Jirachi and Izuku's Past
•~Katsuki's P.O.V~•
'I've been waiting...' a voice spoke.
A bright glow appeared in front me before dispersing to reveal a Pokémon. It opened its eyes and stared at me. I stared back, not knowing what to do.
'Hello again, Bakugou Katsuki.' It said with a smile.
'H-hey Jirachi.' I replied.
'Have you finally accepted it?' Jirachi asked.
'Uhh... I guess?' I said, not so sure of my answer.
'That's good enough for me,' Jirachi said. 'Well then. Why have you come to me this time?'
'It's not just me. The three of us wanted to talk to you.' I replied, stepping back so Jirachi could see Shouto and a half awake Kirishima.
'What about Izuku over there?' Jirachi asked.
'Oh, don't mind me Jirachi. I'm helping these three train,' Izuku smiled. 'I'll just be down here.'
He walked off back down the mountainside.
'Alright. What is it that you wanted to ask!' Jirachi asked.
'We wanted to know if there's a way to release the curse placed on Midoriya.' Shouto said.
'You want me to remove the curse?' Jirachi asked, making all of us nod. 'I'm sorry, but, that's no possible. But, there is a different way to remove it.'
'What is it?' Kiri asked, jolting wide awake at that.
'I can only tell you in riddle,' Jirachi said. 'Thee who found thy legend shall be cursed. For thee to reverse the spell, neither a wish nor magic can help. Thee go to thy legends palace within 8 months, or thee shall spend eternity in darkness.'
I looked back at Kiri and Shouto who were just as confused as I was. I looked back at Jirachi who held a card in hand. I took the card.
'That's all I can do,' Jirachi said. 'But, before I go, do you have any other questions?'
'Is it possible for you to show us parts of Midoriya's past?' Kirishima asked.
'It is, yes. But, I'm not sure he'd approve of that.' Jirachi replied.
'Please? I want to know more about him,' Kiri said. 'He hasn't told us much. He's barely told us anything except his name and that he's cursed.'
'You make a good point. Are you certain you want to proceed?' Jirachi asked.
We all looked at each other before nodding. Jirachi took in a deep breath as it started glowing a blinding yellow. We all closed our eyes. After a few moments, the light disappeared. We all opened our eyes and looked around.
'Now, now. Calm down Izuku.'
'I am calm, mom.'
We turned round to see Izuku and someone else who seemed to be his mother.
'Just be careful, honey.'
'I will. Bye!'
Izuku left his house and ran up to Professor Oak's lab. He knocked twice before running inside.
'Woah there. You're really excited, aren't you?'
'Course I am! I'm finally getting my first Pokémon!'
'Alright. First, I have to explain the dangers outside.'
After a long and boring talk that felt like a lecture, Izuku was finally choosing his Pokémon. He chose Charmander who took a liking to him.
'Thanks Oak!'
'Be careful out there.'
'Will do!'
Izuku ran out to start his journey.
The scenes started fast forwarding. Izuku caught his first Pokémon being a Poliwhirl. Later while fighting, Charmander evolved to Charmeleon. He started his training at the training camp. While doing it, he caught an Abra and later a Syther. He finished his training, Poliwhil evolving to Poliwrath and Abra evolving into Kadabra. He set off again. He fought in many leagues, winning them all. After, he caught a Roselia. He fought in the rest of the leagues, winning every single one of them, becoming league champion.
'I wonder if this is the cave?'
Izuku walked into a dark cave, looking round to see if anything was there.
Izuku looked round, seeing nothing. He was confused till he saw a pink glow.
The glow flew towards him, revealing itself as a small pink cat like Pokémon.
'Oh lord Arceus! The rumours were true!'
The pink Pokémon flew round Izuku's head before landing on his outstretched hand.
'If you take that Pokémon, you'll never be the same.'
'W-what the... who is that? Where are you?!'
'Heed my warning. Leave now before you do anything you'll regret.'
Izuku looked around one last time before leaving the cave. He walked away, calling out his Charizard and getting on his back. Before he left, Mew came out of the cave and flew over to him. It flew into Izuku's bag, searching round. It came back out with a Pokéball.
'You wanna stay with me?'
Mew gave Izuku the Pokéball before going inside it. He came back out, flying round Izuku's head.
'You fool! I warned you!'
Izuku is blasted off of Charizard's back, being sent flying into a tree. A black aura surrounded him before dispersing.
Everything went black. I closed my eyes again. Once I opened them, I found myself standing on the rocky ground, staring up at Jirachi.
'That's all I could show you.' Jirachi said.
'What the...' Kiri murmured.
'So that's what happened...' Shouto muttered.
'We should probably go now.' I said, turning round.
'If you ever need anything else, you know where to find me.' Jirachi said as it disappeared.
'Let's go find Midoriya.' Kirishima said, following after me.
Shouto took up the rear as he started down the mountainside. We found him a fifth of the way down.
'Midoriya.' Shouto called.
'Hey! You guys finished talking with Jirachi?' Izuku asked.
'Yeah.' I replied.
'Well then, let's go!' Izuku smiled.
'Where?' Kiri asked.
'We'll go to one of the leagues. See how far you've come.' Izuku said.
'Yes! Finally I get to show my power!' Kiri cheered.
'Take out your Pidgeottoes. We're leaving right away.' Izuku said, getting on Charizard's back.
"Leagues, here we come." I thought with a smirk.
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