Chapter 29
Woah woah. This story just reached 700 votes. I did not expect that.
*cries tears of joy*
THANK YOU SO MUCH OMFG!!! This story wouldn't be where its at if it weren't for you! I love you all and I would love to give each of my readers an individual hug...if i could.
Anyways, most of you came here to read this chapter and not hear me babble. So here it is, enjoy!!!
Serena's P.O.V.
Ash has just left for the night. It's about time he'd head home, his mom must be dying to see him after an entire week.
I take the empty pizza box from the table and toss it into the recycling bin. Believe it or not, Ash ate that entire box of pizzas, while I only had two.
He eats so much, yet it doesn't look like he's gaining any weight. What's his secret?!
"Serena! You better clean up your room!" Grace says.
I picture my room in my head. My bed all messed up, game controllers scattered everywhere. All my pokemon plushies lying around on the floor caused by Bonnie, the umbrella Ash used to beat up Gary.
I sigh and walk up the stairs. "Okay, mom..." This is going to take forever.
I frantically run around my room cleaning up the mess. Drew has left some chips around my carpet while Gary left some candy wrappers.
Those idiots.
I put my game controllers away. As I am doing this, a blue jacket lies on the ground. It doesn't take long for me to realize who it belongs to.
Calem. He must've taken it off and forgotten it here. I take it place it on my desk. I'll give it to him on Monday.
After what seems like an eternity, my room is finally clean. I flop onto my bed, not even bothering to change into my pjs.
I missed the comfort of my bed. My bed is like my best friend, aside from Dawn, Misty, May and Iris. But still, I love my bed.
* * * * * * * * *
A knock is heard on my door. I jump away from the couch I was sitting on and open it. Dawn stands at the doorway, giving me a cheeky grin.
"You're here!" I take her wrists.
"Yeah! Are you ready?"
"You bet!" I wink.
It is the next day, Sunday afternoon. Dawn has invited me to go shopping with her!
A boy shows himself from behind Dawn. "Hi Serena."
"Guess what?" She wrap her arms around Kenny.
My mouth drops. "No, you guys aren't. Are you serious?!"
"Yes! We are dating!"
I jump at her and give her a tight hug. "It's about time!"
"Hehe." She giggles.
"So you finally picked up the courage to ask her." I turn to Kenny.
"Y-yeah." His cheeks turn pink.
I step outside and close the door behind me. "Alright, let's go!"
We make our way to the gates of Vaniville. Before we can leave, Kenny stops us.
"Hey, is it just us three?"
"Yeah." I nod.
He looks down. "Oh, okay."
"Why?" Dawn looks at her boyfriend in concern.
"Well, you know...guys like me won't really have anything to do while you guys are shopping." He shrugs. "Can we at least bring another guy for me to talk to? Like the guys in this town. Ash, Gary or Clemont."
Dawn lights up with an idea.
"Serena! You can bring Ash!"
"Should I?"
"Yeah! Go get him! We'll wait here."
I nod. "O-okay..."
I walk over to Ash's house. I don't know about this to be honest. Ash has told me how boring he thought shopping was.
I knock on his door, and he answers.
"Oh, hey Serena." He grins at the sight of me.
"Hi! Do you want to go out?"
"If you're asking, there's no way I can deny you!" He gives a thumbs up.
"So that's a yes?"
He runs into his house to go tell his mom. He soon returns all ready with Pikachu on his shoulder.
"Let's go!"
I return to Dawn and Kenny. Ash gets surprised to see them here.
"Huh? What are you guys doing here?"
"We're coming with you guys! Us four will go to the mall!" Dawn puts her hands on her hips.
Kenny puts his hand on Ash's shoulder. "You see, I'm going to need someone to talk to while they go shopping."
"Err...okay then." He replies.
"Chu." Pikachu adds.
"Let's go then!" I lock my fingers with Ash's and begin walking, as Dawn and Kenny do the same.
* * * * * * * * * * *
"We're here!" Dawn chirps.
"I haven't been to a mall in awhile." Kenny looks at the large building in awe.
Pikachu sniffs into the air. "Pika pi!" It turns to Ash.
"Hm? What is it buddy?"
Pikachu runs off into the mall, leaving us behind.
"Even Pikachu is excited to shopping!" I giggle.
Ash runs into the mall following his partner. He finds Pikachu in front of a perfume shop, inhaling all the different scents.
"Pikachu, what are you doing?"
"Pika!" Pikachu points to the shop.
"You love the smell, eh?" Ash steps closer and takes a whiff. "It's a little strong..." He coughs and turns away.
Dawn, Kenny and I catch up to the two.
"What's going on here?" I ask.
"Pikachu loves the smell of all these perfumes." He replies.
"Chu!" Pikachu takes one of the sample perfumes on display and brings it up to his nose.
Ash watches Pikachu and sweat drops.
"C'mon, let's go shopping!" I jump.
"Yeah!" Dawn nods.
Ash picks the yellow mouse up. "Pikachu, we'll come back, okay?"
"Pi..." Pikachu sighs.
Dawn and I run into one of the boutiques. Ash and Kenny follow us in, and just do whatever to pass the time. While Dawn I are are trying on clothes, they are fooling around.
Kenny takes one of the dresses and pulls it up to him. "I wonder how I'd look in this?"
"Haha. I've been in in one of those before, and it ain't comfortable." Ash chuckles.
"Yeah, like when you gave us an upskirt."
"Shut up." Ash rolls his eyes. He doesn't want to be reminded about that.
Ash and Kenny walk around the boutique, looking at all articles of clothing woman wear. Kenny stops walking, and looks at one piece of clothing wide eyed. Ash notices this, and looks at it as well.
"What is this?!" Kenny takes it and examines it.
"Is this even possible to put on? It's so...I don't know." Ash sweat drops.
Kenny looks at the lable. "It says it's underwear."
"What?!" Ash says in shock. "That's underwear?!"
"Well, panties." Kenny replies and hands it to Ash.
Ash holds it up and turns it around. "What the hell is this supposed to cover?!"
"I don't you think Dawn and Serena use clothes like this?" Kenny wonders. "Maybe this is the article of clothing Gary saw in Serena's drawer yesterday?"
"I think it's best we don't find out." Ash sweat drops and puts it away.
Another 15 minutes later, Dawn and I finish trying on clothes. We look around for Ash and Kenny. My jaw drops once I find them.
Kenny has slipped on a bra on top of his shirt while Ash uses another one as an eye patch. They are laughing their asses off at how funny each of them looked.
"Umm...may I ask what you two are doing?" I walk up to them.
"Huh?" Ash's cheeks cheeks turn red. "Ehehe....nothing."
"Kenny, why do you have that on?!" Dawn shouts at him.
Kenny clears his throat. "Ahem. Uhhh, just fooling around, that's all."
"Oh arceus...this is so embarrasing..." I look around to see other people looking at us.
Kenny puts his hands on his waist. "Behold! I have boobies!" He poses.
"Kenny!" Dawn takes the bra away from him. "Stop acting childish!"
Ash starts laughing at Kenny, and quickly stops as I yank away the bra he was using for an eye patch.
"Let's just get out of here before we get kicked out." I sigh.
"Okay, okay." Ash chuckles.
We leave the boutique. Remind me to keep an eye on Ash and Kenny from now on.
Dawn and I ended up not buying anything from there, because it was way too pricey. It sucks, because the outfit I tried on was pretty cute.
"Hey, let's seperate for awhile. Kenny and I will meet you guys later." Dawn says.
"Hm? O-okay then." I nod.
Dawn takes Kenny's arm and drags him along with her. "Bye!"
"So...what now?" Ash questions.
"Let's go some food! I'm kind of hungry!"
"Really?! You're the best!" He gives me a short kiss and runs of in the direction of the food court.
And once again, Ash would push everything aside when it comes to food.
The rest of the day went by pretty quickly. Before we knew it, it was time to go home. I wanted to stay at the mall a little while longer, but we had no choice.
I just went to bed once I got home, because I was exhausted. I do love shopping, but it requires too much walking.
* * * * * * * * * * *
"Fletch!" Fletchling pecks my nose.
I turn my head and cover myself using my blanket.
Fletchling hops under the blankets, and pecks my nose even harder than before.
"Ow!" I sit up as I bring my hand up to my nose. "That hurt!"
"Ling!" Fletchling chirps and flies off downstairs.
I sigh. Looks like I'm back to my normal routine. Great.
I take a short shower and change into my outfit. And not too forget about Calem's jacket, I need to give that back to him today.
About an hour later, I make it to school. Haven't been here in a week.
I then head to Calem's locker, because that's probably the most likely spot he'd be at in the morning. Let's just hope he's actually there.
It doesn't take long for me to get there. And thankfully, Calem is there.
"Hey." I walk up to him.
"Oh, hi Serena." He says as he puts his books away in his locker. "What's up?"
I reach into my bag and pull out his jacket. "You forgot this at my place."
"Oh, thanks! I was wondering where it went this morning." He takes it from me.
My phone vibrates. Ash has texted me, asking where I am. I reply saying I'm at Calem's locker. Looks like I need to stay here until he gets here.
No one's P.O.V. (third person)
"Are you sure about this, Miette?" Miette's friend, Lisa asks.
"Yeah, do you think this will work?" Another friend, Mary adds.
"Of course. This is the perfect plan!" Miette replies.
Miette and her girls are standing not too far away from Serena and Calem.
"This is great timing! Serena, Calem and Ash at the same place! There's no way my plan could fail now!" Miette says.
Miette turns to a boy beside her. "Are you ready?"
"Umm, y-yeah. You said you'd give me 50 bucks for this, right?" The boy asks.
Miette nods. "Only if you do this correctly."
"Why can't you do this yourself?" Lisa questions.
"Because Serena will see me, and there's no way I can let that happen. My plan will be ruined." Miette replies. "Now, to just wait until Ash gets here."
Eventually, Ash shows himself from the end of the hall. He is looking down at his phone, so it'd be the perfect time for Miette to put her plan to action.
"Alright, do it now! Push Calem! Hurry, before Ash sees!" Miette taps the boy's shoulder.
"Okay!" He nods.
Serena's P.O.V.
"So yeah. So I was standing there, completely dumbfounded." Calem laughs.
Right now, Calem is telling a story about the time his 7 year old cousin beat him in a battle.
"I didn't expect him to-" He says, before suddenly stumbling onto me. As he does this, his lips smack onto mines.
What? Why is he kissing me?!
I stare at him as he stares back, both too paralyzed to move. I catch a glimpse of a boy behind him holding his hand out. He then runs away from us. Did that boy just push Calem?
"Serena?" Ash's voice cracks.
Calem and I withdraw, to see Ash. A tear could be seen slowly dripping down his left cheek.
Calem looks behind him, to see no one there. He swears he felt someone push him just now.
Ash, whose face is now raging with anger, runs up to Calem. "I trusted you, I let you be my friend, and this is what you do to me!??!"
"No! Let me explain! Somone pu-" Calem starts, before Ash punches his jaw, knocking him onto the floor.
"A-ash! Stop! It's not what you think!" I grab his arm.
He moves his arm away from me. His hat is now lowered, covering his eyes.
He looks at me as another tear falls down his cheek.
My eyes to start to water. "Ash...please." I try to take his arm once again.
"No. We're done."
And with that, he takes off and runs away.
This chapter though. Please don't kill me....hehe.
Until next time!
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