Ice Cream & Slime Disaster
Flittle: Hello everyone!
Flittle: I was not expecting truths and dares to come so quickly so basically, I'm going to spread them out so there is two or three per chapter, I had to do a lot of writing on this one though so probably two for a lot of the time
Lillie: Chapters?
Fourth wall: *Breaks*
Flittle: Oh my days... 😒
Flittle: CATERPIE!!!
Caterpie: Cater?
Flittle: Could you use your String shot to fix the fourth wall, please!
Caterpie: Pie!!! 🥺
Flittle: Okay! *hands over 100 Pokécoins*
May: What's wrong with Caterpie? I personally think it is a cute pokémon!
Misty: NO, THEY ARE NOT!!!
Misty: Bugs are three of the most disgusting things in the world!
OG Ash: *Appears*
OG Ash: Aside from you, what are the other disgusting things? 😏
Misty: 😒
Flittle: *Sends OG Ash back to the distortion world*
Serena: What's the difference between "OG Ash" and my beloved Ash?
May: He was a real king of sass back when I journeyed with him
Misty: Same!
Dawn: Same!
Iris: He's very annoying either way
Serena: 😡
Flittle: Anyway, let's move on to the first set of truths and dares!
Flittle: Except all of the ones for today are dares
Liko: What do we have today?
Flittle: First dare is... and I'll let my bestie explain that!
Dragonite: Drago!
Flittle: I guess the delivery is here!
Chloe: What delivery?
Dot: It better be WiFi because so help me, Arceus. I am not coping very well...
Flittle: Sorry Dot, but we have a new co-host to help out today!
Flittle: Thank you for the delivery! *carries box inside and hands Dragonite 100 pokécoins*
Dragonite: Dragonite! *flies away*
Flittle: *Opens box* Anyway, meet Prince_of_Simps!
Prince_of_Simps: Hey Fay!
Flittle: Hello!!!
Pokégirls: Hello
Flittle: Anyway, why don't you explain the dare you have for them tod-
Prince_of_Simps: Hey Misty! 😉
Misty: 😳
Flittle: Pleaseeeeee stop simping for tsundere girls for just a few minutes! 🥺🙏
Prince_of_Simps: Fine 😒
Prince_of_Simps: Anyway, today all of you pokégirls will be eating ten buckets of ice cream!
Lana: What?
Mallow: TEN?!
Bonnie: ICE CREAM!!! 🤩
Flittle: Here you go, everyone! *hands everyone ice cream*
Pokégirls: *Eat the ice cream at a fast pace because they haven't eaten in ages*
Dot: I feel full up, I don't eat that much food regularly, and it's too much!!!
Other pokégirls: *Upset stomachs growling*
Cynthia: Well, I loved it!
Flittle: Cynthia?!
Cynthia simps reading this: *breaking through the fourth wall* CYNTHIA!!! 😍
Cynthia: Oh no, not the simps!!!
Prince_of_Simps: ...
Misty: You should be glad you aren't Gardevior!!!
Flittle: Caterpie, I paid you extra, and now THIS is happening?!
Caterpie: *whimpers and hands back 50 pokécoins*
Flittle: Thank you 😁
Flittle: Now, what should I do with them?
Flittle: Oh right, I know! 😲💡
Flittle: *Sends Cynthia simps to the Hazbin Hotel (aka. Hellaverse) universe*
Flittle: *Dusts off hands* They can go and spend 50K on forcing animators to make 18+ animations of them and Charlie Morningstar rather than bother you!
Cynthia: Thank you so much!
Flittle: You're welcome! *Sends Cynthia back to the distortion world*
Prince_of_Simps: Anyway, how is everyone?
Mostly all pokégirls: It was too much 😑
Serena: Oh no, she's going hyper 😱
Bonnie: YEAH IVCOYDY9DY9DIPFYOCUOXYOFITDU *starts running around all over the place*
Flittle: This is why I'm scared of young children. *sends Bonnie to the distortion world for some cool down*
Flittle: Anyway- *door knocks*
Dawn: Who is that?
Flittle: Dragonite again *Opens the door*
Dragonite: Drago!
Flittle: Thank you, Dragonite! *carries box inside and hands Dragonite 100 pokécoins*
Dragonite: Dragonite! *Flies away*
Flittle: *Opens box* And another new co-host we have is... Chocopede!
Flittle: And every time she changes her username, I have to update this
Chocopede: Do I really change my username that often?
Flittle: ...
Chocopede: Hello everyone!
Pokégirls: Hello
Flittle: Now then, would you like to explain your dare?
Chocopede: My dare is that Serena has to dump water on someone's head, and then she has to dump slime on her own!
Serena: Noooooooo! 😫
Chocopede: Yesssssssssss! 😆
Serena: I just want Ash!!!!
Flittle: Soon you will... *foreshadowing appears*
Chocopede: Anyway, here you go! *hands Serena a bucket of water*
Serena: *Takes the bucket of water* Who do I throw this one?
Chocopede: Anyone you want
Serena: 💭Hmmmm, maybe I could throw this on Flittle...💭 😏
Flittle: 💭Oh no, she's going to throw it on me!💭 😨
Flittle: E-except not on m-me or the co-hosts! *shields Prince_of_Simps and Chocopede*
Flittle: 💭I'm glad I said that, I really did not want water on me today💭 🙂
Serena: Dang it, I'll go for Iris then since she did call Ash annoying!
Iris: Of course it's me 😒
Serena: *Dumps bucket of water over Iris*
Serena: Haha, lol
Iris: Well, a-at least y-you are getting worse now *shivering*
Serena: Oh, don't remind me 😟
Serena: *Holds up the bucket of slime but is too afraid* UHHHH, I CAN'T DO IT, I JUST WANT ASH!!!!!!! 😫
Prince_of_Simps: Simp 😏
Serena: Says you 😏
Iris: Well, I will glady do it for you then! 😈
Serena: Whatever
Iris: *Dumps slime on Serena's head*
Serena: This will come off, right? 😣
Flittle: 😶
Serena: Right? 😟
Flittle: 🫥
Serena: OH YOU LITTLE B- *About to swear, but then the curtain closes, strangling between her and Iris can be heard until Flittle switches off the microphone*
Flittle: Sorry about all of... that
Flittle: Anyway, thanks for reading! Please send some truths and dares in the comment to keep this going, make sure you have eaten today, and make sure you have drank today
Flittle: And most importantly, stay safe!
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