"And the Winner is... Dawn Diamond of Pokehigh!" The announcer yelled and I smiled, walking forwards as everyone in the stadium (which was a lot of people) Applauded.
I accepted my new ribbon and I bowed slightly, everyone continuing their applause.
"Thank for coming to Hearthome city! And congratulations and Thank you to everyone who competed today. Have a safe drive back home!" Nurse Joy, who was a judge smiled as everyone started to leave.
I followed the other people backstage and I finally let out a breath.
"So Dawn, what do your friends think of you doing contest?" Zoey asked me as we sat outside, waiting for our rides to come.
"My friends don't know... Only the teachers know, and my mom of course." I told her as I looked at my ribbon, smiling softly as it gleamed in the evening sun.
"Why not tell your friends? Get out of your shell a bit," she asked me and I shrugged my shoulders.
"I don't need to be bullied more for doing contest and Battles. Plus I don't have a lot of pressure from everyone at school since they don't know." I told Zoey as we heard a honk.
"Oh. That's my ride! I'll see you at the next Contest right Dawn?" Zoey asked me as she grabbed her bag, starting to walk away from me.
"Hopefully," I told her as I saw my mom pull up. I quickly stood up and got in the car, my ribbon still in my hand.
"How was the contest dear?" My mom asked and I smiled.
"I got first, I now have three ribbons. I just need two more." I smiled at her in the rearview mirror.
"Well, May came over and delivered your classwork that you missed." Mom told me as I laid my head against the cool window, closing my eyes.
I yawned as I shuffled into homeroom the next day. Even with a full night of rest, I'm still exhausted from yesterday. I sipped on my water I brought to sooth my throat, speaking so much causes it to become scratchy and painful.
"Welcome back Ms. Diamond, I'm guessing yesterday went well?" Professor Rowan asked me and I nodded my head, smiling at him. I looked around before pulling out my Ribbon case, showing him my newest one.
"Ah, the Hearthome Ribbon. Gorgeous. Congratulations." Rowan smiled at me as I put the case back in my bag.
"T-thank you. M-My t-throat s-sir..." I started to say but Rowan held up his hand, giving me a soft smile.
"Do not worry Ms. Diamond, you do not need to speak today, all the Professor's know." Rowan told me as students started coming into class.
I nodded my head and made my way to my desk, my head lowered to avoid eye contact. I slide into my chair and took out my Poffin case, opening it. I was running low after that contest, I had none of Eevee's favourite's (She steals them somehow) and I only had a few of Piplup's left.
I didn't have much time to react as the case was taken from my hands, a few poffins falling out of it.
"Why do you have a Poffin case. You don't deserve one." Lisa snarled as she dumped the rest of the Poffins into the trash.
"B-Because. I-It's my m-moms." I told her, my voice cracking a lot from it being sore.
"Hmm... Well, you don't do contest so why should you have it." Lisa smiled as she looked over the case. It was a simple design with a few stones on it.
"Probably could make some good money off it." Ethan laughed, as did Blue and Calem. Lucas sat quietly, avoiding my eyes.
"G-Give it." I demanded, it came out as a whisper as my voice gave out.
"No." Lisa smiled.
I released Piplup and she immediately used water gun, soaking Lisa, Ethan and Calem. She made sure to avoid Lucas but barely avoided Blue, getting him a little wet.
"I-I said. Give it." I whispered as I took the case from her hands, returning Piplup to her Pokeball.
I took a drink from my water bottle as Lisa stormed out of the classroom, Ethan folllowing shortly after. Note to self, bake a lot of Piplup's favourite Poffins. I looked up and locked eyes with Lucas. We stared at each other for a few seconds before Rowan cleared his throat, signaling for us to shut our mouths and pay attention.
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