"Every student was reported safe when the mysterious Pokémon attacked the school building. Stay tuned for more information from the headmaster of the school, Professor Oak." Malva, the news anchor reported as I fidgeted with my sling.
"Whatever that Pokémon was I hope it's okay now. Or at least captured." My mom commented and I nodded my head, fixing my red hat.
"Hopefully." I mumbled as I picked at the food that was placed in front of me. I wasn't really hungry, more worried.
"Can I go visit Dawn?" I asked and my mom gave me a smile before nodding her head.
"Of course. Why not take her some sweets? She's had a rough week I've heard." My Mom gave me a small baggies filled with sweets and I nodded my head before walking out, heading across the street to the familiar house.
It's been awhile since I've walked this way. Since Middle School maybe? Maybe the first day of high school? I don't know. I knocked on the door softly, waiting patiently for it to open.
"Hmm? Well Look who it is, Lucas Pearl. I haven't seen you in ages! You've grown so much! Please come in." Ms.Diamond smiled at me and I smiled back at her.
"Yeah. Is Dawn awake? I've got some sweets for her. O-Oh and some tea too." I nodded to the thermos that I was holding.
"She'll be awake soon. But you may still come in. Her room is still in the same place as before." Ms. Diamond let me in and I nodded my head, heading up the familiar steps towards Dawn's room.
Things haven't changed. More pictures on the wall though, clearly of Dawn and the Pokémon that always seemed to love her. Wild Pokémon always loved to be around her, laying besides her. I stopped to look at one of the pictures though and a smile tugged onto my face gently. It was a picture of Dawn an I when we were pretty young.
I remembered this day. We had gotten lost in the woods, not remembering which way was what. But we managed to get out, following a small green body. It was a Pokémon I know that. But what it's name is, I have no clue.
I kept walking, slowly opening Dawn's door and step in. She was facing away from the door, under her covers. Her Eevee was sitting at the edge of the bed and she growled at me until I handed her a small sweet. I took a spot at the end of Dawn's bed, looking at her sleeping form.
She had a bruise on her right cheek and multiple cuts around her face. Her own arm was in a sling and I think she twisted her ankle. It was crazy in the school.
"Hey Dawn... You uh... Probably don't want me here and I wouldn't be surprise if that's what your thinking. But... I just needed to know if you were okay. I've got sweets... oh and some Tea... Green tea. Your favorite. Uh... I'm rambling... Sorry..." I chuckled as Eevee crawled onto my lap. She calmed me down slightly and I relaxed more.
"It was crazy how many things happened today... All of it seemed to happen to you... Someone who doesn't deserve this much pain..." I sighed as I looked away from her.
"I'm sorry Dawn... I couldn't protect you like I did when we were younger..."
Dawn's PoV
"I'm sorry Dawn... I couldn't protect you like I did when we were younger..." Lucas sighed and I blinked slowly.
I've been awake a mere five minutes and he was... apologizing? Though he doesn't know I'm awake yet...
"I should have been protecting you against Blue... I should have helped you against Lisa and Ethan and Calem... I should of been there for you, but I wasn't..." he went on and I shifted slightly and minimally.
"I'm not leaving you Dawn... I'm keeping my promise I made to you when we were kids. I'll protect you, I'll save you." Now might be a good time to 'wake up'
I slowly moved, raising my head first, then my upper body slowly.
"Lucas...?" I asked, my voice hoarse. He handed me a cup of the green tea and I sipped it softly, closing my eyes.
"A-Are... Are you okay?" Lucas asked after a moment of silent.
"I think so... Just... Sore..."
I moved my legs slightly, okay it wasn't slightly. I had gotten up and sat besides Lucas, nudging his shoulder gently.
"Thank you for protecting me... In the school." I smiled softly at him and he smiled back, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.
"It was nothing. Others would of done the same." He tried to brush it off but I couldn't help but giggle.
"I don't think so. Only a few... Whoa... I never noticed this before... What happened?" I pointed to a large scar running across his neck and gave a slight smile.
"When I was younger, before I met you. I was attacked by a Vigoroth and well, it left a pretty bad scar. That's why when I met you, I always had the scarf on. I must of left it at home before I came here." Lucas explained and I nodded my head, pointing at a scar that was hidden by my hair.
"I got attacked by a Staravia, left three claw marks on my head, The hat is so no one sees it. It's a pain to cover the scars when it's contest time." I told him and he gave me a soft smile.
"Guess Pokémon didn't like us when we were kids." He laughed and I joined him.
"Yeah..." I yawned and Lucas moved over, wrapping an arm around me. I leaned into him, my head going against his shoulder.
"You can get more sleeps, I'll be quiet." Lucas whispered and I nodded my head, shutting my eyes.
"Thank you Lucas... I've missed you..."
"I've missed you too...."
Oh Look! I can't believe it but I actually did it! I managed to get through school and Musical and get a book updated in nearly the same week! Well I still have school but still! xD. Hope y'all are doing good/great/ok! I'm having an Ok day because guess who saw the guy she likes kissing someone? XD. Boys are difficult. So are girls. I'm gonna go order food and go watch ProtonJon play Resident evil 6 xD.
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