Kaito accidentally drinks the blood of a human half-fairy causing him to weaken. And Kaito asked for help from a merman to capture a young witch to regain his strength.
"How did you know that I am a Merman? And who are you?" The guy said and Kaito smiled at him then he said.
"I need your help. And if you help me, I will give you a prize." Kaito said.
The continuation...
"My name is Kaito," Kaito said as he introduced himself to the guy whom he asked for help to capture a young witch.
"Zac, my name is Zac. And what is the prize if I will capture a witch?" Zac asks.
"I know you were looking for a male victim I can give you one. Right now." Kaito said and his eyes turned red.
"No, thank you I can attract them with my muscles, especially with gay men. Thanks for the offer." Zac said and he proceeded to his next routine which is the treadmill. But Kaito has come up with a way to mess with Zac.
"Okay if you say so," he said and he slowly grabbed his tumbler and he acted like he accidentally spilled the water inside of his tumbler. Then Zac immediately felt something with the water that spilled.
"This is a saltwater! How dare you!" Zac said and he immediately stopped the treadmill to run away.
"Run, hunky fishy," Kaito said and he laughs at Zac who is running as fast as he could before his legs turns into a tail. Zac just looked at him intently before he left and Kaito followed him to the shower room of the Fitness gym.
Meanwhile, at the White Dove headquarters where Akihiko and Baekhyun are waiting for Ethan to wake, after what happened Cristine warns them not to do any negativity until Ethan recovers.
"Here's your tea, common' grab one before this will cold." Min Joon said.
"Thanks, you," Aki said after he grabbed the cup of tea. While Baekhyun was still staring at Ethan and said.
"Ethan please wake up," Baekhyun said while he was holding Ethan's hand. When Min Joon saw this, he felt a little pain in his heart. But he just hid and ignored it. While, Aki gets angry when he sees that, but he can't react as Cristine warns them not to make any scene.
"Please, the two of you I will give you a warning. Don't make a scene. Ethan still recovering. When he wakes up it means the baptism is successful." Cristine said.
"Bro, what's your plan?" Aki asks Baekhyun and at this time Min Joon starts to worry as he thinks Aki and Baekhyun start to fight again but he is assured with Baekhyun and Aki.
"I need to proceed on my mission to become a Bellator. If Ethan will not be awake until tomorrow, I need to leave. Could you watch him for me, bro." Baekhyun said.
"What do you mean to become a Bellator? You were a Bellator already, did you hear on Miss Cristine about what she told you?" Akihiko said.
"Yes, but our training is not yet finished until we can~," Baekhyun said as they were interrupted by Min Joon in the middle of their conversation.
"Baekhyun, you need to be careful," Min Joon said, He can't get rid of his worries about his ex-boyfriend. Baekhyun just smiled before he answered and said.
"Thanks, bro. you as well." Baekhyun said. while outside of the headquarters, the Sarangay and a Lambana hear everything.
"Gosh, did you hear that? He calls his ex-boyfriend, Bro? Baekhyun is a walking red flag." The sarangay said.
"Right, it is unacceptable, Master Min Joon has a feeling and now he just says that, Bro? Red flag!" The Lambana said and suddenly Cristine appeared and joined in their conversation.
"But we can't tell what's the final, what's your team?" Cristine asks.
"Miss?" The Sarangay asks.
"Are you in favor of Team Baekhyun, the walking red flag, or Team Aki, the soft hunky lover slash best friend?" Cristine said then The Sarangay and the Lambana thought about which team are they at the same time Cristine was smiling at the two creatures.
Going back to Jin Ae with her friends they were going to visit a famous restaurant in town as they had decided to try their food.
"Where here girls, and the smells delicious." Jin Ae said while Cathrine was uncomfortable.
"Are you okay, Monday?" Jasmine asks.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Catherine replied,
"You look pale Monday, or maybe you are hungry already. Let's go inside of the restaurant." Jin Ae said then she grabbed her two friend's arms to go inside the restaurant.
"Hello, welcome to Maria's House. Here's your menu. Just call me when you guys are ready to order. okay?" The guy said and winked at them.
"Yes, babe. I mean yes sir." Jasmine replied while waving her hands.
"Jasmine, behave," Catherine said.
"Okay, girls let's their famous recipe." Jin Ae said while pointing to the menu and immediately they called the attention of the guy that entertained them earlier.
"Yes, Miss may I take your orders?" The guy said and Jin Ae tells to the guy the food that they would like to order.
Going back to Kaito and Zac.
Kaito saw Zac turn his legs into a tail.
"So, are you going to help me now, before everyone will see this," Kaito said.
"No! No! please," Zac said as he heard someone knocking on the door.
"Now, help me to find a witch, once you help me, I will leave you alone," Kaito said.
"Okay I'll help you," Zac said and Kaito put his hand on Zac's tail and slowly his tail smoked until it returned to legs. At this Zac is naked.
"You have a nice body," Kaito said and he immediately touched Zac's man tool which at that time had not yet hardened.
"What are you doing?" Zac asks as he is shocked at what Kaito did to him.
"I don't know, but you are so attractive. That's what I've noticed." Kaito said and he suddenly pressed a kiss to Zac, At the same time as Kaito waved his hands, the main door of the shower room opened and the water from the shower poured down on them while they were kissing.
Going back to the white dove,
Ethan finally awakes but Baekhyun is already left at the place.
"Teacher Min Joon," Ethan said and he immediately Min Joon hugs him.
"How's your feeling? Are you feeling better now?" Min Joon asks.
"Yes, teacher I am okay," Ethan replied with a smile.
"Hey, how are you E?" Aki asked him and he immediately hugged his best friend.
"I am okay now, I like your new look now, you look cute in your fox ears," Ethan said and Aki's face turned red when he heard that from Ethan.
"Where's Baekhyun?" Ethan asks. Aki and Min Joon looked at each other when Ethan asked them, at that time Baekhyun was traveling back to a town near Mount San Cristobal as his sister and its friends waiting for him.
When Jin Ae was about to eat the food, Catherine Suddenly stopped her and said.
"That food is not for us," Catherine said.
"What do you mean?" Jasmine asked and she was about to eat the food as well but Catherine immediately waved her hands, and then the spoon they were holding fell.
"How did you do that?" Jin Ae asks.
"I have no time to explain, look," Catherine said and she took a piece of lime from her pocket that she asked Lennard's father. She cut the lime in two with a knife and dripped its juice on the famous recipe. When the lime juice fell into the soup, they saw that the soup color was changed turned into black, and became smelly.
"What's that smell? So disgusting." Jasmine said.
"As you can see this food is not meant for humans, they use the meat of humans look at the bowl," Catherine said while pointing her finger to the bowl, and there, Jin Ae and Jasmine saw a cuticle floating the soup and not only that, they saw a finger in the soup.
"We have to leave; I didn't bring my weapons. We're in danger." Jin Ae said. But they were stunned when they saw the guy who served the food for them.
"Do you guys don't like the food? Especially for a Bellator." The guy said.
"No, baby," Jasmine said but she was stunned when the guy changed his appearance into a scary creature.
Going back to Kaito and Zac,
Kaito turned around and Zac licked his hole which made him moan even more.
"This is good, ahh!" Kaito said Zac moved his tongue around Kaito's hole until he inserted his two fingers.
"Zac, that's so good. please don't stop." Because of the sensation, Kaito didn't realize that it wasn't Zac's finger that was destroying his hole, as he felt a little pain, and when he turned around he was surprised by the size of Zac's man tool.
"It wasn't that big before Zackie, But f*ck the size was so big," Kaito said.
"You want this tool inside of your home right?" Zac said.
"Yes, please. I want your juice inside me as well and make me pregnant." Kaito said, Because of what Kaito said, He buried his tool even more in Kaito's hole, and he slowly swayed his body so that his tool would be free to break Kaito's hole.
"OOOHHHHH!! SO BIG DADDY!" Kaito said.
"AAAHHH! YOUR HOLE WAS AMAZING, it feels like your hole s*cking my tool inside. Sh*t!!" Zac said as he felt intense lust at that time until he felt the viscous juice coming out soon from his tool.
"I'M C*MMINNGG!! AAHHHH! F*CK YOUR SO GOOD!" Zac said until his juice came out when Kaito felt that he buried Zac's tool even more in his hole.
"So warmth inside, AAHHHHH!" Kaito said.
"AAHHHH! Sh*t!! You so Wild," Zac said and he kissed him on the lips.
"So are you going to help me now? If you will help me, we can do this anytime." Kaito said while biting his lips.
"Hmmn! I guess we have a deal." Zac replied and he kissed Kaito again on his lips.
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