Adventure 1-- celery and celibi
"you guys I found my first Pokémon! It's so adorable!" I said as I showed them the pokéball and inside was a ditto. They smiled and hugged me. "Yay! Razzberry you did it! I'm so proud of you!" Jocy said as she rubbed my head and smirked. "What Pokémon did you guys find?" I said as I rubbed the pokéball. Monica had a squirtle, Lani had a chimler, Selena had a ghastly, and Jocy had a pichu. "Wow, you guys got good ones."
We all took out our Pokémon and played with them. The pokémon loved us and we loved them. I fed my ditto and headed to the berry bushes to get more berries. I heard voices coming from behind the bush and looked. It was a celebi, and she had a broken arm. I grabbed my first aid kit and wrapped celibi's arm around her neck so it would make a sling. "There there, it's ok. I'm just helping." I gave her a berry and she ate it. Celebi smiled at me and grabbed my arm. Ditto came and hugged celebi. Celibi grabbed ditto and me and a flash of light appeared. I couldn't see anything but when it finished we were standing in the same spot we were before, but celibi was gone. I heard a man yelling and I saw celibi getting chased by him. There was a houndoom with him chasing celibi. Houndoom lept towards celibi and hit her. She stopped for a second but kept going. Eventually, she lost them and hid behind a bush. A light flashed again and we were back to the bush, and celibi was wearing the sling I made her. "So that's what happened to you?" Celibi nodded and I picked her up. "Don't worry. Me and my friends will take care of you until your arm heals." I smiled as celibi and ditto hugged me. "And if you'd like, you could be one of my pokémon and you could be with me forever." Celibi nodded and I pulled out a pokéball. I put celibi in the pokéball and ditto in his. I walked over to my friends and they were feeding their pokémon. "Hey Kayla, where have you been?" Selena said as she pet ghastly and fed him a blackberry. "Guys, this may come as a shock to you but, I found a legendary Pokémon!" I held out the pokéball and threw it to the ground. *BOM!* Celibi popped out and spinned around happily. Everyone just stared in suprisement. "W-what is it?" Monica rubbed her eyes in disbelief. Lani opened her Pokédex and read what it said. "It says that it's a celibi. Celibis can time travel anyone who helps and are a legendary Pokémon." Jocy's jaw dropped and everyone stared at the celibi. "Well, now we have a new member of our team. By the way, what are we going to call our team?" Everyone thought about it until I said something. "How about, we call our team, team legendaria! Because we have a legendary Pokémon on our team!" Everyone nodded and we all hugged celibi. We all put our hands together and so did celibi. "On count of three. One, two, three!" We all raised our hands up. "GO TEAM LEGENDARIA!" we all said. Celibi twirled in the air and our Pokémon danced as the sun set and we were ready for our journey to become the ultimate Pokémon Masters!
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