Tournament Troubles
Flittle: Hello everyone!
Flittle: I'm finally out of school so I don't really have anything to complain about at the start of new chapters fir the next six weeks
Flittle: Who would like to start first?
Prince_of_Simps: Me!
Flittle: Go for it bestie!
Prince_of_Simps: A trio of girls steal Team Rocket's outfits and pretend to be them
Chloe, Dawn and Liko: *Steal Team Rocket's outfits*
Chloe: Prepare for trouble!
Dawn: And make it double!
Chloe: To protect the world from devastation!
Dawn: To unite all people within our nation!
Chloe: To denounce the evils of truth and love!
Dawn: To extend out reach to the stars above!
Chloe: Chloe!
Dawn: Dawn!
Chloe: Team Rocket Blasts off at the speed of light!
Dawn: Surrender now or prepare to fight!
Liko: Meowth, that's right!
Dot: *Dresses up as Wobbuffet* Wobbuffet!
Misty: Liko and Dot, how do you know about Team Rocket?
Liko: I don't, I just saw a cute cat costume and I just had to wear it
Dot: And I was just being a supportive girlfriend
duckie_da_duck: Everyone has a Beyblade burst tournament
Flittle: What the hell is a Beyblade burst?
Kru537719: The girls watch this video,
Flittle: Finally you put the link! Good girl Kru537719!
Pokégirls: ...
Bonnie: That's what happened to me a few chapters ago!
Fourth wall: *Breaks*
Flittle: Pay up Bonnie
Solar_Supports: Hello!
Flittle: That is Itx_Loz by the way
Solar_Supports: Everyone has an Uno tournament
Flittle: A lot of tournaments today
Everyone: *Has an Uno tournament*
Liko: *Wins* Wow usually Dot wins everything
Dot: I'm only good at online games
Solar_Supports: Everyone watches PJ Masks and Bananas in pyjamas
Everyone: *Watches PJ Masks*
Solar_Supports: Ahhhhh nostalgia
Flittle: I did watch the banana one when I was younger but I grew up more with My Little Pony, Peppa Pig and Tellytubbies
Flittle: Later on Teen Titans Go and The Amazing World of Gumball
Solar_Supports: Goh and Chloe guess how many leagues Ash had battled in
Chloe: Five?
Ash: Definitely more than that
Goh: Hundreds?
Ash: As accurate as it can get
Doritogod33: Liko streamsnipes Dot in Fortnite Reload
Liko: 😭
Dot: Don't worry Liko, it's just a game
Liko: Okay
Liko and Dot: *Play Fortnite Reload*
Dot: *Hides in Tilted Towers*
Flittle: Everyone knows Titled Tiwers is a bad place to hide in-
Dot: *Covers Flittle's mouth*
Liko: *Streamsnipes Dot*
Flittle: Put an F in the chat for Dot
Doritogod33: Can I take a peek at Lana's brain?
Flittle: Sure...
Doritogod33: *Peeks into Lana's brain*
Joy, Sadness, Disgust, Anger and Fear: Hello!
Doritogod33: Where's the other emotions?
Flittle: Lana is 10, not 13 like Riley is
Switchy: After this chapter, Flittle has to whatever Serena says
Flittle: How does that work if I control what Serena does? Wouldn't that just be me telling myself what to do?
Flittle: Anyway, thanks for reading, please send some truths and dares in the comment to keep this going, make sure you have eaten today, make sure you have drank today
Flittle: And most importantly, stay safe!
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