New Friends, New Enemies...
Flittle: Hello everyone...
Flittle: School is tough so I'm doing this a day early just so I can get something out today
Flittle: Also, I would like to address a situation that happened recently
Flittle: In Troy's Truth or Dare, a new chapter was made that included me spreading love for Satogou
Flittle: He felt it was in character for me, but I ended up getting backlash for it...
Flittle: bezope1 made me make a deal that if I didn't make any Satogou dares for that book, he wouldn't make any Amourshipping dares here
Flittle: He saw the chapter and thought I was breaking our deal, so he started getting angry at me even though as you can tell here, nothing was mentioned about Satogou in my dare
Flittle: Also Switchy made this comment
Flittle: Switchy has already apologised so now I'm just waiting for an apology from bezope1
Flittle: As punishment, Switchy would have been back together with Serena in this chapter but instead I'm extending the time without her for another three chapters
Flittle: And for bezope1, his dares for this chapter won't be made, I mean they were way too personal anyway since he was doing it out of spite, but yeah
T. Boy: Could I start?
Flittle: Yeah sure
T. Boy: Is anyone going to stop Liko becoming a cat girl?!
Dot: Nah, I'm into that 😏
Liko: 😊
T. Boy: Dot, do you have any Nidothing merch?
Dot: Yes I do! *Hands over a Nidothing hoodie and plushie*
T. Boy: Could I collaborate with you some time?
Dot: Yeah sure!
T. Boy: May, why hasn't your Skitty evolved into a Delcatty yet?
May: Idk
T. Boy: Switchy, get your revenge
Flittle: Nope *skips dare*
T. Boy: Serena's Sylveon talks for 4 chapters
Sylveon: Hello!
T. Boy: I ship Dreamgirlshipping now, so they kiss!
Flittle and My-Miyuki: YESSSSSSS!!!
Dreamgirlshipping: *Kiss*
T. Boy: They get married!
Dreamgirlshipping: *Get married*
T. Boy: And have children!
Flittle: They're only 10!!!
T. Boy: I don't care
Flittle: Well I do!
T. Boy: Nevermind, Sprigatito treats Liko like a cat
Sprigatito: *Points up at Liko* Cat!
T. Boy: And Lillie doesn't break the fourth wall for once
Flittle: She hasn't broken it for ages, that's why I made her do it in the last chapter
Switchy: *Returns*
Flittle: Hello!
Switchy: Could I beat the living hell out of you?
Flittle: No thanks
Switchy: Gun
Flittle: What?
Switchy: Make gay pairings for the co-hosts
Flittle: I don't believe it's right to ship reap people so I'll just skip past that
Kru537719: Lillie doesn't have to pay for the fourth wall, Roger can do it!
Flittle: Who's Roger?
Kru537719: T. Boy's assistant
Flittle: To avoid copyright, Caterpie will just do it
Kru537719: May reacts to Jirachi Hates Woman video
May: *Watches video* 😨
May: SEXIST!!!
Kru537719: Do you have any shinies?
Flittle: Yes, I have a lot of them! My proudest achievement was getting a Shiny Lugia and Shiny Uxie on Pokémon Go
Kru537719: Add Flower the Leafeon and her girlfriend Berry the Espeon
Flittle: Who?
Switchy: *Shows off his Shiny Manoswine*
Flittle: *Brings in her Shiny Mamoswine from Pokémon Go*
Switchy: As punishment, Lillie has to get Flowey from Undertale
Flittle: Who?
Switchy: Do research
Flittle: No
Switchy: Dot does a Let's Play
Dot: *Does a Let's Play*
Switchy: Everyone does a group photo
May: *Brings out her invisible camera* Everyone say cheese!
Everyone: Cheese!!!
Troy: Revert me back to my normal self NOW!!!
Flittle: Hello, it's nice to see you again after so long!
Troy: DO IT!!!
Flittle: Only My-Miyuki can do that, and she hasn't commented on my chapters for a while so good luck lol
Troy: Everyone plays Scarlet and Violet!
Everyone: *Plays Scarlet and Violet but then their Switches break*
Troy: Everyone burns Flittle!
Flittle: No
Troy: Everyone gets sent to the future, June 30th, and head to the NYC Pride March in Manhatten
Flittle: More like get sent to the past, but okay
Everyone: *Goes to the NYC Pride Match in Manhatten*
Everyone: *Goes back*
Flittle: Well then- *door knocks*
Flittle: Hello Dragonite!
Dragonite: Drago!
Flittle: *Takes package from Dragonite and closes the door* Thank you Dragonite!
Flittle: *Opens the box* Everyone, meet my new friend, moonbeforemidnight!
gamerlillian13, bezope1 and duckie_da_duck: New friend!!!
moonbeforemighnight: Hello!
Everyone: Hi
moonbeforemidnight: Everyone react to Keeper of the Lost Cities!
Flittle: What is that?
Serena: Why don't you just do your research?
Flittle: Why don't you just tell everyone to provide links to things when they want me to react to it?
moonbeforemidnight: Everyone plays Scarlet and Violet!
Everyone: We did that already
moonbeforemidnight: Oh...
moonbeforemidnight: I ship Amour, Pearl and Firstfriendshipping, which group do I go in?
Flittle: It's best to stick with me and the Satogou Sqaud
Satogou Sqaud: Welcome moonbeforemidnight!
moonbeforemidnight: Ash becomes clingy for three chapters
Ash: *Clings onto Goh*
Goh: 😳
moonbeforemidnight: Serena becomes yandere for one chapter
Serena: If any of you touch my lovers, that's the end of you! *grabs knife*
Lisia, May and Miette: 😍
moonbeforemidnight: Everyone except the co-hosts eat Smile Dip
Everyone except co-hosts: *Eat Smile Dip and go crazy*
moonbeforemidnight: Everyone has a singing contest!
Dawn: Don't worry, about a thing! Because every little thing is gonna be alright~
Chloe: 10/10 Perfection! 👌
Dawn: Thank you! 😊
Flittle: We're skipping past bezope1's chapters- *door knocks*
Co-hosts: Another one?
Flittle: Yeah I guess so! It's been a while since we've had a bunch of new co-hosts join in the same chapter!
Flittle: *Opens the door* Oh, Dragonite isn't there...
Flittle: *Picks up the box and opens it* Everyone, meet my lovely friend, xxAmphibiaNerdxx!
xxAmphibiaNerdxx: Hello everyone!
Everyone: Hi
Flittle: Ummm Raine... you're cape is on fire
xxAmphibiaNerdxx: *Looks down at cape* Oh come on, not again?!
xxAmphibiaNerdxx: Anygays, the only dare I have for today is that your favourite pokégirl has to kiss your leat favourite pokégirl!
Liko and Serena: *Kiss*
Lisia, May, Miette and Dot: 😭😭😭😭
Flittle: Anyway, thanks for reading, please send some truths and dares in the comment to keep this going, make sure you have eaten today, make sure you have drank today
Flittle: And most importantly, stay safe!
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