A Truly Sad Day For Us Satogou Shippers...
Flittle: Hello everyone!
Flittle: I can't be bothered to do 2 hours worth of writing a new chapter for my first Guruminshipping story, so I'm writing this instead!
Everyone: 2 HOURS?!
Flittle: Yep, and I even timed myself writing the last chapter as well
Lillie: *Passes out against the fourth wall*
Fourth wall: *Breaks*
Flittle: CATERPIE!!!
Caterpie: Cater?
Flittle: Could you fix it please?
Caterpie: Cater cater 😑
Flittle: You literally can't tell me you're tired because we haven't done this for a while
Cater: Pie! 😒
Flittle: Thank you!
Flittle: Anyways, who wants to go first?
gamerlillian13: MEEEE!!!
Flittle: gamerlillian13! I missed your dares so much!
gamerlillian13: Well I'm back!
gamerlillian13: Firstly, Marnie has a Galarian Moltres and Leaf has a Kantoian Moltres, then they battle
Flittle: *Snaps fingers and Marnie and Leaf drop from the sky*
Flittle: *Throws pokéballs in their faces* Now fight!
Marnie: *Wins because Flittle may or may not have a fictional crush on her and gave her an easy win*
gamerlillian13: Now, you, me and Mizuki_Celeste destroy Troy and Switchy
Mizuki_Celeste: LET'S F****** GOOOOOOOO!!!
Troy and Switchy: Wh-what?!
Satogou trio: *Throw them out of the window*
gamerlillian13: Now, you dress up as your favourite pokémon and sinh your favourite song
Flittle: *Dresses up as Mega Audino* But she was right Sera-
gamerlillian13: That isn't from Hazbin Hotel
Flittle: Fine 😒
Flittle: They say I come and I go, tell me all the ways you need me
I'm not here for long, catch me or I go Houdini- *dissapears*
Prince_of_Simps: Flittle?
Flittle: *Reappears* Hello!
gamerlillian13: Next, I cause the end of the world
Flittle: I already did that
gamerlillian13: How?
Flittle: Haven't you noticed how everyone else is in the distortion world except us?
gamerlillian13: Oh yeah!
gamerlillian13: Well then, Serena and Iris fight
Serena and Iris: *Fight*
gamerlillian13: *Uses hypnotising gas*
Dragonvisionshipping: *Kiss*
May, Lisia and Switchy: 😭
Flittle: 💭Serena really has a bit of a harem now...💭
gamerlillian13: Now, you, me and Mizuki_Celeste shall interrogate the "straight ally"
Flittle: *Respawns Troy*
Flittle: I'll be the good cop, gamerlillian13 can be the neutral cop and Mizuki_Celeste can be the bad cop since you're the #1 Troy hater
gamerlillian13 and Mizuki_Celeste: On it!
Troy: What's going on?
Satogou Trio: *Interrogating him* Are you really a straight ally?
Troy: YES!!!
Satogou trio: Hmmm...
Switchy: *Jumps out of the window as a distraction*
Mizuki_Celeste: What the-
Switchy: *Flies away in a "Warp Star"*
Flittle: He isn't getting away! *Dissapears*
Somewhere in the galaxy...
Switchy: Ahhhhh, it's great to be away from all of those Amourshipping haters! *sipping Shuckle juice*
Flittle: *Appears* Hello!
Switchy: *Spits out his juice* WHAT THE F*** ARE YOU DOING HERE?!
Flittle: You can't get away from me so easily...
Flittle: Anyway, what dares do you have?
Flittle: Well, except for me because it would be spoilers as my asexualness got in the way of me completing the first chapter of book one
Everyone: *Reads newest chapter of Admire To Kill*
Switchy: And the last thing is have is that I interrogate Admire To Kill Serena
Flittle: *Snaps fingers and A.T.K Serena appears* Well, you can enjoy staying with her for the rest of the chapter
Switchy: WHAT?!
Flittle: Byyeeeee!!! *Dissapears*
Back with everyone else...
Flittle: *Teleports back* Hello!
gamerlillian13: Where did you go?
Flittle: I let Switchy have a dare which backfired on him!
Mizuki_Celeste: lol but anyways I have a dare too!
Flittle: Cool, what is it?
Mizuki_Celeste: Misty gets adopted by Jessie and Delia
Flittle: Doesn't that mean-
Mizuki_Celeste: Yes
Flittle: Alright then, no Pokéshipping requests for the rest of this chapter
Everyone: That's fine, we don't even ship them anyway
Hanamusashipping: *Adopts Misty*
Ash: *Puts an arm around Misty* Siblings!
Flittle: Who is next?
T. Boy: Me!
Flittle: Go for it!
T. Boy: Serena marries Ash
Flittle: ...What?
T. Boy: You heard me
Ash: EWWWW NO!!!
Goh: *Hugs Ash and hisses as Serena*
Lisia: *Does the same and hisses at Ash*
T. Boy: *Pulles away Ash and Serena and then puts wedding music on*
Switchy from far away and Troy: LET'S F****** GOOOOOOOO!!!
Flittle, Mizuki_Celeste, gamerlillian13, Lisia, Goh and pretty much everyone else: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Wedding: *Finishes*
Flittle: GULPIN!!!
Gulpin: Gulp?
May: *Through sobs* What is Gulpin doing here?
Flittle: *Takes off the wedding rings and feeds them to Gulpin*
Gulpin: Gulpin! 😋
Switchy, Troy and any Amourshipper somehow still reading this: NOOOOOOOOO!!! 😭😭
T. Boy: Now, Liko taps on water
Water: *Appears*
Liko: Tap tap!
T. Boy: Fuse Dawn and Bonnie again!
Flittle: *Yeets Dawn and Bonnie into the fusion machine*
Dawnnie: Hello!
Chloe: 😭
T. Boy: Hand her this *hands Flittle a "marry anyone without age limit card*
T. Boy: ...
Flittle: *Snaps the card in half and throws it out of the window*
T. Boy: Now, Floragato, why did you hate Liko at the start?
Floragato: Well, I heard Liko was replacing Ash and I was a true Ash stan back then so I didn't like her first, but now she's alright
Liko: Yay! *hugs Floragato*
Floragato: 😑
T. Boy: Dot, how many subribers do you have on MewTube?
Dot: 5.24 Million!!!
Pretty much everyone: Wow, that's impressive!
Liko: Wait, isn't that the same amount JellyBean has?
Dot: ...
T. Boy: And lastly, Serena, do you have a crush on May?
Serena: Yes! 😊
Flittle: Wow, it's great to have so many requests again!
Flittle: Anyway, thanks for reading, please send some truths and dares in the comment to keep this going, make sure you have eaten today, make sure you have drank today
Flittle: And most importantly, stay safe!
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