Bonnie Swears Uncensored (Totally Not Clickbait)
Flittle: Hello everyone!
Flittle: Let's just get this chapter over with since I'm really tired
Doritogod33: I have a lot of dares for you today 😃
Flittle: Great 😒
Doritogod33: Dot, catch a Corviknight
Dot: Why?
Doritogod33: You'll find out soon!
Dot: Okay then *catches Corviknight*
Dot's Tinkatink: *Appears*
Dot: Tinkatink?! What are you-
Tinkatink: *Smashes up Corviknight*
Dot: 😨
Doritogod33: *Laughs maliciously*
Doritogod33: I now dare Misty to flip off Dawn
Misty: Dawn is too sweet, couldn't I do it to Serena or someone else instead?
Doritogod33: No
Misty: Fine... *flips off Dawn*
Dawn *Yeets Misty out of the window*
Doritogod33: Serena, teach Bonnie a swear word
Doritogod33: Do it
Serena: Bonnie, say f*** you
Bonnie: F*** you!!! 😄
Flittle: *Sends Serena and Bonnie down into the dungeon*
Doritogod33: Dot, shake my hand *their hand lights up with blue fire*
Dot: *Is a Gravity Falls nerd* No way!
Doritogod33: Fine *piles two Sprigatitos onto Liko*
Dot: You're turning her into a cat lady... I'm into that
Doritogod33: Bring in a Teddiursa, Pancham and Cubchoo
Flittle: *Snaps fingers and Teddiursa, Pancham and Cubchoo appear*
Teddiursa, Pancham and Cubchoo: *Form bear stack*
Flittle: Da, da, da-ba-da
Da, da, da, ba-da-ba-da-ba
Da, da, da-ba-da, da-da (Ahh)
Doritogod33: Let's go!
Flittle: We'll be there!
Doritogod33: A wink and a smile and a great old time
Flittle: Yeah, we'll be there!
Doritogod33: Wherever we are
There's some fun to be found
We'll be there when you turn that corner
We'll jump out the bush
With a big bear hug and a smile
Flittle: We'll be there!
Floragato: *Turns back into a Sprigatito*
Liko: What's going on?
Sprigatito: *Turns into Bongo Sprigatito*
Liko: 😍 *Passes out from cuteness overload*
Dot: *Shakes her awake* You have another dare, honey
Liko: Oh right! *gives Sprigatito catnip*
Sprigatito: *Goes insane*
Doritogod33: *Puts Choice Specs on top of Korrina's Lucario* Make the biggest Auta Sphere in the world*
Korrina: Lucario, use Aura Sphere!
Lucario: *Makes the biggest Aura Sphere in the world*
Doritogod33: Liko, give Sprigatito a bath
Liko: *Makes a bath and yeets Sprigatito* Could I sleep now?
Doritogod33: *Looks at the rest of their dares* Sure!
Liko: *Falls alseep*
Dot: *Cuddles into her*
Itx-loz-reads: Everyone needs to read Castle Swimmer and School Bus Graveyard on Webtoon
Everyone: *Reads Castle Swimmer and School Bus Graveyard on Webtoon*
Doritogod33: *Gives Iris a Grimace Shake*
Iris: *Dies*
Doritogod33: I dare Moonlightblossomshipping to re-enact Romeo and Juliet
Moonlightblossomshipping: *Re-enact Romeo and Juliet*
Doritogod33: I dare Goh to catch every pattern of Spinda, including the shinies
Goh: YESSS!!! *Catches every pattern of Spinda*
Doritogod33: ...
bezope1: Bring in Miette
Miette: *Appears*
bezope1: Lucario, chase her
Lucario: *Chases Miette for two hours*
bezope1: She ruined Amourshipping
Flittle: Well I must congratulate her then!
Flittle: *Send Lucario to the distortion world*
Flittle: Miette, for your reward, you mat stay here permanently as a pokégirl and can replace Switchy as Serena's third lover
Serena and her lovers: Welcome!
Miette: Yay!!! *Cuddles into all if them and kisses Serena*
bezope1: 😨
Everyone: lol
Kru537719: *Feeds Bonnie Smile Dip*
Bonnie: *Goes crazy*
Doritogod33: Goh san!
Goh: Yes?
Doritogod33: Would like my Shiny Mew for your Shiny Voltorb?
Doritogod33 and Goh: *Trade pokemon*
Bonnie: Oh yeah! 😎
Kool Aid Man: *Breaks through fourth wall* OH YEAAHH!
Flittle: Lillie, you're paying for it
Lillie: WHAT THE F-
Flittle: Anyway, thanks for reading, please send some truths and dares in the comment to keep this going, make sure you have eaten today, make sure you have drank today
Flittle: And most importantly, stay safe!
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