New Amourshipper, New Drama...
Flittle: Hello everyone!
Flittle: Because I don't have anything to really say before we start, let's begin!
Co-hosts: 💭Oh Arceus, not him again...💭 😒
Flittle: Alright, what do you have first?
T. Boy: Serena, do you still like Ash?
Serena: I'm gonna admit but I'm not really that attracted to him anymore, I've met much cuter people through this experience
Lisia, May and Switchy: 😳
T. Boy: Now then, Eevee, what do you think of Piplup?
Eevee: I see Piplup like a brother to me because Chloe and Dawn are like my mums
Everyone: Awwww!!! 🥹
T. Boy: Iris and Ash, why do you hate each other so much
Ash: Well Iris calls me a little kid all of the time so that's why!😒
Iris and Ash: *Sparks flying between them as they glare at each other*
T. Boy: Now onto the dares...
T. Boy: Floragato!
Floragato: Yes?
T. Boy: Look down
Floragato: *Looks down to see Liko has turned into a Sprigatito*
Floragato: 😱
Flittle: *Draws the scene* Everyone look!
Everyone: Great work Flittle!
Flittle: Thank you! 😊
Tracey somewhere out in the distortion world: Well, it looks like I'm not needed anymore! *poofs out of existence*
T. Boy: Now Chloe has to show everyone pictures of Dawn's fe- *microphone cut out via Flittle*
Mizuki_Celeste: ...WHAT THE ACTUAL F-
T. Boy: *Sent to the dungeon*
gamerlillian13: Did they have anymore dares?
Flittle: The last one had implied bits of Amourshipping in it so we'll just skip that one *rips up dare card*
Flittle: Who's next?
Itx-loz-reads: 100 thingies of pie!
Flittle: What?
Itx-loz-reads: I dare everyone to listen to 100 thingies of pie
Flittle: Oh okay... wait, what's the song called?
Itx-loz-reads: I honestly don't know how many times I'm going to have to repeat it for you... 😞
Flittle: Well Google is telling me it doesn't exist soooooo... what's your next dare?
Itx-loz-reads: My only other dare is that Ash and Gary are siblings
Everyone: Why?
Itx-loz-reads: Because Namelessshipping
Everyone: Ohhhhhhh okay!
Doritogod33: I dare Serena to make deez nutz jokes every now and then
Serena: Sure...
Doritogod33: I dare Dawn to have a double battle with Cynthia and Volo
Flittle: *Snaps fingers and Cynthia and Volo drop from the sky*
Satogou trio: *Playing music on separate pianos with Mizuki_Celeste playing Cynthia's theme, gamerlillian13 playing Volo's theme and Flittle playing We don't talk about Volo*
Roaring Moon: *Randomly appears*
Floragato: *Beats the living s*** out of Roaring Moon*
Flora: Oh s*** that's messed up!
Nate: At least she's doing better then you could ever do
Flora: ... 😒
Doritogod33: *Hands Dot a Game Boy with Pokémon Red in it* Do what you do best, speedrun it!
Dot: *Starts playing Pokémon Red while sipping juice out of a Shuckle*
Liko: *Peeping over Dot's shoulder* Looks like you have the choice to name your rival now, what will you call him
Dot: *Names Blue "Stupid"*
Liko: *Pouts and walks away*
Doritogod33: I dare you to give Serena three wishes
Serena: *Hoping Flittle will say yes* 🥹🙏
Flittle: Fine, but your wishes come in the form of your three love interests, now take care of them! *presents Lisia, May and Switchy to her*
Serena: I will! *cuddles into all three*
May: *Takes Kyogre's brunch to share with the three*
May *Mouth full of food* Groudon took it!
Groundon: *Coincidentally also eating brunch* Hmm?
Kyorge: *Beats up Groudon*
Doritogod33: *Walks up to Iris and points at an angry Glaceon in the corner* Befriend it
Iris: O-okay... *walks over*
Glaceon: *Bites Iris*
Iris: OWWWWW!!!
Serena: lol
Doritogod33: *Whispers in Lana's ear*
Lana: *Forcefully pours water is Kiawe's Charizard's mouth* Stay hydrated!
Charizard: *Passes out*
Kiawe: *Having a panic attack*
Doritogod33: Misty, do you a backstory as to why you have a fear of bugs?
Misty: It's not like I would want to share it with you...
Doritogod33: I dare Ash and Serena to body swap
Flittle: Yeah... no
Doritogod33: Find then!
Chloe: *Pours milk into her bowl before the cereal*
Dawn: *Tuts at her*
Rowlingo: *Appears*
Doritogod33: Oh shoot...
Flittle: What is he doing here?!
Doritogod33: I may have missed a few Japanese lessons...
Rowlingo: 日本人じゃないと膝を折るよ!
Doritogod33: Before I go, I have a present with you! *Hands Flittle a doll*
Flittle: *Has a fear of dolls* F***! *drops it on the floor*
Chloe: *Picks it up and then starts a staring contest with it*
Flittle: Yeah... this might last a while- *hears knocking on the door*
Co-hosts: NEW CO-HOST?!
Flittle: I guess so, we haven't had one of those in a while!
Flittle: *Opens the door* Hello Dragonite!
Dragonite: Dragonite! *hands box over and then flies away*
Flittle: *Reads package* Apparently the new co-host inside is "very controversial"...
Flittle: *Opens the box*
bezope1: Hello!
gamerlillian13: Yay, we're going to get along so well!
Flittle: So bezope1, what makes you so controversial?
bezope1: All I know is that I love Amourshipping!!!
Pretty much everyone: NEW AMOURSHIPPER?!?! 😱
Switchy and Troy: NEW AMOURSHIPPER!!! 🤩
Mizuki_Celeste: *Charges over at them*
gamerlillian13: *Grabs Mizuki_Celeste and holds them back*
Flittle: ...A-anyway, what dare do you have?
bezope1: Amourshipping has yo kiss and Ash actually has to like it
Flittle: I think I'm actually going to throw uo for the first time in many years...
Flittle: *Shaking irl while typing this all out* A-a-anyway, l-let's do this...
Amourshipping: *Kisses*
Switchy and Troy: LET'S F****** GOOOOOOOO!!!
Everyone else: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
bezope1: *Waiting for a reaction from Ash* 🥹
Flittle: *Snaps fingers and Ash returns to Goh while Serena returns to her lovers*
bezope1: 😨
Switchy: Oh well, more Serena for me! 😁
Flittle: Anyway, thanks for reading, please send some truths and dares in the comment to keep this going, make sure you have eaten today, make sure you have drank today
Flittle: And most importantly, stay safe!
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