The First Attack
Howard and Theresa have landed into the shadow world. After the portal sucked them inside, they were teleported to a hazy black and white of the world.
The ground was black with gray-like shadows (Sort of like in Lord of the Rings when Frodo puts the Ring on.) It was a creepy place. Everything they saw took a few minutes to find out what they are. Like the rocks and the trees.
How about the people? They were walking monsters! They would have sharp fingers that went down to their knees. Their mouths would be either hanging wide open or sowed shut. Murmurs were heard throughout the world, sending chills down Howard's spine.
Howard and Theresa walked the hazy town until they come to a stop in an alley to rest. Howard, scared out of his wits by the people, sat exhausted in the far corner on the verge of sleep. His stomach was growling like crazy, and so he begged to have a bag of chips.
"Please, Theresa, I'm dying over here! Pass me a bag of McChips please. It doesn't matter the flavor." He begged, looking at Theresa with puppy dog eyes.
Shrugging, Theresa tossed a bag of cheese dip flavored chips to Howard. Him and Theresa were the only ones in this hazy, shadowy world that were in colors, so they could see each other like it was day time, which was a relief.
Howard watched as Theresa paced in opening of the alley, which they hope is an alley, and ate his chips happily. He tried not to think about Randy and how the others are doing. He was just glad that Randy is not dead yet, or so he hoped. To take his mind off of things, he decided to talk.
"So, Theresa? Where did that knife come from back there? You know, when the door slammed on us." He asked in mid chow.
"I always carry one with me. It's in case something happens while walking home from school or friend's house." She answers, not even looking up at Howard.
"Oh, how about the steel kicks? You knocked down a heavy looking door with now problem, twice!" Howard asked another question while he was still stuffing his face with food. He was already down half the bag.
At this, Theresa finally stopped pacing and sat down 10 feet away from where Howard was. "I was interested in fighting, so I joined karate. I'm a black belt too. I have been for four years, so yeah, kicking down doors is easy for me." She adds a sly smile.
"That's pretty cool, Theresa! I bet you're better than anyone in the class." Howard said amazed. "Let me just say this, the way you can kick, I will totally pay to watch you and Randy have a competition!"
At that, Theresa blushed. She told anyone, so have never heard such a nice quote from anyone. She was about to say thanks, when a tall ugly figure walked in through the opening of the alley. It groaned and it walked in.
Theresa jumped to her feet and ran towards Howard to help him up too. Howard's chip bag was empty, so he left it on the ground. As the figure got closer, the groaning became louder. It took them a minute to see the full shape since the world was a hazy and shadowy.
It was a tall man that liked a lot like Slender Man, but it had a face. The eyes were blood shoot, but instead of red, the blood was black. There was a hole where the nose should have been, and the mouth was sewed up so tight, that there was a straight line with X's here and there. The things left foot was backwards, making it limb when it walked, its right arm was missing, along with four fingers on the other hand. The clothes were a light grayish-blue color that was shattered and ripped in threads. It was terrifying to look at.
Trembling, Howard and Theresa froze in their place. Theresa slowly drew out her knife from earlier and pointed it at the creature as he walked slowly towards them.
Not knowing what to do, Howard picked up a shadow garbage can lid a hid behind it like a shield. The figure was now just ten feet away when it stopped.
The figure raised it's only finger and reached out to touch Theresa, who was closer to him. Once the finger was an inch away from her head, she gave a cry and swiped her blade at the figure.
A high-pitched scream came from the figure as his hand started to bleed out black blood, which surprised Theresa and Howard because one, its mouth is sewed, and two, Theresa just cut off his hand.
The figure was angry now. Letting loose a cry that echoed through the town, causing the duo to jump in fear.
"What was that?" Howard whispered to Theresa in a voice so soft, she nearly didn't hear him. "I have no idea." She answered back without turning to him.
Out of nowhere, two more figures appeared from the hazy streets. One was what looked like a girl and the other was another man.
The girl figure had the shape and height as a 20 year old. Long white hazy hair was flowing back in chopped up bunches. Her pale face had no eyes but a crooked nose and a mouth that hanged opened down to her chin. She wore a pale white dress with black splattered blood on the bottom edges along with tore up shoes that used to be heels. No body part missing but the eyes.
The new man figure looked like the twin of the other man. Tall, slender, and same face, everything the same except for the missing body parts. Both arms were still there accepts that he missed two fingers on each hand and his legs were fine, but he wore nothing but a tuxedo that was tore at the wrist and ankles.
The first man said something to the new comers in a grunting and moaning language, almost like they were zombies. After what Howard and Theresa thought was a conversation, the three monster figure faced them one last time before attacking.
The women figure jumped over Theresa, almost hitting the wall behind them, and grabbed Howard around the neck and throws him five yards away into the other wall. He screamed in pain as he stood back up, only to get punched in the gut by the tuxedo figure. The first figure was fighting Theresa, but was losing since she had a knife. With one swift movement of her hand, she stabbed him in the chest were the heart was, and killed him.
Instead of falling like a dead person would, he melted into dust particles and disappeared. Relief that Theresa wouldn't be seeing a dead shadowy figure on the ground bleeding, she turned to see that Howard was out cold in another corner with the new comers standing over him, ready to end him with a sword that came out of nowhere.
"No! Stay away from him!" Theresa shouted as she charged straight to them, waving her small knife around like a madman.
The figures turned around, but too late, Theresa already drove the knife into the women's stomach, causing her the disappear into dust too. While the late figure was distracted, Theresa kicked him the leg, causing him to scream in pain, and she stabbed him, causing the figure to join his friends.
Exhausted, Theresa put the knife away and helped Howard up. He had bruises and many minor cuts, but nothing too serious. Using the first aid kit that Howard had in his backpack, she placed bandages on the cuts and used the water to wake him up.
After explaining what happened, Howard was tired and went to sleep while Theresa took the first watching sift. Leaving her in her thoughts for hours.
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