Red x Blue's Sister!Reader
You sat on the couch, bored as all hell. All of the sudden, Blue ran into the livingroom, and almost collapsed if it wasn't for him banging his gut on the arm of the couch. "Owww~!" He wheezed. "Woah, dude. What's your problem?" You asked, a little concerned.
"So, you remember Red, right?" Your brother asked. "We just visited him last week...?" You replied confusedly. "Oh right- ANYWAY, we're going to Alola!!" Blue exclaimed, twirling around. You jumped up, "REALLY?!" Your (e/c) eyes sparkled. Blue nodded repeatedly. You and Blue cheered and practically screamed. "Okay, well we need to get Red-" Just as Blue said that, a knock at the door could be heard. "I'll get it." You say, opening the door. "Oh hey, Red!" You greet the black-haired boy with his suitcase with a smile. He waved, still staying quiet. "I'm glad you could come! It means quite a lot to me." Your smiled widened as you lightly hugged your friend. A faint blush was painted on his already peachy cheeks. You pulled away, sprinting into your room to find your suitcase. "We leave to go to the airport in an hour and a half!" Blue shouted. "ohKAY!!" You screamed back, a little too loudly.
"Okay, I have my favourite summer-y shirts packed, got my shorts... my sneakers... flipflops... I FORGOT MY (f/p) PLUSHIE!!" You exclaimed, searching around.
(okay so basically in this oneshot, reader has a plush pokemon and she can't sleep without it)
Red heard you yelling about, and looked down at a (f/p) plush, that had been on the couch. He picked it up gently, and walked to your room, knocking on the door. You opened the door, immediately spotting your beloved plushie. "Thank you so so much, Red!" You exclaimed, basically ripping the plush out of his hands and lightly hugging him once more. You dragged your suitcase and shoved your wallet in the back of your (jeans/joggers). "I'm ready!" You exclaimed.
You had a (f/c) tee with sunglasses tucked into the neck of the shirt. You also had (jeans/joggers) on. Blue smiled, as he and Red stood with their suitcases. "Alright, come on out Ninetales!" You shouted, sending out Ninetales. "Come on out, Aerodactyl!" Blue shouted. Red tossed his Pokeball, sending out Charizard. You all mounted your Pokemon and ventured to the airport.
TIME SKIP (brought to you by dwayne the clock johnson)
After going through security, several fans of both your brother and Red, and food trips, the three of you were now on a flight to Alola. You were in between Red and Blue, kinda squished. On your tablet that you brought along, you were watching some YouTube, squeezing (f/p) plush in your other arm. Red was watching too. But you didn't know if it was because he wanted to make sure that you weren't watching anything bad, or if he was just watching because he found it interesting.
"Please buckle your seat belts. We will be landing in Alola Airport shortly." A kind female voice said. Red and Blue looked down at you as you buckled your seat belt. "What?" You looked at them. They said nothing and watched you until you finished buckling your seat belt. Then they did, and now the plane is losing altitude. You held onto your plushie tightly as if it was going to fall.
You finally landed, and that same voice could be audible one more. "Welcome to Alola." She said just as the plane stopped. "Wait guys..." The two looked down at you. "We forgot Leaf." You say. Their faces go pale as the girl across from the trio takes off her sunglasses. "Alola boys~." Leaf says to us. You all basically sprint outta there and finally get away from Leaf before she obliterates you all.
"What hotel are we staying at?" You ask. "Tide Song. It's on Akala." Your brother answers. Red looks around and lets out a small gasp. "Augh, this place is so pretty!" You exclaim, smiling like a dog rolling in grass. Red nods in agreement.
"Guess where we're going~!" Blue squeaked a little. You looked up at him, while Red smirked and looked down at you. "Iki town festival!!" He shouted. Your eyes sparkled as you bounced up and down. "Really?!" You squealed. Blue rapidly nodded, while Red just nodded once. You hugged Blue, almost crying. He hugged you back, shedding a tear at your sudden cuteness. Red smiled like you'd never seen him before at your actions. You ran up the stairs, almost tripping and falling, if it weren't for Red catching you.
As soon as you saw the beautiful torch lights and dancing Pokémon, you squealed even louder than before. "Eeeeee~!!" Your (emerald/lapis/honey/oak) eyes gleamed and glittered, reflecting the scarlet flames before you. You called out Ninetales, and (she/he) was just as hyped as you were. A lady walked up to you. "Alola~. This is for you. Have a great time~!" She beamed, handing you two leis. You put it on your Ninetales and put the other one of your head. You shuffled back over to Red and Blue. "Look at what this lady gave us!" You beamed. "So cute..." Red whispered. "What?" You peered into Red's eyes. He blinked in response and blushed. You smiled and walked back off, checking out the newest Alolan trainers, Elio, Selene, and Hau.
"I think we should head back now, the clouds don't look too friendly..." You say, trying to hide your phobia of thunder. "Yeah, let's go." Blue said as Red nodded. You all called out your Pokémon and ventured to your hotel.
You all scurried up to the elevator and rode. Just as you entered the room, a roar of thunder could be heard. You squeaked and jumped into a bed and under the covers. Blue sighed. "It's just thunder, lil' sis. Nothing to be afraid of." You didn't budge. Red looked down at you and grabbed your (f/p) plushy from the desk. He sat down next to you and handed it to you. "T-Thank you..." You whispered, holding your (f/p) plushy tight. Just as Red was about to get up, you tugged on his sweatshirt. "Can you please sleep with me tonight..?" You sheepishly asked. His face went beet-red, yet he kept his composure and nodded. "Thank you, Red..." You leaned into his chest as he got under the covers."I dunno how I feel about this..." Blue said, referring to you and Red being in the same bed. (hey that rhymes!) Red shot Blue a glare. "Okay, okay..." Blue backed off and went into the other bed.
Once Red knew you and Blue were asleep, he whispered, "I love you, (Y/n)..." before falling asleep aswell.
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