Chapter 22
Serena's P.O.V.
"Hey..." I hear a faint voice. "Serena, time to get up."
"Hm?" I slowly open my eyes.
I lift my head off Ash's shoulder. I rub my eyes and try to focus my eye sight.
"How long have I been asleep?" I yawn.
"Well, the drive from Lumiose to here was three hours, so you have been asleep for three hours." He chuckles.
"Yeah, I kind of figured that out." I reply.
"Anyways, look. We are here." He points out the window.
I look through the window. The bus is now arriving at the camp. The bus driver finds a spot and pulls on the breaks.
"Alright everyone, we have now arrived at our destination. Please exit the bus." Ms. Smith says.
Everyone leaves the bus and steps outside. I look around me, and the area is full of people not only from our school, but from others as well.
" cool!" Ash says with stars in his eyes as he admires the view of the ocean.
"The beach! We should go there!" Dawn jumps.
"Yeah, I can show off to other girls how hot I am!" Gary says.
"Oh shut up, Gary." I roll my eyes. Here we go.
"Aw, c'mon Serena. You are just jealous that your boyfriend isn't as hot as I am." Gary smirks.
"That's not exactly it." I sweat drop.
"Gary, just stop." Ash rolls his eyes.
"Hmp. Fine." Gary replies.
"Alright everyone. We were told to gather outside the main building, Proffesor Sycamore is making an announcment." One of the teachers say.
"We get to see Proffesor Sycamore again!? I idolize him so much!" Clemont says as he quickly runs off to go see Sycamore.
"Big brother, wait for me!" Bonnie says as she chases after him.
"Woah...Clemont is actually running?" Misty says in disbelief.
"That's a first." Barry sweat drops.
The rest of us follow Clemont and Bonnie to the main building. Once we get there, Proffesor Sycamore stands infront of a large crowd of students from different schools. We join the crowd, and await his announcment.
"Ahem. Bonjour, ladies and gentlemen!" Sycamore says through his mic.
"Where did Clemont and Bonnie run off too?" Ash says as he looks around for the two blondes.
"I have no clue." I reply.
"Probably at the front admiring Sycamore." Calem smirks.
"Most likely." Ash lets out a small laugh.
I take a step to the left to see the front, because the person in front of me is really tall. I see Proffesor Sycamore about to speak into the mic again.
"Welcome to my one and only summer camp!" He says.
"Hmm...he seems older from the last time I saw him." Calem says.
"You have met him before?" I turn to look at him.
"Yeah. He gave me my first pokemon."
"Speaking of pokemon...I haven't seen any of your pokemon. Who's on your party?" Ash asks.
"I'll show you later." Calem replies.
"Alright then." Ash says as he turns back to listen to Sycamore.
"Welcome to my summer camp! This entire week will be full of fun activities for everyone! We have invited you all here to experience new things with your friends, and to learn how to work together with them."
So this is the purpose of this camp. To work together, to deepen the bonds and strengthen the relationship with your friends.
"The main game will be held during your time here. Each team will work together to aim for the top. Though, we aren't starting that today. For now, today will be a free day. You may explore to camp, get used to everything here. Meet new people and make new friends. The game will start tommorow, and the rules will be explained then."
"So we are free to roam this place for today? Sounds great!" Dawn says from beside me.
"Also, whenever you have time, feel free to go inside the building behind me. Food will be served there by our brilliant chefs."
"Awh yeah! Now that's something I'm looking forward to!" Ash jumps.
"Here we go with the food again." I sweat drop.
"To the right of the building, Nurse Joy has opened a pokemon center just for you guys. So if your pokemon need help, that's the place to go."
"That'll be helpful for when I beat you during our battles, Ashy-boy." Gary says.
"Gary, can you shut it?" Ash sighs.
"Fine, fine." Gary rolls his eyes.
"Lastly, inside the building is a board. Listed on it will be your team names and what cabin you are in. Each team will be named after a pokemon, so your cabin will have that pokemon on it. For example, if you are in Team Chespin, your cabin's door will have the pokemon Chespin on it."
"Makes sense." Calem says.
"Okay, that's all for today! Please have an amazing first day!" Sycamore smiles. "You may all go."
Everyone turns around and leaves, going there own ways. A few went straight to the food, some went into a nearby forest, some went to the beach, and some went to go check the board for their cabins.
"So what should we go do?" Gary asks.
"I don't know. There's so much to do!" May replies.
"Hey guys. I'm back." Clemont says as he approaches us.
"Clemont, there you are!" Ash says.
"Sorry, Bonnie and I were at the front of the crowd, so I could see Sycamore perfectly." He chuckles.
"Speaking of Bonnie, where is she?" I say as I look around.
"H-huh?!" Clemont gasps as he realizes Bonnie has disappeared.
I finally find Bonnie, in front of a few girls from a different school. She gets on one knee and holds her arm up.
"Please take care of my brother! He is a great guy!" Bonnie says.
"AGH! BONNIE, NO! STOP!" Clemont blushes a deep shade of red as he runs to his sister.
"Take care of Clemont?" Kenny sweat drops.
"What does that mean?" Misty sweat drops along with Kenny.
"Guessing by the reaction Clemont made, it's not a good thing." I giggle.
"I guess so." Ash laughs.
"Don't do that ever again!" Clemont says as he brings Bonnie back to the group.
"But you need to find a wife some day!" Bonnie shouts.
"Now is not the time for that!" Clemont blushes.
Everyone laughs as they listen to Clemont and Bonnie. Their relationship is the cutest thing ever.
"Woah...I want to go to the beach, May!" An unfamiliar voice says.
A boy, about the same age as Bonnie, possibly a year or two older, stands not too far from us, admiring the view of the beach.
"It's so cool!" He says as he adjusts his glasses.
"We can go later, Max." May says as she walks up to him and brings him to the group.
"Who's he?" Barry asks.
"Guys, this is Max, my little brother. These are my friends. This is Gary, Paul, Calem, Drew, Clemont, Bonnie, Kenny, Barry, Ash, Serena, Misty, Dawn and Iris." May says as she points to each of us.
"Nice to meet you all!" Max gives a goofy smile.
"Hey Max! I will be part of your team for the camp!" Iris says.
"Cool!" He replies.
"Hi Max! I'm Bonnie! Let's be friends!" Bonnie says.
"Nene!" Dedenne adds.
"Yeah!" Max replies.
"I think we should go see what cabin we are in, so we can put our bags and stuff away." Drew says.
"Yeah, alright. Let's go." Gary replies as he makes his way to the main building.
The group follows him and we enter the building. The inside is very large. Lots of tables and chairs are set up, much like the cafeteria at school. There is a small room in the corner, where all the food is served. In front of everything, is a stage, and on it is the board where we are heading to right now.
On the board is the list of teams and their names. We go through, looking for our names. We find them a few minutes later. Here is how it turned out.
* * * * *
Team Froakie
Team Charmander
Team Cyndaquil
Team Snivy
* * * * *
"Team Charmander. Sounds awesome!" Gary says.
"Looks like we are Team Froakie." I say.
"Yeah." Ash nods.
"Okay, Team Cyndaquil. Sounds perfect." Misty says.
"Team this is what I call a team!" May says.
"Okay, my team and I are going to go check out the beach first. See you guys later." Dawn waves as she leaves with Misty, Kenny and Barry.
"The beach! I'm coming too!" Bonnie says and follows them.
"Oh no you don't." Clemont uses his aipom arm from his backpack and grabs Bonnie by her collar to bring her back.
"But I want to go to the beach!" She pouts.
"You are part of Team Froakie, so you are staying with us." He says.
"Fine..." She sighs.
"Why don't we check out our cabin first, then we can head to the beach." I say as I kneel in front of her.
"Really? Yay!" She jumps. "Let's go, come on!" She runs out the door.
We follow Bonnie outside, leaving everyone else behind to go do their own things. Team Charmander went to go get food. Team Cyndaquil went straight to the beach while Team Snivy decided to go to their cabins as well.
"Great. How are we supposed to find our cabin? There are tons of them." Ash sweat drops as he looks around.
"'s this one!" I point to the cabin nearest to us.
Ash walks over to the cabin to see if it is the correct one. He takes a glance at the door, and the pokemon Chespin is imprinted on it.
"No, that's Team Chespin's cabin." He sighs as he walks back to us.
"Maybe we should split up and look for it." Bonnie suggests.
"Hehehe..." Clemont adjusts his glasses.
"Huh? What's up Clemont?" I turn around to him.
"The future is now, thanks to science! I thought we'd encounter a situation precisely like this one!" He puts a finger in the air.
"You did?" Bonnie sweat drops.
"Introducing, the Find-me-my-cabin-a-tron!" He says as he shows us the device in front of him.
"What kind of name is that?" I sweat drop.
"AWESOME! Science is so amazing!" Ash says with stars in his eyes.
"This device will will find our cabin, no doubt! All you have to do is input your cabin here on the screen, and voila!"
The device turns on, and starts moving in the direction of our cabin.
"Come on, let's follow it!" Ash starts to run after it.
"Right!" I reply as I run after it, followed by Bonnie and Clemont.
The device leads us further into the camp. Suddenly, it stops, causing us to stop as well.
"Are we here?" Ash says.
"No, the cabin it stoppped in front of belongs to Team Pikachu." I reply.
"Pika!" Pikachu runs up to the cabin, happy to hear there is a cabin named after it.
"That's was supposed to stop in front of our cabin." Clemont rubs his chin.
"Maybe it's broken?" Bonnie says.
To our surprise, the device suddenly starts moving frantically around us, while smoke starts to form from it.
"I-is that supposed to happen?!" I back away.
"I-I don't think so..." Clemont sweat drops.
"Dude, do something!" Ash says.
"Right!" Clemont bends down and grabs the device, stopping it from jumping around.
"Here, lemme help!" Ash joins Clemont, and tries to find a way to stop it.
"Should we help too?" I turn to Bonnie.
"Ehh...they can do it." Bonnie scratches her head.
Pikachu watches its trainer as it sits on the porch of Team Pikachu's cabin.
All of a sudden, the device explodes, causing me to jump. I start coughing as the smoke spreads throughout the area. The smoke eventually clears up, revealing Clemont and Ash on the ground, covered in black soot.
"Ash!" I gasp as I run up to him.
"Big brother!" Bonnie runs up to Clemont.
"Are you okay?" I say.
"Y-yeah..." Ash replies as I take his arm to help him up.
"Big brother, your invention went boom." Bonnie says.
"I know..." He sighs and wipes the soot off himself.
"Looks like we are looking for our cabin on foot." Ash says.
"Hehe." I giggle as I look at Ash.
"What's so funny?" He raises his eyebrow.
"Your hair."
He takes his phone out and uses the camera screen as a mirror. His eyes widen as he sees his hair all puffed up, most like an afro.
"Oh, crap." He sweat drops.
"You look so funny." I cover my mouth, trying to prevent my laugh.
" won't be laughing for long." He gives me an evil smile.
"W-what do you mean?"
He walks up to me and wraps his arms around my back, pulling me into a hug. I gasp as I figure out what he is doing, he is trying to get all the soot off him and onto me. I look down at my clothes which are now turning black.
"A-ash! Stop! My outfit!" I try to push him away, but to no avail.
"Wiggling around like that will make it worse." He says.
"Let go of me!" I squirm.
"You can't make me." He replies. "Now, tickle attack!" He moves his hands to my hips, and tickles me. A tingly sensation goes through my body, causing me to laugh.
"S-stop it!" I giggle.
"Full power!" He continues.
"Ash!" I laugh even harder.
Bonnie watches from aside with Clemont. A smile appears on her face as she turns to her brother.
"Ash and Serena are so cute, aren't they?" Bonnie says.
"Yeah, those two are relationship goals." He chuckles.
"Someday, I will find you a wife just like Serena!"
"Wha? Bonnie, don't start with this again." Clemont groans.
"You need to find a wife someday!" Bonnie says.
"I can do that on my own." Clemont facepalms. His sister can be really annoying sometimes.
A few minutes later, I finally get Ash to stop. It took a while, but I finally managed to get away from all that.
We then decide to continue to look for our cabin, because it's a real pain to carry our bags full of clothes everywhere, we need a place to put it all down. About 15 minutes of searching later, we finally find our cabin. We are lucky, because our cabin is near the beach, so we get an amazing view of the ocean. Though...we are also unlucky in some way, because it turns out the cabin beside ours belongs to Team Charmander, Gary's group.
The cabin is set up like a small bedroom, with two bunk beds, a night stand and a bathroom. Bonnie and I decided to share a bunk, with her taking the top bed while I take the bottom, and Ash and Clemont share the other, with Clemont on the top and Ash on the bottom.
We set down our belongings and do what we planned earlier, head to the beach. Many people fill the beach grounds. From people battling to people swimming in the ocean. We walk around, and find our group of friends not too far away. We reunite with them and turn back into our one big group.
"Our cabin is so cool! It has the view of the beach and everything!" Calem says.
"Same here! In fact, our cabins are right beside eachother." Ash says.
"Really, Ashy-boy? I don't know how I feel about that...having someone I hate as my neighbour for now..." Gary rubs his chin.
"Hate?! Wow, thanks." Ash rolls his eyes.
"I'm just joking. You know, we are cool. We are frenemies." Gary lightly punches Ash's arm.
"Yeah yeah." Ash chuckles.
We stayed at the beach for the rest of the day. We didn't swim or anything, we just hung out and watched the ocean view. Later on, we ate dinner in the main building. Ash was right about the food, it was delicious. Eventually, we had to call it a day. The camp grounds soon emptied, with everyone heading to their cabins to call it a night.
"Today was so fun! I can't wait until the activities tommorow!" Bonnie says as she brushes Dedenne's fur.
"Yeah! I wonder what Sycamore has in store for us tommorow." I reply.
The bathroom door opens, and Ash comes out in his pajamas, a red and white sleeveless top with shorts.
"The bathroom is open." He says as he sits on his bed and pets Pikachu, who is already fast asleep.
"I'll take it." I say as I take my duffel bag with me to change into my pjs.
Bonnie and Clemont have changed already, so I am the last one, then we can finally head to bed. I don't take too long to change, I shortly finish and come out the bathroom in 5 minutes.
I climb onto my bed and lie down. I cover myself with my bedsheets and reach for the lamp on the night stand. I pull the switch, turning it off.
"Good night, everyone." I say.
"G'night." Ash replies.
"Night." Clemont says.
"Night night!" Bonnie replies.
* * * * *
I don't know how long it has been, but I am still awake. I don't know why, I just couldn't sleep. Sleeping in a bed that isn't my own feels...different. Bonnie and Clemont are fast asleep already, but I am not too sure about Ash. He doesn't seem to be asleep.
"Ash? Are you awake?" I quietly say.
"Yeah." He replies.
Now that I know he is still up, I get up from my bed and walk over to his. I stand in front of him, fiddling around with my fingers.
"Why are you still awake?" He asks.
"I should be asking you the same thing." I giggle.
"True." He chuckles.
"Well, I couldn't sleep, that's all." I sigh.
"Do you miss the comfort of your own bed back at home, or something?"
"I guess so..." I nod.
He scoots over to the other side of his bed and pats the spot beside him. I start blushing once I realize what he is telling me to do.
"A-are you sure?" I nervously look down.
"Mhm." He rubs the bottom of his nose.
I climb onto his bed and lie down beside him. He puts his arm around my back as I rest my head on his shoulder. I suddenly start to feel right, like Ash's comfort was all I needed to fall asleep in the first place. I slowly close my eyes, and eventually drift off to sleep.
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