Don't Mess With Hatsune Miku!
Flittle: Hello everyone!
Flittle: I don't have much to say so let's begin!
Doritogod33: I'M GOING FIRST!!!
Flittle: Oh yeah, I forgot I kept behind four of your dares...
Doritogod33: First up, I dare Lana to order pineapple pizza!
Most people: Ewwwwww!
Mallow and Lillie: Yay! *door knocks*
Lana: *Opens the door*
Pizza Delivery Person: Whoever ordered this pizza made a big mistake....
Pizza Delivery Person: Anyway, here you go! *Hands Lana the box and runs away*
Lana: *Puts the box down on the floor and her girlfriends huddle over*
Bluedandelionshipping: *Happily eating pineapple pizza together*
Iris: How could you like that flavour of pizza?
Mallow: It's what we grew up with in Alola, now shut up!
Iris: *Backs away*
Doritogod33: Next, I dare Chloe and Dawn to catch Mew
Goh: WHAT?!
Mew: *Appears* Mew?
Moonlightblossomshipping: *Starts throwing random pokéballs*
Mew: *Caught in a Master ball*
Master ball: *Wobble, wobble, wobble, ding!*
Flittle: *Swipes away Master ball*
Flittle: I can't just let you get away with catching a mythical here *Puts Master ball in her pocket*
Goh: *Now has depression*
Doritogod33: I dare Serena to host a fashion show!
Serena: *Hosts a fashion show*
Moonlightblossomshipping: *Ties in first place*
Doritogod33: I dare Mallow to host a sleepover for the girls!
Mallow: Okay girls, let's have a sleepover!
Pokégirls: *Cheering*
Bonnie: Finally, I can be apart of something!
Mallow: Yeah, you can't come!
Bonnie: 😭
Pokégirls: *Have a sleepover*
Flittle: What do we have next?
Prince_of_Simps: Make two people do the chicken dance in a cat costume!
Flittle: *Magically puts a cat costume on Serena and Iris* Now dance!
Serena and Iris: *Do the chicken dance in a cat costume*
Itx-loz-reads: Make two people do the wo shine shi thingy!
Flittle: *Looks it up on YouTube* Oh yeah, I saw a gacha video once where Bluedandelionshipping were doing it!
Bluedandelionshipping: So, you're going to make us do it?
Flittle: Well of course!
Mallow: Fine... 我姓石!
Lana: *Does the dance, and in the background: 無論何時與你相識我都值!*
Mallow: 我姓石!
Lillie: *Does the dance, and in the background: 執筆寫詞猶如駿馬在奔馳!*
Itx-loz-reads: Now play odetari for 12 hours!
Whatever Odatari is: *Plays for 12 hours*
Itx-loz-reads: Now play 12 hours of ship edit songs!
Flittle: *Plays music from Firstfriendshipping, Moonlightblossomshipping and Guruminshipping ship edits*
Troy: Me next!
Flittle: Fine...
Troy: I go back to straight
Flittle: What the hell does that mean?!
Troy: Nevermind, Preservationshipping becomes temporarily not canon since I don't want to make March 7th a poképhile*
Preservationshipping: *Breaks up temporarily*
March 7th: Hallelujah!
Troy: Now, one of the co-hosts has to take the Dreamgirlshipping potion out of my bloodstream
Co-hosts: Uhhhhhh... no!
Chocopede: 🤢
Mizuki_Celeste: HELL NO!!!
Flittle: Looks like no one wants to do it for you!
Troy: 😫
Flittle: Sus... 🤨
Troy: I get to incinerate someone!
Flittle: *Puts Serena in front of him* Go for it!
Troy: *Incinerates Serena*
Serena: *Ashes*
Ash: lol
Flittle: You are no longer Serena, you are now Cinderena!
Lisia: Cinderella?! 🥹
Flittle: Nope!
Lisia: 🥺
Mizuki_Celeste: Hanamusashipping!
Hanamusashipping: Yes?
Mizuki_Celeste: Could you do some parents-in-law and son-in-law bonding with Goh please!
Hanamusashipping: Sure! *Go somewhere with Goh*
Mizuki_Celeste: And Flittle, could you bring in Goh's parents please?
Flittle: Sure! *Snaps fingers and Goh's parents drop from the sky*
Mizuki_Celeste: Could you do the same with Ash?
Goh's parents: Sure! *Go somewhere with Ash*
A few hours later...
Firstfriendshipping: *Arrive back* WE HAD THE BEST TIME EVER!!!
Portal: *Opens*
Portal: *Sends Hatsune Miku through*
Hatsune Miku: Are you British?
Flittle: ...
Hatsune Miku: Oh no! Oh no no no no!
Hatsune Miku: Hatsune Miku does not talk to British people! The only pounds I need is me pounding your mom!
Hatsune Miku: SEGGAAAAA! *Throws Flittle out of the window*
Mizuki_Celeste: ...Hatsune Miku?
Hatsune Miku: Yes?
Mizuki_Celeste: *Whsipers in her ear*
Gays: *Kiss*
Troy: *Grumbles in "straight ally"*
Hatsune Miku: HOMOPHOBE!!! *Throws Troy out of the window*
Hatsune Miku: *Runs through the cosing portal*
Flittle: *Respawns* What's next?
Mizuki_Celeste: Serena buys Dreamgirlshipping juice!
Serena: *Respawns and buys Dreamgirlshipping juice*
Mizuki_Celeste: Also, ban the v word for three chapters!
Flittle: *Tapes up Troy, Switchy and anyone else who ships the v word's mouth*
Goh and Chloe: Hallelujah! *Goh kisses Ash and Chloe kisses Dawn*
Mizuki_Celeste: Now Serena, flirt with Lisia in French!
Serena: Je n'ai jamais eu besoin d'Ash puisque tu es la personne avec qui je préférerais de loin passer le reste de ma vie, je t'aime ! 😘
Lisia: Although I don't understand French, I bet it was cute 😊
Mizuki_Celeste: Now Ash, do the same but in Japanese
Ash: あなたはあなたの美しさと魅力で私の気づかなかった目を開かせてくれました。それについてはどれだけ感謝してもしきれません!
Goh: ああ、アッシュ! 🥰
Flittle: Anyway, thanks for reading, please send some truths and dares in the comment to keep this going, make sure you have eaten today, make sure you have drank today
Flittle: And most importantly, stay safe!
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