Chapter 7
Avery's POV
I woke up on a hard cold cot. I groaned and turned my head. Everything was so blurry.
I could make out a shape on the other bed. "Nice of you to join in," Melody's voice floated towards me.
"Wha-" I began, but Melody shushed me. "We're under the school. We were knocked out, Avery. It was all planned out."
"The teacher and the nurse. They've joined with the Weeping Angels. That's why they were on the road that night. They're after you, Dad, and I. I know why they want Dad and I. I'm not sure about you. Maybe it's because you know what an Angel is. I honestly don't know. I also don't know why we were taken." Melody was talking fast now. I understood why. She was nervous and scared.
"I don't want to be here! I want to escape!" my voice rose in hysteria, but Melody clamped a hand on my mouth. How did she get here so quick? She whispered softly, "I'm working on that. The door's metal, which is good, but-"
"How is that good?" I snapped.
"Let me finish. The door's metal, which is good because sonic doesn't work on wood. Unfortunately, they took everything that could be used as a weapon. That includes my laser light. I have a bobby pin, but there's no lock that I can stick it into."
I examined the door. Melody was right. Nothing. I gave the door an experimental shove. Nothing happened. We were locked in. I examined the walls around it for a crease, something. I knocked on all the walls, every inch of the walls, to see if I could hear a different sounding knock, like wood or metal. I didn't detect one, but Melody did. "Wait! Knock on that one bit again."
I did. Melody said, "They hid the control panel in the wall!" She bounced over and scratched at the wall with her finger with earsplitting screeches. I winced, but Melody scraped until she scraped metal. Then she began to peel the plaster off in great chunks, revealing the metal control panel. She flung it open and began searching, parting wires and hitting buttons until the door opened with a groan. I nearly bounded out of the room, but Melody stopped me. "Wait."
All of the sudden, laser beams appeared in front of us, criss-crossing this way and that, creating a near impossible path without electrocution. Melody proved that by chucking in her bobby pin. "Great," I muttered.
"Hang on a sec. To turn off the laser beams, the panel is across the hall. Which means..." Melody stepped back a couple steps and took a running start in. The minute she hit the beams, she was no longer Melody. She was a calico cat, dodging beams this way and that. Once the cat reached the other side, Melody returned and she hit a button. "Clear," she called. And it was. The beams were gone. I took a deep breath and sprinted across the hallway. Once I reached her, I said breathlessly, "How-how did you do the cat thing? You're not- you're not fully human, are you?" I was so amazed.
"I don't have an ounce of human blood in me. Yes, I am part were cat, which means I can change into a cat at will. I'm not affected by the full moon; only full were cats are. My mother was."
"Not an ounce- then what else are you? You look human, but-"
"Have you seen my eyes when I get angry? Do you know how I scratched great gauges into the plaster? My eyes are like cat's when I get angry. My nails are like cat claws- retractable." Melody turned down the hallway. I had to rush to catch up with her. "Wait, you didn't answer my question! What else are you? Melody? MELODY!" but she continued to ignore my question. She just walked. I sighed and concentrated on catching up.
"What is your dad?" I asked. "You said you didn't have an ounce of human in you. What else are you? What's your dad?"
"Time Lord," she sighed, then her tone turned angry. "Do not, under any circumstance, ask him about it. I'm dead serious."
I didn't question her. I didn't know what a Time Lord was. I guess it showed, because Melody seemed happy.
Doctor's POV
Where was Melody? I decided to search for her. Meaning, fly the TARDIS to her. I ran around the console, flipping switches and pulling levers. I grabbed the console as the TARDIS took flight.
It was only a minute before we hit a problem. Where ever Melody was, the TARDIS couldn't get to her. I pushed her to get through. "Come on, come on..."
I knew where she was- under the school. What if I landed by the school and found where she was, under the school?
That worked out great. Except I was ambushed the minute I stepped out of the TARDIS.
"Well, well, well," Mr. Hawkman said. "I see the Doctor has come to save his daughter."
I swallowed. "Well, that was the general idea, yeah."
"You want to see her?" he hissed. I nodded. I was confused, but confusion rubbed away when I felt chains around my torso. "Walk!" Mr. Hawkman hissed and I did.
We walked down a lot of hallways, down a staircase I never knew existed, and down another hallway. There was laser beams shooting out from the walls. But that's not what made the teacher stopped.
The door at the end was ajar. Melody had escaped.
I knew I was happy she had escaped, but where was she? Oh, never mind that. Hopefully, she had escaped far enough. Maybe she had found the exit. I hoped so. Meanwhile, Mr. Hawkman was angry. "Where's the girl and her friend?!" he muttered. "They won't get far, I know."
I saw a Weeping Angel right next to the door and tried not to look at it. Come closer, Angel. Come closer. Try to touch me. Just-move-to-the-lasers. Please.
Melody's POV
I saw the stairways and climbed them two at a time, Avery at my heels. I looked up and down the now-deserted school hallway. I saw the TARDIS right in front of me and I ran to it. I jammed my key into the lock and threw open the door.
"Where are we?" Avery asked once we were inside.
"The TARDIS," I explained. "Dad has to be around somewhere..."
"It's bigger on the inside!" Avery exclaimed.
"Yeah, I know... where on earth is he?" I muttered to myself. "Where... ahhh."
I peered at the screen. I could just barely read the screen. He was at the hallway leading to my former cell. I ran out of the TARDIS. Avery called after me, "Wait, Melody, stop running off!"
I ignored him and threw myself down the stairs. I ran down the halls- left, right, middle- until I reached the hall with the laser beams. I threw my arms around Dad's waist. "Melody, go back to the TARDIS," he said. I pulled myself off of him. "What- what about you?"
"I'm fine. Melody, go!"
I turned and sprinted towards the exit. Once I got there, however, it was blocked by Weeping Angels. "Oh, no," I muttered. I stared at one in the eyes, but as soon as I did, I heard a scream. I flung around, ignoring the Angel, and saw the other with it's arms stretched out wide, the mouth opened in that scream. But what really scared me was the spot Avery had been in.
It was empty.
I spun around to find myself face-to-face with the other Angel. I backed up slowly. If I could get away far enough, I could stare at both. Tears blurred my eye sight. Avery was gone. Wetness trickled down my face, then another, then another. Avery was dead. I shoved my way between the Angels- yet not touching them- and ran to the TARDIS.
I waited in my room, crying. Dad came in. "What's wrong?"
I told him about Avery. It didn't help his eyes had that look in them again, the look that said, I have seen much, much, too much. He hugged me and whispered, "I have bad news."
"No," I whimpered, burying my face in his chest.
"Melody, I'm sorry. I can't have you on the TARDIS much longer. It's not you, it's just... if something happened to you, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I'm sorry."
"Where are you taking me?" I whispered.
"To your half-sisters," he said. "Where you apparently spent those years without me with."
"I don't want to leave," I whispered.
He stroked my hair. "I know."
He held me that way for a long time. Then he got up and said, "Pack a bag. We'll be there in ten minutes."
I couldn't help but bawl.
-End of Book 3-
I know, the Melody books are super-short. This one's only about seven parts. I promise I'll make the next one longer. And once I figured out a title, I will post it in the comments.
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