House and Town
•~Izuku's P.O.V~•
'Is your house around here?' I asked, looking round through the dark forest I was in.
'That way.' The little girl said, pointing over to the right.
I started walking in that direction, thankful that my eyes had adjusted to the dark.
'Do you mind telling me your name?' I asked as Butterfree started gathering round us.
'Saki. Saki Mino.' The girl said, resting her head on mine.
'Saki huh? That's a nice name,' I said. 'I'm Izuku Midoriya.'
'Izu... Miroia?' Saki tried.
'It's hard to say, isn't it,' I said, making her hum her response. 'Well, you can call me wants easier for you.'
'Izu-niichan!' Saki said.
'Niichan?' I repeated. 'Ok. We should be reaching your house anytime now.'
I walked and walked, but, there was still no sign of Saki's house anywhere. Saki ended up falling asleep on my head. The Zigzagoon climbed up my leg and waist to her, providing himself as a blanket to keep her warm. He also fell asleep. By then, Mew decided to come out.
'Mew. Do you know where we are right now?' I asked.
'Mew!' Mew said, flying round in front of me.
'Dark forest? Wait, does anyone live here?' I asked.
'Mew mew, mew!' Mew replied.
'Which direction?'
Mew flew off in front of me, making me jog to keep up. I was careful as I didn't want to wake Saki up. I felt like I'd been jogging for almost an hour when I saw light off in the distance. Mew went behind me as I went into a run. I eventually reached where the light was. The sun was shining down upon a small, wooden house. Mew went back in its Pokéball as I slowed to a walk, going towards the house. I reached the door and knocked. No answer. I knocked again, louder this time. Still, no response.
'Hmm. That's strange.' I murmured, peering in through a window.
It was a kitchen. Though, no one was there. I looked in a different window. Same deal, just, it was a lounge room.
'Hello?!' I called. 'Is anyone there?'
I waited and waited. Nothing. I placed Saki and Zigzagoon on the ground before waking Saki up.
'H-huh? Are we there, Izu-niichan?' Saki yawned, rubbing sleep from her eyes.
'I'm not sure. Is this your house?' I asked.
She turned her head round, staring up at the house. Her face lit up, a smile crossing it.
'It is! Thanks Izu-niichan!' She said, standing up and hugging me.
'Where are you're parents?' I asked. 'I didn't see anyone in there.'
'I don't have any,' Saki replied. 'The Pokémon like Zigzoo here take care of me.'
She stroked Zigzagoon's fur as other Pokémon started appearing. There were Butterfree, Nidoqueen's and Nidoking's, Ladyba, Venamoth and one other Pokémon. I couldn't tell what it was as it stayed in the shadows, just, staring at us. I started walking towards it. It didn't move, only stared. I was about two meters away from it when it came out into the light of the sun.
'Raikou...' I murmured as it stalked over to me.
It walked passed me, glancing back once before going over to Saki with the other Pokémon.
'She should be safe with him.' I murmured, a small smile crossing my face as I started to walk back.
Mew came back out to guide me over back to the mountainside. Once we reached it, Mew landed on my head. I grabbed a berry from my bag and gave it to Mew who started eating straight away.
'Oh my god, no way!! It's really him!'
I froze. Mew ate the berry before going back in it's Pokéball. I turned my head round, seeing a small group of trainers.
'It can't be!' 'He was at the league last. How'd he end up here?' 'This can't be happening!' 'Oh my god!' They kept saying.
"Oh no. More fans," I thought, silently screaming for my life. "They saw Mew. This can't be happening."
They came up to me, stars in their eyes.
'Is it really you?' One asked.
'Are you the real Izuku Midoriya?! The champion of the leagues?' A second asked.
'Please sign my hat!' Three of them said.
'Woah, woah. Calm down. What makes you think I'm the real Izuku Midoriya?' I asked, trying to get them to leave.
'Wasn't that a Mew you had?!' The second asked.
'You must be mistaken.' I said, breaking into a cold sweat.
'Awe man. I was really excited to.' They all murmured, their excitement leaving in a flash as they started to walk away.
"Phew..." I mentally sighed in relief. 'Well, time to go back an find the others.'
I started walking again, slowly reaching the town. I finally ventured down from the mountain, looking round for the little group. I almost turned to go check another area when some blonde hair caught my attention. I ran over to a tree, smiling when I saw a sleeping blonde, redhead and multi with a bunch of Pokémon with them.
"Awwwww. They're so cuuuuute." I mentally fanboyed, kneeling down and stroking Katsuki's hair.
As soon as I touched his hair, he grabbed my wrist. I tensed up, before relaxing as Katsuki placed my hand on his head. I smiled, stroking his hair before I was pulled into a hug.
'Don't leave me again...' Katsuki murmured.
'K-Kacchan?' I stuttered, face blushing bright red.
'Just promise me you won't leave me again...' Katsuki said.
'O-ok. I won't.' I replied, hugging Katsuki back.
I swear Katsuki smirked as he cupped my face in his hands and kissed me right on the lips. After a few moments, we parted. I was completely red from ear to ear.
'You need to stop being so cute, Deku.' Katsuki smirked.
I didn't know how to reply. I was just frozen there.
I snapped out of my frozen state and looked behind Katsuki to see Shouto and Kirishima waking up.
'Seems your all awake now.' I smiled, trying to forget about what just happened.
'Are we going to head off again?' Shouto asked, rubbing sleep away from his eyes.
'Yeah!' I said. 'You ready to go?'
'Hell yeah!' Kirishima cheered, jumping up, full of energy.
'Well then. Let's go!' I smiled widely.
They all stood up and we all started walking away. I felt someone tap me on the shoulder before they whispered in my ear.
'Keep that kiss to yourself.'
A shiver went up my spine.
"Oh god, I'm in for it now, aren't I?" I mentally cried for help, praying for my own safety with these three.
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