Many Explosions & Backstabbers
Flittle: Hello everyone!
Flittle: I completely forgot this existed but I'm back again!
Flittle: Anyway, who wants to go first?
Troy: ME!!!
Flittle: Sure...
Troy: What's wrong with me shipping Amourshipping and Vermilionshipping?
Flittle: Well there's nothing wrong with it, I just generally don't like Amour and Vermilion is just morally wrong
Mizuki_Celeste: Agreed
Troy: Next, everyone has to play Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky
Everyone: *Plays Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky*
Troy: Ash, you may now explain the horrors of Mt. Moon
Ash: What's wrong with Mt. Moon?
Troy: Zubats, Zubats everywhere
Serena: *Explodes whatever the Astral Express is*
Troy: *Throws Serena out of the window*
Troy: *Hands everyone a Mentos bar*
Everyone: *Eats Mentos bar*
Mizuki_Celeste: *Pours Diet Coke down Switchy and Troy throats*
Switchy and Troy: AHHHHHHHHH- *explodes*
Itx-loz-reads: 100 digits of pi
Flittle: What?
Itx-loz-reads: Everyone has to listen to 100 digits of pi
Flittle: Well that sounds nothing like 100 thingies of pie does it?
Flittle: *Plays 100 digits of pi*
Itx-loz-reads: Now, everyone has to guess how many times Ash has encountered legendaries and has died
Goh: 100?
Ash: That's about accurate
Serena: *Rises from the dead and shoots Ash* That's 101 now!
Goh: *Shoots Serena and revives Ash*
T. Boy: Help!
Flittle: *Peeps head through the ceiling of the dungeon* What's wrong?
T. Boy: I want to be set free!
Flittle: Only if you stop requesting for really inappropriate dares
T. Boy: Fine...
Flittle: *Sets T. Boy free*
T. Boy: Finally! Now then, Floragato, do you still wish you were a Sprigatito?
Floragato: Kind of...
Foreshadowing: *Appears*
T. Boy: Bonnie, what is your guilty pleasure?
Bonnie: Reading fanfiction about Firstfriendshipping!
Flittle: That isn't really a guilty pleasure here but nice, me too!
Pretty much everyone: Same!
T. Boy: Now, everyone has to meet my version of Amour-
Mizuki_Celeste: *Shoots Amour*
Flittle: Good work!
T. Boy: Now, everyone has to read my Truth or dare book!
Everyone: *Reads T. Boy's Truth or Dare*
T. Boy: *Kills Dawn*
Dawn: *Turns into a ghost*
Chloe: 😭
Dawn: *Possesses May*
Possesed May: *Kisses Chloe*
Chloe: Thank you! 😊
T. Boy: Now, turn Floragato back into a Sprigatito for 3 chapters
Flittle: *De-evolves Floragato into a Sprigatito*
Liko: SPRIGATITO!!! *picks up Sprigatito*
Sprigatito: 😊
Dot: 😒
Serena: *Respawns and then opens her mouth*
Black hole; *Appears and sucks Serena in before dissapearing*
Everyone: ...
T. Boy: Flittle, makes clones of May
Flittle: *Throws May into a cloning machine*
Clone Mays: Hello!
Serena: *Emerges from black hole*
Clone Mays: *Run over to Serena and kiss her*
T. Boy: Original May, send them to Arceus!
May: Do I have to?
T. Boy: Yes
May: Okay... *Sends Clone Mays to Arceus*
May: But then again... *kisses Serena*
Serena: 😊
bezope1: 🤢🤮
Flittle: Oh yeah, I forgot you were here
bezope1: Anyway, send Goh to the Hazbin Hotel universe for the whole of the next chapter
Firstfriendshipping and everyone else: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Flittle: Don't worry, I'll make sure Chaggie keeps him safe *Sends Goh to the Hazbin Hotel universe*
bezope1: *Blasts Lisia, May and Switchy with a bus blaster*
Troy: How dare you kill a fellow Amourshipper, especially my best friend! *Dissowns bezope1 from the Amourshipping trio*
bezope1: Now, we will repeat the dare from the last chapter and do it properly Flittle!
Lillie: Chapter?
Fourth wall: *Breaks and shards of glass cut into bezope1's back*
Everyone: lol
Ash: *Stabs Serena to avoid the dare*
Flittle: Thank you Lillie and Ash!
Flittle: Anyway, thanks for reading, please send some truths and dares in the comment to keep this going, make sure you have eaten today, make sure you have drank today
Flittle: And most importantly, stay safe!
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