Barry X Reader - Snowfall and Eggnog
Pokémon Barry X Reader
As the month of December approached Sinnoh, you were anticipating Twinleaf town's first snow of the winter. You longed to see the fresh glistening snow covering the grass as your neighbor Barry sprinted over to your house, to pester you into playing in the snow with him instead of watching TV in your warm and cozy house (you normally complied rather well though). You stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around yourself, looking at your reflection in the foggy bathroom mirror. Your eyes drifted to your cellphone which was laying on the edge of the bathroom sink.
"I wonder if I have any messages yet" you said aloud to yourself. You slid your finger across the screen and unlocked your phone. You jumped a little. "34 UNREAD MESSAGES AND 7 MISSED CALLS?" You questioned in shock, your eyes widening. You saw the myriad of messages was sent by none other than Barry. "IT'S ONLY 8AM WHAT THE HECK COULD HE WANT?!" the corner of your mouth started to twitch.
I mean, you always got a text from him saying 'Good Morning!' or 'Out of food, mom gone, plz feed me' (He was rather incompetent when it came to cooking, since he had a shorter attention span than most, the poor thing always burnt his food) but never a flurry of messages like this! You red a few of his messages, all they said was cryptic things like "TEXT ME WHEN YOU GET THIS.", "(YOUR NAME)!", "COME ONNNN!!" and "PLEASE TEXT BACK!" the voice mails he left were similar.
You were kind of freaked out, thinking about all the stuff that could have happened to him...(He also had a history of screwing up making Poptarts in toasters. He caused a small house fire a few years back, nobody was seriously harmed. But Dawn's mom did lose her favorite plant to the flames. ) You decided it would probably be the best idea to give him a call, since you wanted to hear this dire news from him and not from reading texts. You picked up your phone and pressed the call button right next to his icon.
*Hi! You've reached Barry! Leave a message!*
"Shit." You mumbled as the panic set in, you hurriedly dried your hair with another towel throwing it on the ground after your hair was dry, afterwards you hastily got dressed.
Three minutes later, you bounded down the stairs and raced out of your house, turning around once to close your house's door, and over to Barry's. You decided to skip knocking on the door, and just plain threw it open. You ran inside and stopped in the living room, where you saw... Barry sleeping on the couch, with empty cartons of eggnog strewn about... You could now see he was fine and your panic subsided. Unfortunately for the boy, innocently sleeping on his couch, who caused you to panic about his well being, a storm of fury had just risen.
"BARRY!! WHAT THE HELL?!?" You yelled at him, crossing your arms and glaring at him.
Barry awoke with a fright. He made a startled yelling sound and rolled off his couch, face-planting on the ground with a loud 'THUD'. You waited for him to get up and explain himself, and what all these empty nog cartons were doing just laying there. Barry sat up and looked up at you, a big grin spreading across his face.
"Morning, sleeping beauty!" Barry yawned, then smiled at you stretching his arms. He stood up and sat back down on his couch. He rested his legs on the coffee table, knocking over an empty carton of nog, he looked at it for a second before shrugging and looking back to you.
"How am I sleeping beauty?" You paused briefly while you picked up the discarded nog carton off of the floor and put it back on the table. "AND EXPLAIN THE MESSAGES ALREADY!!" You shouted remembering why you had come over to Barry's house in such a hurry.
"Aww, I don't get a good morning back?" Barry laughed as he looked at the frowny please-take-this-seriously look on your face. He leaned back into the couch and gestured for you to sit next to him. "Come, come, sit. I will tell you the epic story behind th-".
You cut Barry off "Princess, I do not need this monologue." You giggled, rolling your eyes at Barry's silliness. He always knew how to calm you down and put you at ease when you were angry, even if he was the one you were angry at! You flopped down on the couch next to him and awaited his response.
"Ok I like got up at 5AM to see if we had any snow, and it was totally snowing! So I texted you and called you cause' I waned to wake you up! I know how much you love the snow! And I tried to stay up for when you finally responded, but I fell asleep..." He admitted, scratching the back of his head with a goofy smile on his face.
Dear lord, how you adored that goofy look. He could be so sweet sometimes...Without even knowing it...And waking up at five in the freaking morning to watch for snow?' DAMNIT NOT FAIR! HE IS TO CUTE!!' You thought to yourself, looking down at the carpet to hide your rosy red cheeks. You remember seeing the light dusting of snow outside, but you were to occupied with the possibility of your best friend being hurt or dying to marvel at it.
"The smile you get on your face when you see snow is stunning." Barry sheepishly admitted while he grabbed at your hand with his. "I love to see you being happy..." He whispered to you while his other hand stroked your hair behind your ear.
You looked back at Barry and saw his face was a deep crimson. He suggestively leaned closer to you and closed his eyes, going in for a kiss. Though you were a bit nervous you leaned in and closed your eyes as well, excited to finally kiss your childhood friend and crush.
The kiss was sweet and innocent, much like Barry. It was short at first, him worrying you didn't like him back. But Barry was definitely reassured when you took initiative and kissed him a second time, the anxious look on his face softening with a light blush and a blissful smile.
After many more smooches you two had decided to cuddle on his couch and watch old Christmas movies, after getting more Eggnog from the Poké mart of course.
Barry drained his third glass of nog as the ending of another movie played, he placed the cup on the table and glanced over at you. You however had fallen asleep and were snuggled up in a ton of blankets. Barry giggled upon seeing your cute sleepy face and kissed you on the forehead.
"I love you so much (your name). I hope this winter will be the best." Barry sighed as he looked out his window and stroked your hair. It was snowing, about 3 inches had fallen while you two were cuddling and watching movies. Barry happily thought 'Boy (your name) is gonna be so happy when she wakes up! I can't wait!'
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