•~Shouto's P.O.V~•
Something was going on between Izuku and Katsuki. I just wish I knew what. At that point, my Vulpix came out and into my arms.
'Hey Vulpix,' I greeted with a small smile. 'You come out to play?'
'Vul!' Vulpix said, snuggling into my chest.
I silently laughed at her actions. Katsuki's Starly, Kirishima's Noibat and Izuku's Syther all came out. Vulpix jumped out of my arms and joined the other Pokémon, trotting along on the ground.
'Hey, Todoroki.' Kirishima whispered, walking over to my side.
'What is it?' I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.
'Do you know what's going on between those two?' Kiri asked, pointing at Izuku and Katsuki.
'No. I was hoping you did.' I replied, somewhat disappointed that he didn't know.
'Well, I'm not entirely sure. But, I have an idea.'
'Yeah. Bakubro might've said something to Midoriya to gain his attention, making it so that he would focus on him more than us.'
'And what's that suppose to mean?'
'I mean that Bakubro might like Midoriya.'
'Shh! Keep it down!'
'Sorry. But, what? Bakugou likes Midoriya?'
'Like I said. It's just an idea. I don't know if it's true or not.'
'What gave you that idea in the first place?'
'Remember when I went to go wake them up? Bakubro seemed really angry. Angrier than usual angry. But, talking to Midoriya seems to calm him down.'
'Hmm... now that you mention it... I have seen that happening.'
'Exactly. So, there's a high chance that Bakubro really does like M-'
'Are you two done having your little chit chat?' Katsuki interrupted. 'If so, we're here.'
'Here?' We both asked, confusion evident in our voices.
'We're at the Poké training grounds!' Izuku smiled, turning round to face them.
"God he's so cute," I thought. "Wait. What am I thinking?! Dammit!"
'Training grounds?' Kirishima repeated.
'Yeah! Here, you'll be able to train up your Pokémon for future fights,' Izuku explained. 'There are fighting simulations, target practise, natural disaster dodging practise, obstacle course and more!'
'Wow.' Was all I could say.
There was so much, I couldn't find the words to describe it. Izuku jumped down, going into a building. Katsuki followed after him.
'Just look at that! That should be proof enough.' Kirishima said before following after Katsuki.
I nodded before following him. We stood outside the building, waiting for Izuku. Finally after about 5 minutes, Izuku came back.
'You're free to use any of the training equipment!' He smiled.
'Awesome!' Katsuki said before running off to a fighting simulation.
Kirishima went over to the natural disaster sector while I went over to the target practice. Izuku stayed by the building, watching us.
Katsuki was pulled into a semi-visible area with a hollow-graphic trainer before starting his fight with Warturtle.
Kirishima brought out both Ivysaur and Noibat as he started the natural disaster sector.
I brought out both Eevee and Vulpix.
'Eevee, use tackle! Vulpix, ember!' I called out, making both Pokémon run on over to a target, attacking it.
I was about to call out another order when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
'You're to tense. Relax,' I heard Midoriya say from behind me. 'Feel your Pokémon bond within you and within them. Connect with your Pokémon.'
I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. I looked inside myself, feeling round for the thread that connected me to my Pokémon. I found it. Grabbing onto it, I started seeing what my Pokémon were seeing. It was like our minds were connected.
'There you go. Now, use what you see to your advantage. Feel what your Pokémon feels and use the right move.' Izuku said.
I concentrated on my Pokémon.
"Take down... Flame wheel."
My eyes shot open.
'Eevee, use take down! Vulpix, use flame wheel!' I ordered.
They jumped away from the target. Eevee attacked full force while Vulpix surrounded her body in fire, leaping at the target.
'Nice job. You're learning well,' Izuku smiled as I turned around to face him. 'Though, you need to learn to control your heart rate and breathing.'
I felt him place his hand on my chest.
'A-ah! I didn't realise.' I said.
'It's ok. It takes time,' Izuku said, smiling ear to ear. 'I didn't get it till my 10th try. You basically got it on your first try.'
'Really?' I asked, surprised.
'Yeah! In fact, I think you'll learn it on the 3rd or 4th try.' Izuku said.
'Wait. Is this how you communicate with your Pokémon?' I asked.
'Yeah. Though it might have to do with the fact that I've grown closer to these Pokémon too over the past fights.'
'Oh, and that reminds me. Do you mind telling me why your last Pokémon is?'
Izuku froze where he was. His face shadowed.
'Sorry, but, I can't.' Izuku murmured.
'Is it that bad?'
'It's not so bad as it is the memories that come with it.'
'Oh. Sorry.'
There was a long, awkward silence. Izuku stared at the ground, while I stared at him. Eevee and Vulpix came over to see what was going on.
'Well, I should leave you to your training.' Izuku said, putting a smile on his face before walking away.
I watched as he went over to Kirishima to tell him how to connect with his Pokémon too.
"That smile was fake," I thought, picking Eevee and Vulpix up. "It seems as if all his smiles were fake all along."
'Eevee?' Eevee said, tilting his head to the side.
'Don't worry about it, Eevee,' I said. 'Let's get back to training.'
'Eevee!' 'Vulpix!' They both said, jumping out of my arms and standing in a fighting position.
I reached back inside, looking for that thread. I grabbed it.
'Eevee, use tackle! Vulpix, use flame wheel!' I ordered.
Both Pokémon said their names before running on over to the target, attacking it.
"I will improve. I will get better and stronger with my Pokémon." I thought, watching and thinking as they attacked.
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