand up to his cheek once again. He touches the bruise, and winces.
"Time to go to the nurse's room." He mutters.
I walk down the hall, and go into the bathroom. Thankfully, no one is here.
I look at myself in the mirror. My eyes are red, and my face is a mess. I hope I can fix myself up before class...
* * * * * * * * *
Ash's P.O.V.
I slowly walk down the hall, looking down at my feet. The flashback of Serena and Calem kissing repeats itself in my head.
Why did Calem do it? Was that his plan all along? To pretend to be my friend just to get to Serena?
Or Serena just got tired of me? Did she want Calem instead? Was I not good enough for her? There are so many questions, yet no answer.
But I do know one thing. I hate Calem...I hate him. And Serena...I thought she was the girl I loved, but I was wrong.
"Why did you do this to me..." I clench my fists.
"Pika pi..." Pikachu looks at me in concern.
"Yo, Ash! There you are! We've been looking for you!" Gary says and makes his way to me.
I pick up my pace and keep my head to the ground, not even bothering to look at him. "Not now."
"Huh?" Gary watches me walk away in confusion. "What's with him..." He scratches his head.
I feel bad that I ignored him, but I'm not in the mood to talk.
The bell to class rings. I honestly don't want to go to class. I'm pissed. I won't be able to concentrate. I would skip class and go home, but my mom would not like that.
I enter my science class. Calem is already seated in his spot, holding an ice pack up to his face. I completely forgot I sit beside him. Oh great. I'd do anything to change seats. But looks like I got no choice.
"Ash..." Calem calls, trying to get my attention.
I have the urge to punch him once again, but I need to control myself, because I'd get into serious trouble with Ms. Smith.
"About earlier..." Calem starts.
"Class is about to begin, so shut it." I reply.
"Just let me talk."
From the corner of my eye, I see Serena come through the door. Ignoring Calem, I look straight at her. I can tell she had been crying.
She looks back at me, as I turn away from her in the nick time. She brings her head back down and makes her way to her seat.
This class just started, and I already want it to end.
* * * * * * * *
The morning has gone by, and it's the lunch break. Everyone is eating lunch, while Gary and I are walking around the school.
"Poke Training class was kind of boring today, to be honest." I hear Gary babble from beside me. "I wonder when we get to battle again."
"Mhm." I say, to seem like I'm listening, when really I'm doing my own thinking.
Gary continues. "Like, battling you would be a blast!"
Is this what it feels like to have your heart broken? I don't want to talk to anyone, I just want to be alone and cry.
There couldn't be a worse feeling then seeing the person you love with someone else.
"We could continue our battle from last time! I will definitely win!" Gary fist pumps. He looks at me, waiting for my answer. "Ashy! Are you even listening?"
"Huh? Oh, sorry."
"Man, it seems like I'm doing all the talking here." He crosses his arms. "What's wrong with you? You seem kind of out it."
"I-it's nothing. Um..." I hesitantly try to think of an excuse. "I'm just not feeling well, that's all."
Gary raises his eyebrow. "Is that so?"
I open my mouth to reply to him, until my shoulder collides with someone.
"Sorry!" I apoligize to the person.
"Oh, it's fine!" The girl rubs her shoulder.
"Oh, Miette. I didn't know it was you." I scratch my head. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah...I'm fine! No need to worry!"
Gary rubs his stomach. "Man...I'm hungry. I'm going to the cafeteria, see ya!" He runs off.
Now that Gary is gone, I might as well use this time to walk alone and think to myself.
"Miette, I got to go. See you later." I give her a warm smile.
"Aw, are you sure? Why don't I walk with you? I saw you earlier, and you didn't seem like yourself. Maybe a talk will cheer you up."
I guess she's right, maybe I need someone to talk to.
"Uh, sure. Thanks."
"Hehe. I say we go outside." She suggests.
"Yeah, I do need some fresh air."
Miette walks in front of me and guides me outside.
"So...would you like to tell me what happened? What's wrong?"
I hesitate to answer her, since I am not too comfortable telling someone I'm not too close to my problem.
If I were to choose somebody, it would be Calem, cause he is my best friend. Well, was my best friend. That's out of the pick, because he betrayed me.
Gary could be another choice, but I garuntee his advice won't be any help to me. Plus, he ran off earlier.
I take a deep breath. "Serena and Calem."
"What about them?"
"I-I caught them...they were kissing."
Miette, acting like she doesn't know what happened, put her hand up to her mouth, shocked at what she just heard.
"That's terrible!" She exclaims.
"Mhm, so I broke up with her."
"Well, I think..." She pauses for a split second. "You made the right choice."
I look at her. "Why do you say that?"
"She cheated on you. Who knows, maybe she had been cheating on you from the start with Calem. She didn't deserve you anyway."
I nod. "I was wrong about her."
"Pika..." Pikachu sighs. It didn't like the conversation its trainer was having with Miette.
"Why don't you just forget about her? First relationships usually don't work out. You can always find someone better."
She is right. I shouldn't let this bother me. Serena and I are done, she likes someone else. I should just face reality.
"Yeah, I see. Hey...thank you." I stop walking and face her.
"What for?" She looks at me in confusion.
"For helping me out. I feel a lot better now." I give her a thumbs up.
A tint of pink appears on her cheeks. "No prob!"
"Anyways, I gotta go. See you later!" I wave, and run off to the cafeteria. I'm starting to get hungry.
She watches me go off, and afterwards heads to Lisa and Mary, who are sitting on a bench eating their lunches.
"Hey guys!"
"Oh Miette! So how was it?" Lisa asks.
"It worked great! Ash thinks Serena had been secretly dating Calem behind his back! He is over her now, and I can take him for myself!"
"That's awesome!" Mary replies.
"I just can't wait to see the look on that little blonde brat when she sees her ex and I dating." Miette says.
"Haha, it'd be hilarious!" Lisa and Mary laugh along with Miette.
Miette sits down beside her friends. "Now all I have to do is find a way for him to become mine."
* * * * * * * * *
Serena's P.O.V.
The school day has ended. The bus has just stopped at my stop. I hop off the bus and head home.
Today was the worst day ever. I didn't talk for most of the day, I just stayed quiet and thought to myself. Dawn and the others have noticed, but I just denied and said there was nothing wrong.
I spot Ash in front of me. I haven't talked to him for the entire day. I guess I should do it now. I run up to him and take his hand, stopping him in his tracks.
He takes a look at me, but quickly looks away after realizing it was me. "What do you want?"
"Ash...can we talk?"
He sighs. "Make it quick.
"About wasn't what you thought. There's nothing going on between Calem and I."
"Serena, you don't have to hide it anymore. I am over you, so you can go ahead and date him." Ash crosses his arms.
"No...let me finish. Someone pushed-"
Ash takes his hand away from mines, stopping me. "Look, I don't care. I'm not going to listen to any of your excuses. I already made it clear that I am done. So leave me alone."
Tears begin to build up in my eyes.
He sighs, and calms his voice. "Look, I'm sorry. We can still be friends, but that's it. I don't know how you really feel about me anymore."
"Ash, but-"
"I got to go. Bye." He opens up the gate to his house and leaves.
"Just let me finish..." I sniffle.
"Pika..." Pikachu looks at me in concern.
I kneel down in front of him. "C-can you talk to him for me?"
"Chu." He nods, and runs into the house after Ash.
I make my way back to my house. I jump at the sight of somebody watching me from my window.
My mom is out for the day, so it can't be her. I try my best to not be seen and slowly tip toe over, because who knows, it could be some masked murderer waiting to slaughter me.
"Can you stop acting like a ninja and get over here?!" A familiar voice comes out of the figure as my door opens.
I let go of my little sneaky act and facepalm. "Dawn? What are you doing here?!"
"To talk to you!" She exclaims. "Now hurry up and get in!"
"Wait, talk about what?"
"I'll say when you come in. Hurry!"
I realize something. "How did you even get into my house?!" I blurt.
"I know where you hide your spare keys. And I am your best friend, so I practically live here too!"
I sigh and step into my house. Dawn jumps onto the couch and motions to the spot beside her.
"Okay, so what's up?" I ask as I sit down.
"It's you. You have been acting strange lately. What's wrong?"
"Dawn, I already told you earlier. It's nothing."
She gives me the 'I don't believe you' look.
"I know you very well, we have been best friends for over 5 years. You aren't the Serena I know right now." She takes my hand. "You can tell me anything."
I stay quiet.
"Serena???" Dawn waves her hands in front of me.
Tears begin to roll down my cheeks.
"Serena? W-why are you crying? Are you okay?" Dawn sits closer to me.
"I-it's Ash..."
Dawn raises her eyebrow. "What about him?"
"We broke up..." I bring my hands up to my face.
Dawn looks at me speechless. She watches me bawl into my hands. She figures that it's not the best time to talk right now, so instead she wraps her arms around me to calm me down.
I have been trying my best to hold in my tears all day. I cry into her shoulder, letting it all out.
I finally calm down later on. I lift my head from her shoulder and wipe away my tears.
"I'm sorry..." I sniff.
"It's fine. Why did he dump you?"
I tell her everything that happened. Calem kissing me, the boy who pushed him, Ash punching him....everything.
"Do you know who pushed him?" Dawn asks.
"No...I only got a glimpse of the boy's back."
"And you tried to talk to Ash?"
I nod.
"And he didn't even give you a chance to talk? I am going over to his house to beat some sense into him."
"N-no. It's fine. He doesn't want anything to do with me anymore." I look down.
"Look, if he acted that harsh to you back then...then I don't think he deserves you."
I look at her and let her continue.
"He didn't even let you finish talking. Look, I know this may be hard, but just let him go...he acted like a total jerk back there."
"I don't know..."
"Serena, I don't like seeing you like this. Maybe it's for the best. Just get over him and go back to the cheerful Serena I know."
"It's easier said then done, Dawn..." I sigh.
"But you do know what I am trying to say, right?"
I nod. "Yeah. I guess your right."
"Who knows? You may develop feelings for Calem while you're at it."
"Um, no." I sweat drop.
"Actually, nevermind. I heard a rumour that Calem likes Misty." Dawn rubs her chin.
"Haha, I'm pretty sure that rumour is true." I smirk.
Dawn smiles. "There you go! Now that's the Serena I know!"
"Thanks, Dawn."
"Anything for you, love ya!" She winks.
"Hehe. Right back at you." I giggle.
* * * * * * * * * *
Ever since that day, I have slowly gotten over Ash. The days went by faster than I expected.
Sooner than I knew, an entire month has passed.
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