Chapter 18
I lean on the Milotic water fountain as I look up at the night sky. Ash and I decide to stay out here for a little longer before we head back inside. We haven't said a word to eachother after the...kiss. It has been really quiet, the only noise that can be heard is the faint music and laughter coming from the mansion.
I am still not over about what just happened. I am still blushing a deep shade of red, and my heart feels like its going to burst through my chest.
"Serena?" Ash says, breaking the silence.
"Please be my girlfriend." He looks into my eyes.
"It's about time you ask that question." I giggle.
He gives me a small smile then looks at the ground.
"Seriously, though. Would you like to? It would make me really happy."
"Of course I will, Ash." I smile as a light shade of pink forms on my cheeks.
"Hehe, great!" He scratches the bottom of his nose. "Oh, by the way. This is my first relationship, so sorry if I am not really good with all of this lovey dovey stuff."
"Don't worry, I am sure you'd make a great boyfriend."
"I hope so..." He says as he looks back up at the sky.
The day I have always wished for has finally come. Ash and I are now dating, and I couldn't be more happier.
We stay outside for 10 more minutes. We later on decide to go back to the mansion, because it was getting cold. I follow Ash as he walks back to the mansion. Once we get inside, we spot our friends not too far away.
"There you are!" We hear Misty's voice once we get inside.
"We were looking all over for you guys." Drew says.
"Yeah, after the dance, you two just disappeared. Where did you guys go?" Iris asks.
"Umm, I just had to give Serena her present, that's all." Ash replies.
"And you had to bring her somewhere else to do that? You know you could've done it in front of us, we wouldn't mind. And I wanted to see the present too..." Dawn pouts.
"The present is right here." I say as I point to the necklace Ash gave me.
"'s so pretty!" She squeals.
"Where did you get the money for that, Ashy-boy?" Gary asks as he examines the necklace.
"Eheh...doesn't matter." Ash replies while scratching his head.
"Anyways, now that everyone is here, I say we go have some dessert! I walked past the food table earlier and spotted strawberry cake, chocolate cake, ice cream, and more sweets than I can ever imagine!" Clemont drools.
"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go." May says and starts walking back to our table, followed by the rest of the group.
Ash starts to make his way to the table as well. I grab his wrist, stopping him.
"Huh? What's up?" He turns around.
"Should we tell them"
"Umm...maybe we should wait till' Monday." He replies.
"Alright then."
A few hours later, the party finally ends. Everyone has already made their way home, and is now almost completely empty. The only person who has not left yet is Ash.
Right now, we are standing near the doors exiting the mansion. I am carrying Fennekin in my arms as I gently pet her head while Pancham sits on my shoulder, fiddling around with my hair. Ash is leaning against the wall beside me, staring into space while Pikachu eats a bottle of ketchup.
"You look like you're doing some deep thinking." I glance over at him.
"Not really, I'm just wondering about how my mom would react to you being my girlfriend. I mean, I'm excited to tell her, but at the same time, I'm scared."
"Scared? Why?"
"I am just nervous about how she'd react. Like, will she be happy for me or not?"
"I'm sure she will." I reply.
"How about you? What about your mom?
"Well, she already knew how I felt about you from the start to I have nothing to worry about." I sweat drop.
"Oh..." Ash sighs.
"If you want, we can go tell your mom tommorow. The earlier, the better."
"Really? Okay, we can go. Then we can go tell your mom afterwards." Ash replies.
"Mhm." I nod.
Ash takes out his phone from his back pocket and looks at the time.
"It's late. I better get home."
"Alright. Bye, Ash."
Before he leaves, he walks up to me and plants a short kiss on my cheek. I immediately start blushing.
"Pika?!?!" Pikachu says and drops his bottle of ketchup as it watches its trainer in shock.
He withdraws, and looks at me. He lets out a small laugh after he sees how I look like.
"Your face is as red as a Magicarp."
"S-sorry...I can't help myself. Even though we are already dating, I still get all fluttery around you..."
"Well, you better get used to it, cause that will be happening very often now."
"Hehe. I know." I giggle.
"Alright, bye." He opens the door and leaves.
I smile to myself as I watch Ash leave. I still can't believe that he is finally my boyfriend. It's a dream come true. I want to squeal and jump for joy.
I turn around and walk through the halls. I decide to go look for my mom. This place is so big, it can take awhile to find her. As I walk around, I spot many fallen balloons and streamers around the floor. This will take forever to clean up. I reach the main room, and find my mom organizing a pile of gifts.
"Serena, there you are. You have gotten so many presents, look at all these!"
"I know. I don't know how we are supposed to bring all that back to Vaniville." I reply.
"It will be a challenge, but I can pull it off." My mom says. "I will start loading them onto the car tommorow morning, and you can open them once we get home."
"Alright. Well, I am going to change and head to bed. I am really tired." I bring my hand up to my mouth to cover my yawn.
"Okay, sweetie. Goodnight."
"G'night mom."
I make my way to the guest room, where I will be staying for the night. As I open the door to the room, Fennekin and Pancham rush inside and jump onto my bed. They lay down, feeling exhausted.
"Before you guys head to bed, let me get these for you." I say as I walk up to them.
I remove Fennekin's ribbon away from her ear, and afterwards Pancham's top hat and bow tie. The two pokemon lay back down, and quickly drift off to sleep.
I walk over to my mirror, and look at my reflection. I remove my jewelry one by one, my bracelet, my earrings and lastly, the necklace Ash gave me.
I look at it in my hands. Looks like I have another special thing to cherish, other than the hankerchief.
Later on, I change into my pajamas, and afterwards head to bed.
* * * * *
Ash's P.O.V.
It's 3 in the morning, and I'm still wide awake. I can't seem to get some sleep at all. I am lying in my bed, staring up at the ceiling. Pikachu seems to be awake as well, I could hear him, but it's hard to tell because I can't quite see him in this darkness.
I don't know the reason why I can't sleep. The most likely reason is Serena. Maybe I can't get over what has just happened and I just keep thinking about her, preventing me from sleeping. Maybe that's why.
"Pika?" Pikachu calls me.
"Yeah buddy?"
"Pi pikachu, pika?"
I smile when I hear what Pikachu said. He just asked me what has happened earlier, when I kissed Serena right in front of him.
"You see, you missed a lot when you were busy slurping all that ketchup." I chuckle.
"Pika pi?"
Pikachu just asked me why I did it.
"Well, Serena and I are dating. That's why I did it."
"Pi?!" Pikachu sits up, with a surprised expression on his face.
"It's true, and you are the first one to know about it. Anyways, head to bed, buddy. I am already starting to feel sleepy." I yawn.
"Chu..." Pikachu nods as it lies back down and shuts its eyes.
I shortly drift off to sleep a few minutes later after him.
The next day...
It is late in the afternoon. I am just about to leave my house, Serena told me to meet her at her place at this time because it was the time she'd be returning home from the mansion. I walk over to her house. As I approach her door, Serena opens it before I can even knock, causing me to jump.
"Wha? scared me." I sweat drop.
"Oh, hi Ash. Sorry about that." She giggles.
"I-it's fine. Ehehe." I scratch my head.
Pikachu hops off my shoulder and runs into her house. He goes up to his two best friends, Fennekin and Pancham, who were sitting on the living room couch.
"Are we going to my mom first or yours?" I ask.
"About that...there was a change in plans." She says.
"What do you mean?"
"You see, your mom just called inviting my mom over to your place to do some gardening. I think we should tell them both while they are there." She replies.
"Really? My mom didn't tell me anything about that." I say.
"Serena! Time to go!" Grace says from behind her. "Wait, Ash? What are you doing here?"
"Hi, Grace. I was going to visit, until I heard you guys were coming over."
"Well, we are heading to your place right now, so I suggest you come along with us."
"Y-yes ma'am." I reply. "Hey Pikachu! C'mon, time to go!"
"Pi!" Pikachu replies as it hops of the couch and climbs onto my shoulder.
"You guys too!" Serena calls out to Pancham and Fennekin.
I make my way back to my house, followed by Serena and her mom. I open my door to find my mom in the middle of the living room.
"Hey mom."
"Ash! There you are! I have been looking all over for you!" She puts her hands on her hips.
"I just went to Serena's house."
"And you left without even telling me?"
I look behind me, to see Serena and Grace just standing there, watching my mom yell at me. Talk about embarrasing.
"Okay, I'm sorry. Anyways, Grace is here." I say as I step aside.
"Oh, Grace! Welcome! And you brought Serena too! Wonderful!" Delia walks over to her.
"Hello, Delia." Grace replies.
"Did you bring the gardening tools?"
"Why, yes I did." Grace says, holding up a bag full of tools.
"Great. Then let's get to work."
Grace and Delia make their way to my backyard for their gardening. Serena and I sweat drop as we watch them.
"I guess we have to wait for a little while then." Serena says.
"Yeah, just until they are finished." I say.
We wait an hour for them. During that hour, Serena and I watched a few TV shows that were on at that time. Eventually, Grace and my mom finished all their gardening, and returned to the living room.
"Hey mom? Can we talk to you?" Serena asks.
"Hm? Of course, sweetie." Grace sits down in front of Serena and I.
"You too, mom." I look at my mom, who is washing her hands in the kitchen.
"Coming!" My mom wipes her hands and takes her seat beside Grace.
"What is it? Is something wrong? Is it something we should be concerned about?" Grace says.
"N-no, it's not anything bad." Serena replies.
"Then what is it?"
"Umm, A-ash and I are..." Serena pauses.
I look at her and nod my head, telling her it will be okay.
"Ash, you can continue." She puts her head down.
"Wha? Seriously? Oh man..." I gulp.
"Is something the matter, Ash?" My mom asks me.
"Pi?" Pikachu looks at me in concern. He must've figured out what was about to happen.
I let out a sigh. I thought Serena was going to tell them. Looks like I have to do it now. I wish she would be the one to tell them, because it will be a lot easier for her since her mom already knows how she feels. Me, on the other hand, I haven't talked to my mom about any of this.
"Okay...I hope this does not take you guys by surprise, but...Serena and I are dating."
Grace is the first one to act. She quickly gets up and hugs both Serena and I.
"Oh, how long have I waited for this day...I'm so happy for you two."
"Thanks, mom." Serena smiles as she withdraws from the hug.
When I withdraw from the hug, I am literally tackled by my own mother. She pulls me into a hug. She holds me really tightly, suffocating me.
"M-mom! C-can't b-breathe!"
I could here Serena giggling beside me, so I turn my head around and glare at her. My mom lets go of me, but keeps her hands on my shoulders.
"My are growing up, and I couldn't be more proud." She wipes a tear away from her right eye.
My mom then moves over and gives a short hug to Serena.
"Now, Ash. Be a gentleman towards her. Remember she is girl, and she is fragile." My mom says.
"I will, mom." I reply.
"And remember. You two are still young, so don't go doing adult things." Grace says.
"Mom!" Serena starts blushing.
"I'm just teasing you, sweetie." Grace laughs.
"Anyways, it's almost 7." Delia says as she looks at the time. "Why don't you stay for dinner?"
"That will be great, thank you." Grace replies. "Here, let me help you prepare it."
Grace and Delia make their way to the kitchen, leaving Serena and I.
"I'm so tired." Serena sighs.
"Yeah...same. But, mission complete! We told them, we did it!" I turn to her.
"Oh yes, we did." She replies as she wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me in for a kiss. I grab hold of her hips and return the passion.
"You know, you can spend the night here with me if you are really that tired..." I whisper into her ear as I break away from the kiss.
"H-huh? U-umm...I-I..." She blushes a deep shade of red.
"I'm just joking, you know." I laugh.
"Oh made me all nervous." She sighs of relief.
"Why? Did you want to? You are always welcome to."
"A-ash..." She shyly looks down.
"Okay, I'll stop." I chuckle. "Let's go help with dinner. I'm starving."
"Hehe. Okay." She replies with a smile and follows me into the kitchen.
Today went really well. Now all that's left is to tell all our friends.
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