I clenched Lucas' scarf, peering over his shoulder as Blue strolled in. Red moved towards us, but Calem, Lisa and Ethan blocked his path to us. I felt Lucas stiffen as his hand slowly went to his belt, clutching onto one of his pokeballs. I slowly did the same, my hand resting on Misdrevius' ball. She could cast a smokescreen and we could escape.
"Should've known you were up to something when you didn't respond last night, Lucas." Blue sneered as he strolled over, his hands in his pockets.
Lucas took a small step back, forcing me to take one as well and I felt the wall against my back.
"I-I uh... Uh, the wall." I stammered and Lucas looked at me, giving me a small smile.
"Don't worry, Dawn," His voice cracked as he faced forward, grabbing a Pokeball. "I said I'd protect you... So I will..." I felt heat crawl up to my face as I nodded my head.
Lucas' Pov
Oh, Arceus I'm dead... I swallowed quietly as I gripped my first Pokeball. I am so very very dead. Why would I think this was gonna work?! I took a deep breath and rolled out my shoulders, feeling Dawn's small hands against my shoulder blades. I relaxed, moving my stance to a more comfortable position. I'm protecting my best friend.
"Whatcha' gonna do about it Blue?" I heard my voice shake and I swallowed once more. "Really want to hurt her again? Even with the Principal's son watching this time." I tilted my head to Red.
"Oak won't do Crap, he sure won't find out when I'm done with you two." Blue sneered as he threw a Pokeball in the air, releasing a pokemon I knew all too well.
"Vigoroth," Dawn whispered and I started to feel a cold sweat drip down my back.
I could feel myself start to shake as Vigoroth outstretched his claws towards Dawn and me.
"You really think I don't know about that pitiful fear for this Pokemon that you have? You fool." Blue smirked and I felt my chest getting tight.
Its red eyes stared at me, never moving away and I felt my own eyes widen as I looked at its face markings and it clicked in my head. The markings are the same as before! I've seen this one before!
"Bout time you realized." Blues smirk got wider and I could no longer catch my breath.
"W-Where did you... did you find... find that Pokemon?" I could barely manage a whisper as Vigoroth jumped closer to me, stopping just short of my body.
"Near Petalburg woods a couple of weeks back, it seemed to always be sitting there, staring at an old house. So I took advantage of it. He's been getting restless recently, and I can see why." Blue smirked and I brought a hand to the back of my neck, suddenly feeling a burn on my scar.
"My old house in Hoenn before we moved here..." I whispered.
"You were the boy who was attacked by a wild pokemon in Petalburg woods all those years back...?" Dawn whispered and I didn't move.
"Back in xx02, there was news of a young boy getting gravely injured by a wild pokemon in Petalburg forest. The pokemon was never caught but the boy recovered. We read about it in primary school to give awareness of the dangers of wild Pokemon. Lucas that was you?" Dawn questioned again and I clenched my hand against my pant leg.
"Lucas... I-I thought you were attacked by a Staraptor...?"
"I swear. Blue I swear on it. You're not going to hurt Dawn anymore... I won't allow it" I raised my head back up, grabbing my partner pokemon and releasing it.
"Monferno lets go!"
The room went from a cold chill to a much warmer room, to the point that both Dawn and I had to remove our scarves it was so warm. Monferno bounced on his toes as he threw punches into the air, watching the Vigoroth carefully. I could feel my body relax more as I spread my legs slightly. I held my scarf in my hand, feeling the soft cotton between my fingers. I've had this scarf for years and it has never lost its softness or smoothness. How it hasn't yet I have no clue.
"Battle... BEGIN!"
"How dare you." Professor Oak started off as I scooted slightly closer to Lucas, feeling our hands touch slightly.
Lucas and Blue's battle was very intense, blow after blow, neither Pokemon wanting to fail its trainer. It got to the point that the room was scorched across the walls and floors. At one point Vigoroth missed and punched the window out the door, which ended up alerting Professor Oak who was walking by at the time.
Blue sat next to me on my left while Lucas was on my right. Red was standing against the wall while Calem, Lisa and Ethan were standing behind us. I watched professor Oak as he stood from his chair and I moved closer to Lucas when Oak stood in front of the three of us. I jerked slightly when I felt Lucas's hand go over mine, giving it a small squeeze. When I looked up at Lucas his head was down, but his eyes were locked on our hands.
"At any point, did you think it was okay to have a battle in the school. At any one time did you all think that it was okay to bully a student. At any one time did any of you realize how much trouble you would get in?!" Oak started out quietly but his voice slowly got louder and I flinched closer to Lucas.
Oak looked over at me and I sat up quickly, feeling my breathing hitch. I could feel I was shaking as he kept looking at me.
"Lucas, Red please take Ms. Dawn out in the hallway. Calem, Lisa and Ethan have a seat." Oak ordered and I felt Lucas slowly pull me up, and pull me to the hall.
As soon as the door shut I collapsed to the ground, feeling my chest get incredibly tight. I couldn't breathe. I grabbed my scarf, trying to get it off of me. Things slowly started to blur as a strangled cry left my lips
"Easy Dawn..." I heard a voice that wasn't Lucas' and I looked up. I locked eyes with Red and I instantly flinched backward into the wall, hitting my head as I thought I was seeing Blue's eyes.
"Hey hey... it's me... it's okay... " Red whispered and he reached his hand out.
"I know you're scared, Dawn. But I need you to focus on me. Okay? Look at me." I looked over at Red, trying not to flinch back into the wall.
"That's it... Take a deep breathe Dawn, you need to breathe to help calm down," Red whispered and I slowly nodded my head, trying to breathe.
"I-It hurts..." I whispered, and I felt my scarf slowly move away from my neck. I looked up to Lucas who gave me a soft look as he held my scarf in his hands.
"Just breath slowly Dawn. " Red whispered and I took a staggering breath.
"I-I'm scared..." I whispered to Red.
"I'm scared Red! He almost hurt you! He almost hurt Lucas! He almost hurt all of us!" My voice turned to a whisper as I clenched my hat.
"I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me! SO many people have already been hurt. I just can't... I can't just... I can't keep hiding and watching! I-I don't know what to do! I want to help but I don't know how!" I spewed out, keeping my tear-filled eyes on the ground.
"Dawn-" Lucas started before getting cut off.
Professors Oak door opened, Calem, Lisa and Ethan walked out. Lisa's face was flushed and tears were welling up in her eyes. Calema and Ethan just looked somber, a loss for words as they looked at me. Calem opened his mouth to say something but a word didn't come out as Lucas suddenly, but not super forcefully shoved him against the wall.
Poof! hey there folks! How's it going! I'm alive! Kinda! I might start updating this book more hopefully! I miss writing a lot!
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