Starting and Meeting
•~Third Person~•
(In Bakugou's house)
'SHUT UP OLD HAG AND LET ME SLEEP!' Katsuki yelled back.
'FINE!' Katsuki yelled, murmuring 'f*cking old hag' to himself as he got up.
He grabbed his clothes, changed into them before running down to the dining room. He grabbed his breakfast and left the house before his mom could yell at him anymore.
(Todoroki's house)
'Shouto. It's time to go.' Rei said, knocking on Shouto door.
'Coming.' Shouto replied.
He changed into his clothes and came down. He ate breakfast with his family before leaving, but not before hugging his parents and siblings.
(Kirishima's house)
Kirishima's alarm clock woke him up. He jumped out of bed, changed clothes and ran into the dining room. He quickly ate the food his family left for him before running out the door.
All three of them met up before heading up to Professor Oak's lab. They entered, walking over to the Professor and waited for him to finish explaining everything about the outside world.
'Now then. It's time for you three to choose your Pokémon.' He finished, walking over to a desk that had three Pokéballs.
'Charmander's mine!' Katsuki said.
'I'm sorry, but, someone else already took him awhile ago. I haven't been able to find any other Charmander, so we only have Squirtle, Balbasur and Eevee.' Oak said much to Katsuki's disappointment.
'I'll take Eevee.' Shouto said, grabbing Eevee's Pokéball.
'I'll ta-'
'I'm taking Squirtle!' Katsuki interrupted Kirishima, grabbing Squirtles Pokéball.
'Then Balbasur's mine.' Kirishima said, taking the remaining Pokéball.
The Pokémon all came out of their balls to greet their new trainers. Eevee took and immediate liking to Shouto, jumping up into his arms. Balbasur climbed up Kirishima's leg, going up his waist up on top of his head. Squirtle did the same with Katsuki.
'Now that you have your Pokémon, you're free to go,' Prof Oak said. 'But be careful. There are organisations at large that'll steal you're Pokémon. Keep and eye out for them.'
The three nodded before leaving. As they walked over to route 1, they started talking.
'Dammit! I wanted Charmander so bad!' Katsuki yelled. 'But, Squirtle here seems strong. He should do just fine.'
'Hell yeah Squirtle's strong!' Kirishima said. 'But my Balbasur is stronger.'
'Is not!'
'Is too!'
As they fought over who's starter was stronger, Shouto just silently walked ahead of them, keeping Eevee close to his chest.
'Eevee?' Eevee said.
'Don't worry about them, Eevee. They're always like this,' Shouto said, smiling a small smile. 'And I know you're going to be the strongest one here.'
'Eevee!' Eevee seemed happy by that.
As he walked, he lost track of the two behind him. But, he didn't worry too much. He kept walking till he saw someone in the distance. He hid behind some bushes, peering through to see who it was. Eevee jumped out of his hands and bounded over to the stranger.
'Eevee!' Shouto called, but to no avail as Eevee kept going.
He had no choice but to follow.
•~??? P.O.V~•
I turned my head round to see an Eevee bounding over to me.
'An Eevee? Out here?' I murmured, crouching down to greet the Eevee. 'Hello there.'
I smiled as I stroked its fur, a sensation hitting me like a bullet.
'That's why there's an Eevee out here,' I said. 'Where's your trainer?'
I looking up to see a multi haired guy run out of the bushes. I picked Eevee up as he came over to me.
'You should be more careful,' I said, passing him the Eevee. 'He could've been stolen.'
'Yeah. Thanks,' The guy thanks, taking the Eevee from my hands. 'He just jumped out of my arms and ran over here.'
'That's the 50th time that's happened to me,' I said. 'Pokémon seem to really like me.'
'That's weird.' The guy said, eyeing me.
'Oh, I never introduced myself. I'm Izuku Midoriya.' I greeted, holding my hand out.
'I'm Shouto Todoroki.' The guy replied, shaking my hand.
At that moment, my Charizard came out. He started roaring.
'Others?' I questioned. 'Do you have other companions?'
'A black Charizard...? Ah, yes. They should be coming round soon.' Shouto replied, turning round to face the bushes.
And soon enough, a blonde and redhead came round, fighting.
'You're still fighting?' Shouto asked.
'Eevee.' Shouto said, holding Eevee up.
'HUH?' They both said.
They all started fighting. I just stared at them, silently laughing. Their Pokémon all jumped away from them and came over to me. I sat down, Charizard laying down next to me as I petted the Pokémon. They all stopped fighting and came over to me, grabbing their Pokémon.
'What're you doing with our Pokémon?' The blonde asked, well, more like yelled.
'I was just petting them.' I replied.
Charizard stepped forward, a growl in his throat.
'Calm down, buddy,' I said, rubbing his head. 'It's fine,' I stood up and held out my hand saying, 'my names Izuku Midoriya' again.
'Eijiro Kirishima.' The redhead said, shaking my hand.
'Tch. Katsuki Bakugou.' The blonde said, looking away.
'What're you doing out here?' Shouto asked. 'I mean, you have a black Charizard and a full team.'
'Ah- this is a shiny,' I corrected him. 'And yes I do have a full team. But, I've been trying to find Team Aqua. They should be around here.'
'Shiny? Team Aqua?' All three questioned.
"They don't know anything." I mentally sighed before explaining to them what a shiny was and that Team Aqua was one of the many evil teams.
'Ohh.' They finally got it.
"Finally." I thought with a sigh of relief.
I snapped my head back, hearing something.
'What's wro-'
'Shh,' I cut Shouto off. 'Where'd that come from...'
Suddenly, a bone club came into my vision, flying right towards us.
'Get away!' I yelled, jumping back.
The others did as I told, and just in time as the bone club dug right into the ground in front of them.
'Let's go, buddy!' I said, jumping on Charizard's back as he started flying.
'W-wait! Where are you going?!' Kirishima asked.
'To find out who sent that club.' I replied as Charizard took off.
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