Katsuki's POV
I felt really bad for y/n. I love her. And I know I haven't been around much, so she's lonely. I didn't mean to be gone for so long, I really just got caught up in work. Our conversation yesterday didn't go exactly the best. Not that, she was mad. . . But I could tell that she was upset.
I called off work today. I have a long four hour drive to do today. I'm going to visit y/n.
Y/n's POV
I groaned rubbing my head. I think I successfully became drunk last night. God, my heads pounding. I stumbled out of bed and into the bathroom. The short walk felt like a mile through the desert. This sucks. I opened my eyes to see my reflection looking back at me. Hoooooly shit. I looked. . . Like shit. My hair was an absolute rats nest, my make-up is smudged everywhere, and my mouth felt like it was full of sand. I quickly washed my face off, and ran a brush through my hair real quick, before walking into my kitchen. I knew my house like the back of my hand, and walking around with my eyes closed was pretty common in the mornings. I found my way to the coffee maker, and made a pot. I put the basics in the coffee, before shuffling my way to the living room. I sighed, plopping on the couch, and taking a sip of my coffee.
"Morning y/n."
"AHGHHH!" I screamed, my eyes flying open. There sat an unfamiliar figure sitting in my living room chair.
"Holy shit!" I stood up quickly, and accidentally spilled my hot coffee on myself.
"Fuck!" I quickly took my shirt off, as it had scalding coffee, and thank whatever deity will listen I had a bra on.
The man sitting on the chair quickly stood up, apologizing, "Oh my god, i'm so sorry, I wasn't even thinking."
"Who the fuck are you!?" I yelled, covering my torso up, remembering that I'm practically half nude in front of this rando.
"I expected this would happen. Hi, i'm Ethan, I took you home last night." He said, extending his hand so I could shake it. I didn't take it.
"And you stayed? That's weird dude. Thanks, but. . . No thanks, can you leave?"
He retracted his hand. "Oh, yeah."
Still half naked, I walked him to the door, "Thank you, seriously. Bye."
He gave a little wave, and pulled open the door.
Katsuki POV
I pumped myself up, jumping up in down in front of the door.
"It's just y/n. Your loving girlfriend. It's fine." I psyched myself up. I reached my hand up to ring the doorbell when the door opened.
The sight in front of me made me drop the bouquet of flowers I was holding. There stood my girlfreind, half naked, and a man leaving her house. She looked up and gasped.
"Oh my god. . . Katsuki." She practically whispered.
I felt my eyes burn. "You have 10 seconds to explain what's going on, or I'm leaving."
Her mouth opened and closed, gaping like a fish. "I. . . I. . . I don't. . ."
"That's what I thought. Bye."
I left the bouquet of flowers on the doorstep, and walked down the steps toward my car. "Katsuki wait! I can explain!"
I couldn't turn toward her. Not only could I not bear to see her half nude, I couldn't let her see the tears that were brimming in my eyes. My pride was hurt, but my heart hurt worse.
"I don't want to talk. Goodbye."
I stood in the doorway, watching his car retreat away. Everything had been turned upside down in a matter of seconds. I stared at the spot he stood just a minute ago.
"Hey, you okay?" The guy, Ethan asked.
I shook my head, "I've ruined everything. I didn't even do anything and I've ruined it, simply because I couldn't get the words out to explain that what he was imagining wasn't real. Didn't happen." My eyes welled with tears.
"Who was he?" He asked softly.
"My best friend. My boyfriend." I turned away and shuffled into my bedroom. I shook of my clothes and went to take a shower.
Kirishima POV
I don't have that bad a hangover, nothing a good cup of coffee won't fix. I have today off, thank goodness, I plan to just sleep, and maybe help Kaminari with his homework. We are roommates in an apartment near my office building and his university. So it works. My phone started to ring, I walked over to the kitchen island, and picked it up.
"Wassup?" I heard sniffling on the other end.
"Hey. . . Can I come over?" The voice was hoarse and strained. I pulled the phone away from my face and looked at the contact info. It was Katsuki.
"Oh my god, are you okay?" I asked him.
". . . No." He answered hoarsely.
"What's wrong?" I asked him.
"Is rather not talk about it over the phone. Can I come over? I'll tell you then." He answered sniffling between every couple words.
"Yeah. . . Where are you?"
"I'm in a parking lot right now. I was driving and I needed to call you. I'll be there in 30 minutes. Okay?"
"Yeah. See you soon." I hung up the phone and put it down.
I've never seen him cry. What could have possibly happened. Was it something with y/n? I know they've been a little rocky lately.
Man. . . What a start to the day.
》》》End of Chapter《《《
Ha. Enjoy.
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