Chapter 11
I stare at the hankerchief in my hands. I am positive that this is the one I used back in summer camp. I recognize it, its blue color and the pokeball on the right corner. I remember my mom giving me the hankerchief before I leave the house everyday. No, it can't be. Serena must have bought the same hankerchief at a store or something. I need to stop overthinking things.
"Pika..." Pikachu sniffs the hankerchief a second time. He then turns to me and sniffs my cheek.
"Huh? Hey, that tickles." I chuckle.
"Pika! Pikachu!" Pikachu says.
"The hankerchief has the same scent as me?" I give Pikachu a weird look. "I don't think so."
"Pika!" Pikachu tells me that what he is saying is true.
"If the hankerchief has the same scent as I do, that means I owned or used this at some point. This belongs to Serena, Pikachu. This same scent thing you are telling me about makes no sense." I say.
"Pika, pika pikachu!" Pikachu says.
I listen to Pikachu talk about how the girl from summer camp looks a lot like Serena.
"You haven't seen her, Pikachu. How am I supposed to know you are right?" I ask him.
Pikachu pauses for a while, then his eyes lit up with an idea.
"Pi pika!" Pikachu runs out of Serena's room.
Pikachu just told me to stay here and he will be right back.
"W-wait!" I say. "Man...wonder what he is up to."
I lean on the wall and wait for Pikachu. He seems to be taking a while, so decide to think back to that day in summer camp. I didn't have the chance to talk to that girl again, because I had to leave. I never saw her again. I didn't even catch her name. I wonder where she is right now, if she is still in Kanto. I really want to see her again.
I end my thoughts and glance at Serena. This is going to be boring. I have no one to talk to right now, well...besides Pikachu, who isn't here at the moment.
Five minutes later, Pikachu returns with two objects in his mouth. He squeezes through the small opening of the door and enters the room. He walks over to me and hands me the first object.
"What is this?" I question.
I look at the object, and it turns out to be a photo from summer camp. It is a group picture of all the kids who attended the camp. I remember the day this was taken, I tried my best to pull of the best smile. I look at the picture more clostly and find myself with the biggest smile, standing in between two of my childhood friends. I soon realize that this is my photo, the one I keep on my night stand.
"Did you get this from our house?" I ask him.
"Pi!" Pikachu nods.
He climbs up my side and sits on my shoulder. He points to a girl, who looks a lot like Serena.
"Pi pika." He then points to Serena, who is still fast asleep in her bed.
Pikachu tells me that they look alike, and how it has to be her. I look at the girl in the photo, then back at Serena. The girl in the photo had honey blonde hair, just like hers. The two also have the same ocean blue eyes. I realize that maybe it is her. Maybe Pikachu is right. Pikachu then hands me the second object.
It is a booklet of all the highlights and memories of the camp. This book was given to everyone in the camp. I open the book and go through the pages. It is full of pictures of the different events that occured during camp. Pikachu reaches down and flips to the last few pages of the book. The page he points to reads "Meet the Campers!". Below that are small photos of each kid that attended camp, in alphabetical order. My name starts with an "A", so my picture is on the first page, followed by my full name underneath it.
"Pika." Pikachu says.
I then find out what Pikachu is trying to do. I quickly flip through the pages, trying to find the girl. I soon find her, in the "S" section. I look at the bottom of her picture. My eyes widen. Her name was none other than "Serena Yvonne." It's her. It is really her. I stare at Serena, surprised. I felt a little too surprised, and ended up loosing grip of my phone in my left hand. It drops to the floor, making a loud noise.
"Huh?" Serena wakes up.
She slowly sits up and looks at me.
"What was that what happened?" She asks me.
"Umm, n-nothing. My phone just fell, that's all." I nervously say and pick it up. "Sorry for waking you up."
"Oh, it's fine." She rubs her eyes.
I can't believe it. That mysterious girl who I knew nothing about is right in front of me.
"You can go back to sleep. Sorry again." I say.
"Okay." She gives a small smile and lies back down.
I place the picture and booklet on Serena's desk. I'm having mixed feelings about this. I am feeling happy that she is the girl from camp, but then I am also feeling really nervous. Does she remember me? Should I tell her? I don't know what to do.
I decide to push this aside for now and think about it later. I sit down on one of Serena's bean bag chairs and take out my phone. I watch a few videos on Poketube (Youtube of the Pokemon World), text a few people and listen to music. Almost an hour later, Serena is still asleep. I then remember something that may be really important.
"Oh right. I think I'd be smart to get some medicine for her when she wakes up." I say.
"Pikachu!" Pikachu agrees.
Pikachu hops off my shoulder and makes his way towards the door.
"Wait, buddy." I call him back.
"Pi?" Pikachu stops and looks at me.
"Do you mind staying in here with her, just incase she wakes up?" I ask him.
"Pi pika." Pikachu nods and jumps onto Serena's bed.
"Thanks." I smile and leave the room.
I walk downstairs. I need to look for the medicine cabinet. I look around her house. I decide to start in the kitchen. I start opening each cabinet, searching for the medicines. Her house has lots of different cabinets, and I don't know specifically which one to open. This would have been a lot easier if Serena was awake right now. She could've told me where it is.
"Oh arceus. This is gonna take a while." I sweatdrop.
Serena's P.O.V.
I open my eyes. I slowly sit up. As I sit up, I see my room start spinning. I shake my head, trying to get rid of the dizziness.
"Pika!" I hear a voice say.
"Huh?" I look down to see Pikachu sitting at the corner of my bed.
"Hey there." I smile and pet his head.
"Chuu!" Pikachu closes his eyes.
I look around, and notice Ash isn't here.
"Where's Ash?"
"Pi pika." Pikachu points towards the door.
"Oh, okay." I reply.
I grab my phone from my night stand, and open it up. I find a few text messages from Dawn.
"Serena, May told me u r sick."
"Are u ok?"
"How are you feeling?"
"Answer my texts!"
I give a small sigh to see Dawn so impatient. I begin typing.
"Sorry, I fell asleep. Anyways, I'm doing fine, calm down." I reply.
I put my phone back onto my night stand. My head is still pounding, so I'd be best if I don't move too much to avoid getting nauseous. I look at Pikachu, who was already looking at me.
"Want someone to play with?" I ask him.
"Pikachu!" Pikachu smiles.
"Alright. Come on out!" I toss both of my pokeballs.
Fennekin and Pancham emerge from their pokeballs.
The two pokemon jump down from my bed and run out the door.
"Pika!" Pikachu calls and follows them.
"AGH!!!" I hear a scream.
"H-huh?" I get up and run towards the door.
I look into the hallway to see Ash lying on the floor, with two medicine pills and a bottle of water next to him.
"Ow..." He groans as he sits up.
"Ash? What happened?" I walk towards him and grab a hold of his arm to help him up.
"Well, I was making my way back to your room until I was tripped over by three running pokemon." He says and glares at Pikachu, Fennekin and Pancham.
"Pi..." Pikachu sweatdrops along with Fennekin and Pancham.
"My bum hurts now." Ash says as he rubs his bottom.
"It did look like you fell hard." I giggle.
"Well, I did." Ash sighs as he bends down and picks up the pills and bottle of water.
Suddenly, my head starts spinning. I told myself to avoid moving too much earlier, but didn't.
"Erg..." I grunt and bring my hand up to the side of my head.
"Huh? Serena what's wrong?" Ash looks at me.
"Nothing...just feeling a little nauseous, that's all." I reply.
"Lie down then. It should help." Ash says.
"R-right." I say and walk back to my bed.
"I'll be back, I need to get new pills because someone has made drop them." Ash looks at Pikachu.
"Pika..." Pikachu nervously scratches its head.
"Alright." I give a small smile.
He comes back about five minutes later with pills and soup in both hands.
"Here. Eat this first." He says as he hands me the bowl of soup.
"Thank you." I lightly blush.
I quickly eat my soup, and afterwards swallow to pills Ash gives me. I decide to spend some time on my phone. It has been pretty silent since the past hour, Ash hasn't talked for a while, the last time I looked at him he had earbuds plugged in and his eyes were glued onto the screen of his phone. There were a few times where I caught him glancing at me a few times. He also looked like he was having deep thoughts at times.
A few minutes later, he finally gets up from where he is sitting. He walks over to me and feels my forehead.
"Your fever is still burning." He says.
"I-is it?" I try to hide my blush.
"Yeah. Gimme a sec."
He walks out of the room and later comes back with a small, wet cloth.
"I soaked this with cold water, it should help cool you down." He says as he places it on my forehead.
"Okay." I reply.
"Um, Serena? Can I ask you something?" He looks at me.
"What is it?" I look back.
"N-nevermind." He sighs.
"Then why did you even bother asking if you are just going to say nevermind?" I giggle.
"Just changed my mind." He says.
"You can tell me." I say.
"No, it's fine." He replies.
"Chu!" Pikachu thumps his head.
"O-ow!" He shouts. "What was that for?!"
"Pi pika, pikachu!" Pikachu says.
"Okay, fine. I'll tell her. Gosh." Ash glares at Pikachu as he sits on the corner of my bed.
"Tell me what?" I give a weird look as I sit up and move beside him.
Pikachu jumps onto the floor from Ash's shoulder and leaves the room. He makes his way to Fennkind and Pancham, who are playing tag in the hallway.
"Umm, do you know about Proffesor Oak's summer camp?" He nervously says.
Oh arceus. I was supposed to tell him about the hankerchief and totally forgot about it. Does he already know about it?
"Y-yeah." I say.
I think I know where this is going. I have a feeling he knows.
Ash gets up and walks over to my desk. He picks up the hankerchief and sits back down on my bed.
He takes my hand and places the hankerchief in it. He closes my hand and holds it. He stays silent for a while.
"It was you." He finally says.
I don't know how to react right now. I feel like jumping with joy because he found out, but then I also feel really nervous. He is looking directly at me, his hand on top of mines.
"You remember, right?" He motions to the hankerchief.
I look into his deep brown eyes.
"Of course, Ash." I reply.
He sighs with relief, and lets out a smile.
"So you did remember. I thought you forgot about it." He scratches his head.
"Why would I? That day is really special to me." I blush.
"Really? I didn't do much..." He chuckles.
"You helped me when I was hurt, Ash. That was a big help." I smile.
"I-I guess." He replies.
"I never got the chance to say thanks on that day. So...thank you." I say.
"You're welcome." He smiles.
"Here, I have been wanting to return this to you." I remove my hand from his and hand him the hankerchief.
"You are giving this back?" He questions.
"Yup. It's yours."
He looks at it for a while, and looks back at me. He then places it back into my hand.
" keep it. It can be like a memory of that day. You said it is special to you, so keep the hankerchief." He says.
I bring the hankerchief up to my heart.
"Thank you, I will treasure and cherish it." I say.
He gives a small smile and looks down. He doesn't speak for a while.
"Why have you gone all quiet?" I ask him.
"I'm really speechless right now, sorry. I am just so happy because I found out who the girl was, and especially because it was you, Serena." He looks at me.
I can't help but feel my cheeks turn red. I am pretty sure my blush is noticable right now. I hope he doesn't notice. I stare into Ash's deep, brown eyes. As I look, I find him slowly leaning in. he going to do what I think he is going to do? He moves in closer, until our lips are only a few inches apart. To my surprise, I find myself leaning in too.
Ash's P.O.V.
My heart is pounding. I am feeling butterflies in my stomach. Why am I doing this? I don't have any special feelings for her that I know of. I shouldn't be doing this, but I can't stop. I keep leaning in.
Our lips are just about to touch, until I hear a the door downstairs open, and afterwards shut close.
The loud noise startles me, and I quickly back away. I look at Serena, who is blushing a deep shade of red. I start blushing as well.
"Uh...s-sorry!!! I-I don't know what I just did!!!" I blurt out.
I clench my fists. What was I thinking?!
"I-it's fine!" She shyly looks down at the floor.
I try to get rid of my blush, but it wouldn't go away.
"You are as red as a tomato." Serena looks back at me.
"H-huh? Is it that bad??" I gulp.
"No, I just haven't seen you like this before." She giggles.
"O-oh...hehe." I nervously chuckle.
"I'm home!!!" We hear a voice say.
"Huh?" Serena gets up walks downstairs.
I get up and follow her. As I make my way through the hall, Pikachu sees me and jumps onto my shoulder.
We reach the living room, and find Grace.
"Mom? Why are you home so early?" Serena asks.
"I couldn't help but worry about you. My boss let me out early for the day." Grace says as she hugs Serena.
"You shouldn't have worried, I'm doing fine." Serena smiles.
Grace feels Serena's forehead.
"Your temperature had gone down, thank arceus." Grace sighs of relief.
"Ash, thank you for taking care of my daughter. You are a big help." She smiles at me.
"Anytime." I smile back.
"Well, you may go home now. I am here now. Thanks again." Grace says.
"Oh, okay. See you tommorow, Serena." I say.
"Bye Ash." She smiles.
I leave their house and sigh. I don't know why I did that. I don't like Serena in that way, or do I?
I shake my head away from my thoughts. I look up at my house and see a boy knocking on the door. I pick up my pace. I get to my house. The person must have heard my footsteps. He turns around, and looks at me. I look at him, a little confused.
"Calem? What are you doing here?"
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