I woke up in my bed, confused how I got there. I remembered laying on the couch with Katsuki, and then . . . Nothing. I got out of bed and saw that Lakita wasn't in the room. That was even weirder. She always slept in my room, whether on the bed, or in front of the door to protect me, she was always there. A loud thud was heard from my living room.
I assumed that since Lakita wasn't in my room, and following that thud there wasn't a a string of curse words, I don't think that's my Doberman or my fiancé in my house.
My breath quickened, and I had to hold my breath to silence it. I slipped through my door quietly, pressing myself against the walls and creeping down the hallway slowly. I passed a small dresser with drawers I had in my halls. I quietly opened the drawer, reminding myself to oil all of the drawers when it squeaked slightly. I slowly reached my hand in, and pulled out a screw driver I had in there. I creeped just a little more down the hall before I heard my front door unlock. I pressed myself as close to the wall as I could, as the door opened. I heard a chorus of men's voices that began to scatter around the house. Mainly the living room and kitchen that were on the opposite side of the house. It made me realize that I was in fact correct. This was not Katsuki in my house. I took a stifling deep breath, before quietly and quickly dashing to my bedroom. My phone lay on my night stand, and I grabbed it, rushing into the bathroom. I locked the door, kept the lights off and sat in the tub. I texted Katsuki to not come back to the house and that I'd explain later, before dialing 911.
A/n this is very american, ik. But I can't help it as I'm not aware of these types of protocol in other countries. Please enjoy and ignore the geographically and culturally incorrect facts.
I kept my breathing as quiet as possible, and set the volume on my phone as low as possible, while still being able to hear. The tears brewing in my eyes made it hard to see my phone. When the dial tone ended and a person's voice was on the line, I quickly put the phone to my ear.
"Hello? There's people in my house that I dont know. My fiancé left this morning with the dog, I don't know when, I was asleep, and when I woke up I h- heard a thud from the living room and then a bunch of other people came in, please help me." I frantically whispered into the phone. I pulled my legs tight to my chest and kept as quiet as I could.
"Ma'am, what's your address?" The responder asked me.
Stupid! They need your address too! "M-my address is (beep beep boop), it's the house with flower beds all d-down the front driveway, mainly poppies."
"Okay, I've dispatched a team to come help you, how many men are there? Do you know?" She asked.
I shook my head, I knew she couldn't see me, but it was an automatic response, "I don't know for sure, but I heard at least 3 different voices."
"And you said they're all male?" She asked.
"Yes." I whispered.
"Ma'am what's your name?"
I took a quivering breath before answering, "Y/n L/n."
I heard loud thumping of boots coming down the hallway that leads to my bedroom, spare bedroom, and guest bathroom.
I stifled a cry, "Someone is coming down the hall, please help me."
"They're coming as fast as they can, they'll be there in a few minutes. Just stay quiet and wait to see if they go away. Update me okay? It's going to be okay."
"Okay," i whispered. I held my breath as the boots stopped inside my bedroom.
"Find her. She wasn't in the rest of the house, there's only a few rooms left to check."
"They're looking for me. They're here for me. Please help me. Please," I knew pleading wasn't going to get the officers there any faster, but it was all I could do. Plead and hope for a miracle, and that someone wasn't going to find me. For whatever reason they were looking for me.
The boots walked around my room for about a minute, opening doors leading to my closet, or my dresser, before stopping in front of the bathroom doors. I covered my mouth with my hand, hoping to quiet any possible sound. The doorknob moved slightly as the man grabbed it.
He turned the knob, and it didn't budge. He began to shake it, and when it didn't open he called out, "She's in here! She knows we're here, knock the door down!"
"They know where I am, they're knocking the door down, oh my god, please help me. Please, oh my god, help me please." I pushed myself as far from the door as I could, and closed my eyes as tears poured down my face. Why did these people want me? What do they want to do to me?
The door and the wall started to shake as someone's body slammed into it. Once, twice, three times. There was a sudden pause, and silence.
Suddenly the door flew in and crashed to the floor, with someone body on it.
Four times, and the door came down. The light from the sun streaming in through my bedroom windows illuminated the now nonexistent doorway and allowed me to see just enough that I saw an entire S.W.A.T team worth of men flooding the somewhat small bathroom. Someone flicked on the bathroom lights, and like that it was over.
Half the men, around 6, rushed over to the tub and three hoisted me out of my hiding spot.
"Let go of me! Someone help me! Please!" I squirmed, and kicked, and thrashed, desperately trying to get out of their grip, but all it did was make them tighten their already tight, rough grip. They half dragged me, half carried me out of my bedroom and into the living room. There was another 7 men, and in total there were 13 people in my house. People I didn't know. People that wanted to hurt me.
No one was there to help. I couldn't help myself, and the only thing giving me any reassurance was the fact that my two beloved were no where near this, and couldn't get hurt. Katsuki couldn't do anything against 13 people he has no idea about. They pulled me down the drive way and I started to scream for help again. I'm more in the open, best to try at least. There were three different black vans that all looked identical, and they threw a door open quickly and roughly, and that is what made me finally still and quiet. They roughly threw me into a van, and the pitch blackness consumed me again when they closed the doors. The humming of the engine and the sudden jerk in a different direction made one thing most definitely clear.
These people were taking me somewhere. And I had no idea why.
》》》 End of Chapter 《《《
It's been a bit.
Hope you enjoyed.
. . . :)
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