The Weird Day
Flute Girl and Bash has finally made it to Randy's porch. They were tired from running most of the way and they were sweaty. Not from carrying Randy, but from the heat. It was about sun down in Norrisville, a little after Howard and Theresa made it to their stop.
Randy was still pale from the poison. His purple hair was a mess and Flute Girl had to fight the urge to comb it. He did walk a little of the ways, but with his arms draped over their shoulders, but finally collapsed half way down the street.
He still had blood on his hoodie and shirt, which would be hard to explain to his mom. He groaned in pain as they sat him down on the steps, seeing that his parents aren't home.
"Great! Now what are we going to do?" Flute Girl throws her arms in the air in frustration. "I have to get home to study for my math and science exam tomorrow!"
Hearing this made a struggled laugh come from Randy as he lay on the steps with his head faced up towards the roof. "Y... you're a goodie, goodie, two shoe, even during a time like this." He stammers. He grunts as he says each word; cause Flute Girl's guilt to show.
Why am I worried about a test when someone's in pain right below me? She thought. Shaking her head, she asks, "Are you okay? Anything you need?"
It takes Randy a few seconds of struggle to answer her questions, "I... I'm fine. Th... Thank you for what you are doing..." He coughs a little bit, but that little bit showed up blood. His whole hand was filled up with that one little cough, which frightens Flute Girl. "Eww, now that's shansty!" Randy whispers under his breath as he throws the red liquid down on the side walk to get the liquid off his hands and whips the rest on his already blood stained hoodie.
Seeing this, Flute Girl starts to freak. What if he's hurt worse than I thought? She thought as she looks away. Bash was doing the same, which confused Flute Girl. The school bully looking away as a kid is in pain right in front of him? Now that's added to the long list of strange things Flute Girl has seen. She almost wished she was blinded, or someone to come up to her a brake her only pair of glasses so she wouldn't have to see a thing. She wanted to get away, then I thought came to her.
"I'm going to be right back. Bash, watch Randy until I get back, okay? I'm going to run to the nearest gas station or store to get a few equipment. Be back soon. And if Randy's mother..." She was then interrupted by Randy's gasps and wheeze as he tries to tell her something.
"My mom's not around for a few days. On a trip from work, won't be back until Monday. And Dad's dead, so the house's to me for a week! The key is under the mat." He grunts before falling silent.
"Okay, Bash, you handle that while I go to the store. Be back!" Flute Girl says, glaring at Bash to warn him not to do something stupid, and runs off. Bash then turns to the door and pulls the key out from under the mat and unlocks the house.
He walks back over to the still paling Randy and helps him up carefully, but still ended up with Randy gasping in pain as they walk in to the living room.
Randy is then laid on the couch in a sitting position, his hands in his lap and his head on his chest. He starts shivering as the cold of the house hits his skin and from loss of blood.
Seeing this, Bash walks and grabs a blanket from the laundry room and places it on him, setting the blanket under Randy's neck to keep it up.
"Thanks..." Bash heard Randy say under his breath. "You have been quieter than you should be, how come?" He asks Bash who sat down across from Randy.
A long silent filled the air before Bash answered the question that has been bugging Randy for the time he has been conscience. When Bash answered, it was sorrowful, and depressed, but he still talked the way he does.
"Bash has been bully of students at Norrisville. Never knew that one of them might have been the Ninja. Bash is sorry, Bash never be mean again!" He says while looking down in shame, hearing this made Randy feel sorry too. He lifts his head up with great struggle to look at Bash, he even starts to sit up a little on his own, which was progress. "Don't feel sorry Bash. You didn't know, no one did and you're not the only one who bullied me. There are lots of other people who would call me names and shove me in the halls, but stop blaming yourself for it all!"
A sniff was heard from Bash as he lifts his head up to meet Randy's eyes, which were clouded over by the pain and poison flowing through his body. Bashes eyes were red from tears.
"You mean that?" He asks, wanting to believe Randy's forgives him. "Yes, I do mean it! Now, let's stop with this crying and drama stuff and turn on the T.V!" Randy answers back, wanting nothing more than to watch his favorite show to get his mind off the growing pain in his body.
For an answer, Bash nodded his head a turned the television on, and sure enough, they had the same favorite show! As they watch it and the time went by, Flute Girl finally made it back with supplies in her hands and a grin as she walks through the door to finally see that Bash was talking and Randy seems to be improving a little from his illness, but she could still see that he was still in pain.
She had bought two bags worth of stuff, which were bandages, cleaning alcohol, medicines, and snacks for her and Bash. (Not wanting to eat Randy's food.)
She lays the bags on first dresser she sees and sits down with the boys, who were talking about what their favorite song and band is. She is then in the conversation along with the two boys and after a few hours have went by, she walks home for the day, while Bash called to spend the night (with Flute Girl listening closely so he wouldn't expose Randy, which is still a shock to her.)
As she walks home, she thinks, Man, this has been a weird day!
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