Motivation I need you! I literally write small bits after I finish eating my lunch during school!
I lightly stroked Blitzle's snout before being asked to return him. Note to self; Give Blitzle one rare candy and some Poffins.
Mespirit appeared on my shoulder as Uxie and Azelf appeared besides Rowan. I gave a slight wave to Azelf who nodded his head and turned to Uxie.
"What's all of this about?" I questioned as Mespirit leaned against me, her body so much smaller than mine.
"As you know these three are the Lake Trio. The legendary Pokémon of the lakes here in Sinnoh. They guard and protect the lake from intruders and from any danger. Lately there has been a group of people inspecting the lake and from what Azelf has said are trying to find a way to make the legendaries appear." Rowan started off, his face growing dark.
"From what I've heard they go by Team Galactic and I've also heard some other names as well. Like Team Rocket and Team Plasma. Weird names..." Azelf mumbles as he shifted slightly.
"From what Professor Oak has told me, Team Rocket is a criminal organization that was originally from Kanto and Johto. Team Plasma comes from Unova as Professor Juniper told me. I don't understand why they've all come here though." Rowan stated as the clock tower rang in the distance.
Ding... Dong.... Ding.... Dong.... Ding... Dong... CRAAAAASH!
All of us snapped our heads towards the Window and with some help we ran towards it, opening up the big window.
"The Clock tower! W-What's going on?!" Rowan questioned as my eyes widened.
I clenched my hands against my head as pain started going through it. So much pain! I let out some sort of noise as I collapsed onto my knees.
"Dawn? Dawn are you all right?!" Uxie asked concern as I cried out again.
It's been so long since this has happened! Since Primary school! I thought these were gone! We all did! Lucas, May, Barry and mum!
"Professor?! Have you seen what happened?! W-What's going... Dawn!" I cried as someone placed their hand on my back softly.
"I-it hurts! P-please! Make it stops! Please!" I whimpered as I locked eyes with black ones.
"M-My bag L-Lucas... S-Same... P-Pouch..." I slowly whimpered as my vision started to cloud.
Times slowing down... The Clock Tower destroyed... Please Lucas...
Save me... like before...
Lucas' PoV
"Come on! Come on come on come on!" I whispered as I emptied dawn's bag.
Pokéball... Pokédex... Medicine pouch... Her necklace... Her Poffin case... WHAT POUCH IS IT IN!
Another crash as two floating Pokémon fell next to Dawn. A yellow one and a Pink one. The last of the three was struggling but was holding on. It's affecting them too...
Rowan was confused as he helped Dawn and the Pokémon onto separate beds.
'Lucas it's on her! Her jacket pocket! She was feeling ill today so she has it on her!' A voice filled my head as I snapped my head, hearing another crash, this time from outside.
My hat came off my head as I jumped, looking out the window. The other Clock Tower! What's causing this!?
I heard a roar before a dark being rose from the rumble.
"A-A Pokémon...?!" I whispered as A gust of wind hit me.
"That Pokémon... what caused it to become so angry?" Rowan questioned as I saw the being turn towards me.
"Rowan..." I started off as it roared again.
So scattered! I'm so sorry if this suddenly seems random. I've been so tired; mentally and physically from Cross Country and school and The Musical. Hopefully soonish (cause we have a 4 day weekend coming up) I'll be able to write and get things sorta under controlled. Hopefully.
I apologize in advance though if things aren't right.
Have a Good Day/Afternoon/Evening Fellow Wizards and Witches!
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