Blitzle looked curious as I let him out. He was pretty small compared to its siblings but was more energetic than they were. I got him at the Beginning of the school year but was told to not use him in the school as most Sophomores only had three or Two Pokemon. I now have four on my team which so far is Eevee, Misdreavus, Piplup, and Blitzle. Lisa and Ethan stood surprised before they tossed out their Pokemon.
A double battle?! I should of let May stay! Oh no!
A Sneasel and Pidove were now in front of me and I gulped as I pulled out my other Pokeball.
"Guess I'll get to see what you can do... Misdreavus." I whispered as I let her out, moving a bit of hair from my face.
Misdreavus floated next to Blitzle, smiling at Lisa and Ethan. I don't want to do this but they've pushed me beyond my control.
'Be Careful Dawn!' A voice filled my head and I looked around curious. Again?! Who's voice was that, though? It sounded different than before. Like a small boy.
"Who's voice was that?" I whispered and Blitzle turned his head towards me and nodded his head, letting out a small 'Blitz Blitzle!' before the voice filled my head again.
'We're ready Dawn. Ready for anything!' and I smiled at the voice.
"alright. Battle. Begin!" Calem called and I got into my stance, fixing my hat slightly.
"Pidove Air Cutter!"
"Sneasel Sword's Dance!" the duo called and I nodded my head, Misdreavus moved and dodged the air Cutter as did Blitzle.
"Blitzle Thundershock on Pidove! Misdreavus attack Sneasel with Shadow ball!" I called out, clutching my side slightly. It was starting to hurt as I moved around and I was hopeful no one could tell.
"Pidove again! Air Cutt- Shoot! Pidove!" Ethan frowned as Blitzle used Thundershock, bring Pidove down from the air.
"Sneasel used Night Slash on her!" Lisa smirked and I took in a breath.
No no no no no... I prepared myself for the hit but instead heard a clang of the lockers as Blitzle tackled Sneasel before it could hit me. My eyes widened as Blitzle stood in front of me and bowed its head.
'I said we were ready. That meant for everything Dawn.' The voice filled my head and I lightly stroked Blitzle's snout.
"That voice is you... You can speak to me?" I whispered as Lisa returned her Sneasel, growling at me.
They had lost, Pidove was taken down in one hit from Thundershock and with Misdreavus' shadow Ball and the takedown from Blitzle, Sneasel was also unable to battle.
"Ethan and Lisa are unable to battle. The winner is the Top Trainer and The Showoff Dawn." Calem reluctantly said as I returned Misdreavus. I kept Blitzle out to lean on as I grabbed my side. So much pain!
I felt someone loop their arm around my waist and helped me stand up. I looked up and May smiled at me. I gave her a pained smile as Blitzle walked beside us to the infirmary.
"Nice battle Dawn. So you have four Pokemon on your team? When'd you get Blitzle? He's pretty small." May asked as Blitzle nudged my hand with his nose, making me smile.
"I-I got him at the Beginning of the school year. Nobody knows about him because I got r-requested to not use h-him in battles at school. B-But I had no choice." I mumbled the last part as May gently laid me down on a bed, sitting at the end of it.
"It was definitely a good battle. Very quick too. Lisa and Ethan are not good battlers or they just suck at Doubles." May smirked as I chuckled, regretting it.
"T-That hurt. P-Professor Rowan?" I asked as I sat up, the Professor walking into the room. May straighten up as well, giving me a slightly worried look.
"Hello, Ms. Dawn. Ah, Blitzle, good to see you. Ms. May could you please leave the room for a bit?" Rowan asked and May stood, nodding her head.
"Sir, If this was about the Battle in the hallway it wasn't Dawn's fault. She did it for the safety of myself and herself." May said before she walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her.
Professor Rowan took her spot on the end of the bed and Blitzle laid his head on Rowan's Lap, wanting to be stroked.
"Ms. Diamond do you know of the boy Alex?" Rowan asked after a bit of silence and I raised my head.
"Y-Yes but-" Rowan raised his hand and moved look towards the corner. There was someone already there and I failed to notice them until now.
"A-Azelf?" I whispered as the boy transformed into his normal form.
"Hello Dawn. Rowan sir would you like for me to bring Uxie and Mespirit?" Azelf asked softly and Rowan nodded his head.
"Yes. Dawn will need to hear what's going to be happening.'Rowan spoke and Azelf disappeared.
"What is going on sir?" I whispered and Rowan looked at me.
"You will find out as soon as Azelf and his friends Return. They need your help, Dawn."
I got motivation from Happycambrie to write this chapter so thank you so much :3! It means a lot to me when people Vote and Comment! Hope you all enjoyed and Next time be prepared for a shrimp ton of Dialog and explaining. Maybe some fluff (Probably not xD)
Goodbye Fellow Trainers!
Ps. If you want to be added to this book then leave in the comments
Age/ What grade (Freshman (14-15), Sophomore (15-16), Junior (16-17), Senior (17-18))
What Pokemon you have so far (First form, so like Dawn's team. Pokemon cannot be evolved yet and if it has a split evolution let me know.)
And if You are Friend or Foe or Neutral (Bully or someone who sticks up for Dawn or doesnt get involved)
All Right!
Now Goodybe Fellow Trainers!
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