Chapter 19
"Ash! Wake up! You are going to be late for school!" I feel someone shaking my arm.
"Urg...not yet..." I groan.
"Pikachu, please help me." Delia sighs.
"Pika." Pikachu nods.
Pikachu sparks its cheeks and releases a thunderbolt at me.
"AAAGHHHH!!!" I yell and fall off my bed.
"Thank you." Delia pets Pikachu'd head.
"Chu!" Pikachu replies.
I jump back up on my feet and glare at both my mom and Pikachu.
"Did you really have to shock me?!"
"You forgot to set your alarm last night, so it didn't go off. I tried waking you up and you refused, so you left me no choice."
"Pika..." Pikachu nervously scratches the back of its head.
"You must've stayed up so late last night and forgot to set your alarm." My mom sighs.
I think back to what happened last night. After Serena and her mom left at about 11:30pm (yeah, they stayed at my place for that long), I remember jumping into bed right after.
"I was just so tired, and all could think of last night was sleep. Looks like I forgot. Oops." I sweat drop.
"Anyways, go get ready. You don't want to miss the bus."
"I'm not taking the bus today. I'm walking with Serena."
"Is that so? Very well. Just make sure to get there in time." My mom says as she leaves my room.
"Alright." I reply.
I get up and change out of my pajamas. I toss them into my laundry basket because it is covered in soot from Pikachu thunderbolt.
"Let's go, buddy." I leave my room.
Pikachu follows me downstairs, and jumps onto the kitchen table, waiting for its breakfast. I grab a bottle of ketchup and give it to him, while I take an apple.
"Pi?" Pikachu tilts its head, wondering why it isn't being given pokefood today. Not that it didn't like the ketchup.
"We don't have time. We are walking to school today, so we need to leave earlier than usual. Eat that while we walk."
"Pika." Pikachu nods and hops onto my shoulder.
As I make my way outside, I see Serena just exiting her house across the street, followed by Fennekin and Pancham. Good timing.
"Serena!" I call out to her.
"Hey Ash!" She waves.
I look to the other side of the road, just to make sure their isn't any car to run me over and kill me. I see that it is clear, so I start crossing the street over to her.
"Good-" I start before hearing a weird slurping noise.
I look down to see Pikachu slurping his ketchup very loudly, not caring about anything.
"Pikachu? Do you mind not making too much noise when you eat? It's a little embarassing." I sweat drop.
"Pi!" Pikachu sticks its tongue at me and continues slurping its ketchup.
"Fenn?" Fennekin tilts its head while watching Pikachu.
Serena giggles at him, while I cross my arms and roll my eyes.
"Anyways...good morning." I smile at Serena.
"Morning Ash." She smiles back.
"Please excuse Pikachu. He has no manners whatsoever." I look down again, to see Pikachu pouring ketchup into Pancham's mouth.
"Cham!" Pancham gags, and spits out the ketchup.
"That's alright. It makes him seem a lot cuter though." She giggles.
Pikachu's ears twitch as it hears Serena call it cute. It lets out a big smile and starts cuddling Serena's leg.
"Let's just go, we don't want to be late." I sigh and turn around.
"Alright." Serena replies and follows me while Pikachu takes the last lick from his ketchup and jumps onto my shoulder.
We starting walking to school. Without hesitation, I gently take Serena's hand and wrap them with mines. She gets surprised, and blushes a light shade of pink. And so, we walk to school hand in hand.
We arrive at school at the time we usually get there, because we left at a earlier time than usual. We see our friends chatting away near the battlefield. We walk up to them. They notice us, and Dawn runs up to Serena.
"Where were you guys?!"
"We wanted to walk to school today." Serena replies.
"You should've told me, I thought you were sick or something when I realized you didn't come on the bus earlier." She crosses her arms.
"Sorry..." Serena sweat drops.
* * * * *
Normal P.O.V.
On the other side of the battlefield, a girl stands with her friends. Remember Miette? Yeah, she's returned. She has just gotten back from her one week vacation in the Sinnoh region. Little did she know she has missed a lot while she was gone...
"Oh, Miette! We missed you so much!" Two girls say.
"Awh, Lisa, Mary, I missed you guys too!" Miette replies. "So, how is my love doing? What has he been doing while I've been gone?"
"Your love?" Lisa questions.
"Do you mean Ash? He's isn't your love..." Mary sweat drops.
"Yeah, who else would it be? And fine, he is not my love quite yet, but he is soon to be." Miette puts her hands on her hips. "Oh, how I miss him. I really want to see him again."
"See him again, huh? Take a look over there." Lisa points towards the group.
Miette looks over and sees Ash, and smiles at the sight of him. Her smile soon fades away and turns into a furious expression when she sees him holding hands with Serena.
"What is that?! Why are they holding hands?!" Miette shouts.
"Oh my...are they a thing now?" Mary gasps.
"We have something important to tell you guys." Serena's faint voice says from afar.
"Important?" Miette repeats as she eavesdrops on them.
She walks a little closer to them, so she can properly hear. Soon, she gets close enough and can hear them loud and clear.
* * * * *
Ash's P.O.V.
"Okay, what is it?" Misty asks.
"Please don't take this by surprise." I say.
"Alright, we won't Ashy-boy. Now what is it?" Gary says as he takes a sip out of his water bottle.
"Ash and I are dating!" Serena lets out a big smile.
Gary's eyes widen, and he spits out all the water onto me...AGAIN. Don't even remind me about the last time he did this.
"GARY!!! Are you serious??!!" I shout.
"Oh arceus. Sorry." Gary sweat drops.
"I am not going through this again..." I sigh.
"Pika..." Pikachu sparks its cheeks.
"Oh no. Now there, be a good Pikachu and-" Before Gary can finish, he gets hit by Pikachu's thunderbolt.
"I-I deserved that." Gary coughs out smoke as he lies on the ground.
"Eheh..." I sweat drop as I scratch my head.
All of a sudden I feel someone lightly punch me in the arm. I turn around to see Clemont.
"Wow. So you got yourself a girlfriend. Congrats." Clemont puts his hand on my left shoulder.
"Oh my arceus!!!" Iris squeals as she runs up to Serena and literally tackles her into a hug, followed by May, Dawn and Misty, turning it into one big group hug.
"So you did end up asking her to be your girlfriend." Gary gets up from the ground like nothing happened.
"Maybe it's about time I get one too." Kenny chuckles.
"I'm sure Dawn would love to be your girlfriend." Drew smirks.
"Shut up!" Dawn turns around to hide her blush.
"Wait, so when did all this happen?" May asks.
"Well, on my birthday. To be exact, it all happened after the dance, when he gave me my gift." Serena replies.
"So, he gave you like, the best birthday gift ever! He gave you the gift of being your boyfriend!!!" Iris squeals.
"Now soon you guys can get married and have kids!" Misty giggles.
"H-huh? Isn't it a little too early to be saying things like that?" Serena looks down and blushes.
I look over at Serena and silently laugh to myself. We are already dating, and she still acts all shy and stuff when it comes to our relationship.
"You better thank me for all this, Ashy-boy. Remember, I was the one who encouraged you to ask her out. Also, I was the one who taught you all you need to know about the ladies." Gary smirks.
"Umm, thanks...I-I guess?" I sweat drop.
"Your very welcome. I am indeed, an expert when it comes to relationships. Ahh...I got to say so myself, I did pretty well teaching you." Gary praises himself.
"Oh great, here comes the side of Gary we all hate." Paul sighs.
"Doesn't he always act like this?" Serena giggles.
"Well...yeah. True." Paul rolls his eyes.
"Just let the guy be. Look at how happy he is." Kenny points to Gary.
Paul and Serena turn to Gary, who had the biggest smile on his face. He was showing off to the rest of the group saying that his lesson was a success.
The bell soon rings, indicating first period will start in five minutes. Gary finally stops showing off, and heads to class. We shortly follow him and make our ways to class as well.
* * * * *
"WHAT? THEY ARE DATING?!" Miette shouts as she watches everyone leave to class.
"Oh my...that's a surprise." Lisa says.
"What did I miss? I leave for one week, and this happens?!" Miette yells.
"I didn't go on a one week vacation, and still I didn't know about this myself." Mary says.
"How long do you think they have been dating?" Lisa asks.
"I don't care. But I have some talking to do with Serena." Miette grits her teeth and walks away. Lisa and Mary simply shrug, and follow Miette to their classes.
* * * * *
I enter my classroom, followed by Serena, Misty, and Clemont. Great, another day of boring biology. As I walk to my seat, I spot Calem at his usual spot, the seat beside me. He seems to be playing around with his pencil, just fiddling around with the eraser on the top. We haven't spoken to eachother ever since that day Serena was sick, it has all been awkward silences during class. Even when our teacher assigns partner work with the person sitting next to you, we'd just ignore eachother and work on our own. I decide that today will be the day I change all that.
"Hey." I say as I sit down beside him.
He looks at me, and turns his head back around, trying to ignore me.
"I know you probably hate me, but don't you think all this fighting between us is a little stupid?" I say, trying to get his attention.
I pause for awhile, hoping to get a reply from him. Unfortunately, he just sits there like I'm not even here.
"Calem. I know you are listening to me. We don't need to fight anymore. We will get nowhere if we keep this up."
And as expected, Calem does not reply to anything I say.
"Look, I know why you hate me. Serena and I are dating, so there is no point in this anymore. Just thought you should know."
I decide to just end the talk there, Calem isn't going to respond anyways.
"You guys are dating?" Calem's quiet voice says.
I jump when I finally hear him. I thought he didn't want to talk to me.
"Y-yeah. I know this isn't what you want to hear, but we are."
"I thought I told you to stay away from her." Calem says, avoiding eye contact with me.
"I couldn't just do that. You know, I love her. Staying away from her is impossible. Anyways, why did you want me to stay away from her in the first place? What's the reason?"
"I just had a huge crush on her for three whole years. I didn't want anyone to get in my way." Calem replies.
"That's pretty stupid if you ask me." I say in a quieter voice.
"I heard that, idiot!"
"S-sorry!" I sweat drop.
"You better be." He mumbles.
"Anyways, I think we should make up. Like I said, this is stupid. I don't see the reason for us to be fighting anymore. We can push this aside and be friends." I give him a small smile.
"Why are you being so nice? After all I have done, you want to be my friend?" Calem says.
"Yeah. I'm sure you didn't mean all the things you said. You were simply protecting the one you liked. I understand that." I say.
"You mean that?" Calem finally turns his head to look at me.
"Yup! See, Serena isn't the only girl in this school. Like the saying, there are plenty more fish in the sea. Let's say...Misty! I mean, she's going to need someone soon. Maybe you should consider talking to her." I chuckle.
I hear Calem let out a small, quiet laugh. I smile after I hear this. Maybe we can become friends.
"Let's start over. Hello. My name is Ash Ketchum, and I just moved from the Kanto region. Nice to meet you!" I extend my hand.
At first, Calem stays quiet, not knowing what to do. He then decides maybe this is stupid, and there's no need for all this anymore.
"My name is Calem. Welcome to the Kalos region, nice to meet you too." Calem takes my hand and shakes it.
And with that solved, I see Calem give me a smile, the first smile I have seen on him.
* * * * *
Normal P.O.V.
The school day has come to an end, and Miette and her friends sit on a bench in front of the battlefield.
"I still can't believe Ash and Serena are dating." Miette says and puts her head down.
"Me neither." Lisa adds.
"Same here." Mary shrugs.
"But still...who would date a girl like Serena?" Miette sighs.
"Apparently Ash would. I also heard Calem has a huge crush on her too." Lisa says.
"Calem likes Serena?" Miette's eyes widen. It seems to have caught her attention.
"Yeah." Lisa replies.
"I have just come up with an idea." Miette stands up from the bench.
"Huh?" Mary looks up at Miette.
"I found a way to get Ash to be mine. I know who will be my secret weapon."
"Secret weapon?" Lisa sweat drops at how stupid Miette is sounding right now.
"Yes. I simply need to use it to get Ash for myself. My secret weapon is Calem. I will use him to seperate Ash and Serena once and for all."
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