CCALD Chapter 2: Huemmal and Ex-Leader of Spikemuth!
(Huemmal was outside the cavern, waiting. Snow gently fell onto his black hat and clothing as he breathed into his hands.)
Huemmal: Chilly out here....might as well explore.
(Huemmal trudged through the snow, looking at all the snow capped trees and ice type pokemon.)
(Huemmal spots a small village down the snow slope. The small village only had a few houses, and frozen garden beds. He grinned, in relief.)
Huemmal: Heh...Somewhere I can warm up eh?
(He begins to head down the slope, until he stopped, and thought to himself.)
Huemmal: *thinking* What if the people down there...reject me? Turn me in for a profit perhaps? I know Galarians would do anything to-
???: Oooh, look!
(Huemmal swiftly turned around in alarm. Behind him was an elderly lady who was wandering through the slippery slope. She was staring at him joyously, smiling, before rushing her small elderly legs up to him.)
Lady: My my, aren't you just so big and young! Are you lost young man?
Huemmal: *alarmed* N-No I-!
Lady: Oh dear you must be freezing, come with me down to Freezington, I'll warm you up some tea, dear. *tugs at his arm, urging him down into the town*
(Minutes later, we cut to a scene where Huemmal was inside one of the homes in Freezington and is being shrouded by the elderly women of freezington, being praised by how handsome he was ((he's not that handsome)) and where he had come from.)
Huemmal: L-Ladies please! I-
(Suddenly, a tale pale emo boy with a HUGE ponytail steps into the house.)
Huemmal: *gasps, knowing who he was*
One of the ladies: Welcome back, Piers! Look, I found a friend for you! ^^ *smiles*
Piers: Thanks grandma, but I'm only here for my laundry.
Lady: Right, I'll go get that then. *walks off*
(The other ladies go elsewhere. Piers takes a blanket and sits down near the fireplace next to Huemmal.)
Piers: *looks at Huemmal*
Huemmal: *looks at Piers*
Piers: Sup.
Huemmal: Sup? Aren't you gonna turn me in?
Piers: For...what?
Huemmal: Being a Fulcrian?
Piers: That sounds tedious. *lays down* Besides, I'm not a gym leader anymore.
Huemmal: Really?
Piers: Yep. I quitted. Gave the gym to my sis.
Huemmal: Heh, I have never been a gym leader before.
Piers: Really?
Huemmal: Yep. I just can't convince champion Jay to let me in.
Piers: Rough. Say, what's your name? Huebert?
Huemmal: Huemmal.
Piers: Cool name.
Huemmal: Eh, thanks...
(Suddenly, something loud landed on the roof! Startled, the two boys went outside to see a giant black and pink bird on the ceiling of the house they were in.)
Bird: TREEEESSSS!!! *flies deeper into the Tundra*
Huemmal: :O
Piers: What the--
Huemmal: I...*gets an idea* can give that to Jay...*grins*
Piers: Mate, you said what?!
Huemmal: We should follow it!!
Piers: Do you have wooloo for brains?!?
Huemmal: No listen, if I give that thing to my champion, I'll have a chance at becoming a dark gym leader! NOW LETS FOLLO-
Piers: And whats in it for me?
Huemmal: can...erm...
Piers: Catch that Moltres first? On it. *runs off*
Huemmal: HEY WAIT!!!! *runs after piers*
(As Huemmal raced Piers outta Freezington, he wondered how the other gym leaders were faring. We slowly cut to the next chapter...)
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