Second Day Journey
•~Bakugou's P.O.V~•
I felt something poke my face, waking me up. Blinking sleep out of my eyes, I looked over at the person next to me. Izuku was poking my cheek.
'Why the hell are you poking me?' I asked, still half sleep.
'Do you mind moving your arms?' Izuku asked, face pinkish-red.
I was still sleepy so I didn't realise what he meant till he grabbed my arm. But, I didn't move. I brought Izuku closer to me.
'Nah. Think I'm gonna keep it like this.' I replied, making his face flush bright red like an apple.
'K-Kacchan?! What're yo-'
'Shh,' I cut him off, placing a finger on his lips. 'Be quiet. Just stay as you are.'
Izuku immediately closed his mouth, freezing where he was. I pulled him in, touching foreheads as I tightened my grip round him. He slowly started to relax into my grip.
'Hey! You guys up?'
I let go and we sat up as Kirishima walked in.
'Guess you guys are up then.' He smiled a toothy grin.
'The hell time did you wake up?' I asked, anger evident in my voice.
'Woah, dude. Calm down. Was something going on here?' Kirishima asked, ignoring my question.
'I'm not even gonna bother.' I sighed, standing up.
I reached in my bag and grabbed a towel before leaving the tent. I walked through the trees to a nearby lake to wash my face. As I did, I stared into the water, seeing something behind me. I looked back, but, nothing was there. Looking back in the water, the image became clearer. There was some kind of Pokémon. It looked like a star. I stared at it through the water, seeing its belly open to reveal a third eye. It stared back at me, like it was looking through my soul. I blinked, and it was gone. I stood up, wiped my face and went back to the camp.
'Hey Deku.' I called.
'What is it?' Izuku replied, tilting his head to the side.
'Do you know of any star Pokémon with a third eye?' I asked.
'Star Pokémon with a third eye...' Izuku repeated, closing his eyes as he thought. 'Ah, yes! The legendary Pokémon Jirachi. Said to be a wish maker. Kinda like a shooting star or a genie. Why'd you wanna know?'
'No reason.' I said, sitting down as Shouto tossed me a berry.
Squirtle and Starly came out to eat as well. We all finished in a matter of minutes and we're back on the road. Izuku took the front, Shouto and Kirishima in the middle while I took up the rear. As we walked, I kept thinking about that Pokémon.
"Jirachi the wish maker... why did I see it through the water? Was that meant to mean something? Something deep down in my soul?" I wondered.
All of a sudden, Izuku's shiny Charizard came out, a growl in his throat.
'What is it, buddy?' Izuku asked.
Charizard just roared something, though, Izuku seemed to understand as he went running off. We were walking along a mountain side at the moment, so, anything could of happened. Charizard followed, and soon, we all did. We came round the side, coming to a halt. Izuku was treating a little girl who had a bleeding knee. She had a Zigzagoon with her, trying to comfort her, though to no avail as she cried and cried.
'Do you think you can stand?' Izuku asked as he finished treating the wound.
The girl was only sobbing a bit by then, but, shook her head. Izuku managed to get her on his back.
'Where's your house?' Izuku asked.
The girl pointed down the mountain.
'Alright. Charizard, you take these three to the next town over. Get them to train along the way. I'll be back.' Izuku said, siding down the side.
Charizard roared his response as he watched his trainer disappear. He started to fly, going on ahead. We all followed after the Charizard. I looked down after the way Izuku went, still thinking about what the Jirachi was trying to say. As we walked, we fought new Pokémon, training ours. I caught a Ponyta, Kirishima caught a Noibat and Shouto caught a Vulpix. After hours of training, Squirtle and Balbasur actually ended up evolving into Warturtle and Ivysaur. We eventually made it to the next town, but, there was still no sigh of Izuku anywhere. Charizard found a shady tree and decided to sleep there. Our Pokémon went over their to chill with him.
'Bakugou,' Shouto started. 'What's with the new name you gave Midoriya?'
'Deku? He gave me a stupid nickname, so I'm giving him one.' I replied with a slight growl in my voice.
I sat down next to Charizard, leaning against the tree. I closed my eyes, blocking out everything around me and only focusing on that thought of Jirachi.
"A wish maker Pokémon. Jirachi. Why were you staring back at me? Like you were looking right through my soul?"
"Because I can sense there's someone you love. Someone who you won't admit you love."
"W-what?! Who's that? Jirachi?!"
"You called, didn't you?"
"No, yes, I-I'm not sure. But, what do you mean by that? Someone I love but won't admit I love?"
"You desire to be with that person. You don't want anyone else near them. Just you."
"What's all that suppose to mean?"
"You really don't get it, do you?"
"Well then. To put it simply, you like Midori-"
"And this is why I didn't directly say his name."
"I don't f*cking like Deku. No way."
"Then what was that whole thing when you woke up."
"When you're half asleep, you do weird things, ok."
"Alright... well, anyway. I just wanted to say that you like Midoriya. Accept that. Now, if you ever need to talk again, come and find me."
"But where will I find you?"
"Hello?! Dammit! Gone."
I opened my eyes, my senses turning back on. I felt something I my hand. I looked down, seeing a card like thing sitting in my hand. I brought it up to my face, reading it.
The mountains you will go
The mountains you will stay
There you will find your true self
Far, far away...
'The hell...' I murmured.
I looked around, seeing Shouto and Kirishima both asleep, also leaning again the tree. I looked back at the card before putting it in my bag. I stared at the sky, not knowing what to do.
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