When I got home, it is around 5 - 6ish and i need a nap. I pulled my phone out of my workout bag and pulled up my messages.
Me: hey bitches. Had a rough day. I'm going to go out drinking. Any of you guys want to come along?
Mina: oh hell yes. I'm ready to pArTy!
Me: of course you are. XD. Anyone else?
Momo: I don't know if I should.
Me: you don't have to.
Momo:I f-it. I'll come along.
Kiri: I'll come along. I'm bored.
Sero: me too.
Kaminari: I would but I've got university tonight. Sorry.
Me: it's okay! I'll be at address
Tsuyu: Cool. Be there.
Me: Alright, meet yall at 9?
Mina: yup
Momo: Okay.
Kiri: Gotcha
Kaminari: drink some for me.
Tsuyu: alright.
Now that plans have been figured out, I'm going to sleep for a few hours. And I did. I woke up at 8 O'clock ready for a shower.
After I showered I went to my closet and pulled out a black dress. The top was body tight, and the neckline plunged a little, while the sleeves were off the shoulder. The skirt billowed out, and ended a couple inches above the knee. I felt good in it, but I was also conservative in it.
The legal drinking age in Japan is 20, which I am, and so are my friends. . . So I'm going to de-stress the "adult way".
I sat down at my vanity, and I did my hair, styling it how I wanted, before I started makeup. Toying around was fun, but I was wearing a black dress, and only going out to drink. So. . . I'll keep it pretty simple. I started with foundation and the other basics. Concealer, contour, etc. I decided to do a pretty simple warm eye look, some mascara, and a wing before calling it a day.
I found a black faux leather handbag, put my phone, keys, credit card, lipstick, which was bright red, just to give a little pop of color, and finally my bag of powdered pepper. Pepper spray is illegal in Japan, but you can never be too safe.
Finally I was ready. It was 8:50. . . Which means I'm REALLY running late. But I doubt they're going to be there on time either. I called a drive service and waited about 5 minutes before hopping in the car. The drive was mostly silent, thankfully.
"You going out for a fun Saturday night out?" My driver asked.
I nodded, "Yeah. Had a stressful week. Wanted to hang out with some friends you know?"
"I get it. Well, have a good time." He said with a smile.
I gave him a smile back, "Thank you."
I got out of the car, and I walked into the club. It's was called Minnow's Nightlife. Odd name. Not going to lie. I found a table to sit at for a moment, and pulled out my phone.
9:20. Oops.
Me: I'm here. Where are you guys?
Momo: pulling up in 5. Got stuck in INSANE traffic.
Kiri: I have a circle booth in the back for all of us. Go to the far left back corner, and you'll see me, Kaminari and Tsuyu.
Kaminari: btw I changed my mind.
Me: Okay thanks.
I put my phone back in my handbag and walked in the direction Kirishima said to. I saw a head of spike red hair and immediately knew I was in the right place. I walked up and slid into the booth.
"Wassup bitches?" I said slumping into the seat.
"Oh heyyyy. . . You look like shit." Kaminari commented.
I glared, "Thanks I only spent an hour trying to look nice."
"I didn't mean you actually looked bad, I meant you look. . . Rough? Girl, I mean that you have mega dark circles under your eyes." Kaminari really tried to save himself. It didn't work.
"Why do you think I asked you all out tonight? I'm ready to get shit faced drunk tonight. Let's start when those two get here."
He nodded, and Kirishima gave me a hug. About 10 minutes later, both Momo and Mina had arrived and we were ordering our first round of drinks. Tsuyu decided she was going to stay sober to make sure none of us died tonight. Bless her. I really just wanted to forget everything tonight. And what does that entail? Alot of Soju. In other words . . . A really bad combination.
We sat in our circle booth, and we decided to play a game. . . You know, spice it up. And the classic Never have I Ever seemed like a particularly bad idea. So we went with it.
We started off very sober. And that meant very safe questions.
"Never have I ever. . . Had a water quirk." Momo said with a smile.
"For the record I feel very targeted," I threw the shot back. I winced as it went down. "Ow," I croaked out.
It progressively got worse.
"Never have I ever. . . Drunk texted someone."I said proud. Kirishima, Mina and Kaminari threw one back.
"Holy shit guys," I laughed.
But them Momo took one. We all looked at her in shock. "Oh don't give me that look! It was once!"
And much, much worse.
"Okay. Okay okay okaaaay. Nevr. . . Have. . . I. . . Evr. . . What was I going to say? Oh yeah! Never have I ever had sex."
Kaminari took one. So did Mina. . . And so did Momo and Tsuyu took a drink of her sprite.
Kirishima and I looked at eachother. "Dammit."
They looked at me. "You and Katsuki haven't done anything?"
I shook my head. "We didn't plan to do anything in highschool, and ever since we graduated we've been so busy, and I haven't seen him in so long. . . I guess we just never really got to it."
Kirishima patted me on the shoulder. "It's okay. I'm here with ya."
"I know. You didn't drink."
"Oh yeah."
A little while later I still didn't get that drunk. I haven't really done anything. I'm a little tipsy, but no where near the amount of drunk I'm looking for tonight. I stood up, "I'm going to go dance. Anyone want to join?" Mina immediately jumped up.
"Ooh! Me! And Momo too!" I laughed, and they followed me to the great mass of bodies pressed closely together in the club. It wasn't comfortable at all. But, it was fun. We stayed pretty close together, and I just danced to have fun.
After about 30 or so minutes I was tired, and was very parched. I went to the bar and ordered a water. I sat here with my water, and feeling oddly horrible. To be fully honest.
"May I get 3 shots of Soju?" I asked the bartender.
He nodded, and slid them to me. I downed them pretty quickly. A guy walked up to me and smiled. "Rough night?"
I grunted. "Week."
"Rough week. I've had a rough week."
He laughed. "That's unfortunate. What's your name? Would you like a drink?"
I shrugged. "Sure. Why not. I'm y/n."
He ordered a couple shots for the two of us. I took one and had it. I rubbed my face. God I was going to regret this tomorrow. He motioned me to take the remaining one, and I did. I didn't care at this point.
"Oh yeah, what's your name?" I asked, slurring my words a little.
"I'm Ethan. Nice to meet you. You said you've had a rough week. Why?"
"So. . . I'm a pro hero. But, like, I don't do anything even remotely dangerous. Meanwhile, my dad is Eraser Head and I can't seem to live up to the standard he's set." I ranted, still slurring words.
"That must be hard."
"Yeah. . . And on top of that, my boyfriend is just. . . I havent seen him in a while and I'm just sad. He's a pro hero too, so I get that he's busy, but sometimes I get put on the backburner." The world was spinning a bit. And I've got a headache.
"He sounds. . . Swell." I could hear his sarcasm.
"Don't get me wrong, i'm not shitting on him. He's great, but I'm just lonely. That's why I'm out drinking tonight in the first place. Hey what time is it?"
"Around 1am."
"Well, shit. Time to go home."
I stood up and stepped off the stool. I bout near fell on my face. The only reason I didn't was because Ethan caught me. "Okay, do you have a ride?"
I shook my head, "my group does though."
I pulled out my phone. I unlocked it but I couldn't read it. Everything was bleeding together. "I can't see my phone."
He lightly took it from my grasp, "here, let me."
"It says, y/n, we've all left, we couldn't find you, and we had to go home. Hope you're okay and being safe." He said. I barely heard him.
"I. . . Don't know how to get home." I started to cry.
"Hey, it's okay. Where do you live? I'll call you a car."
I told him where I live, "but that's. . . Scary."
"That's safer than you walking home. . . Not that you could even walk. Here, i've got a car, I didn't drink tonight, I was just coming with some freinds. I'll take you home. Okay?"
I nodded as I sniffled. "Okay. Oh, I hope Lakita is nice to you. I'll pay for the medical bills if something happens."
He frowned, "thanks for the warning, but that is terrifying. Who's Lakita?"
"My dog."
We left and he buckled me into his car and he drove me to my apartment. I think I told him. Or maybe I showed him on my phone. I can't remember which one.
He helped me to my apartment and he had to get my keys out of my bag to unlock my doors. I couldn't see the floor. I started to feel very sick. He opened the door and I made a beeline for the bathroom. Lakita scampering after me. I puked. Alot. I felt someone behind me holding my hair away from my face.
"Okay, get it out of your system. It'll be better for you." I heard the sink running, and I felt him press a cup into my hand.
"Drink. It's water."
I drank the water, and I felt only a tiny bit better.
"Okay, you need to change. I'm not going to do that, so you'll need to be careful. I'll go to the living room."
I heard his footsteps retreat from the bathroom, and I walked into my closet. I threw everything off and put on a pair of shorts and a pajama shirt. I layed in bed and felt a body lay beside me. I turned my head to see Lakita looking at me.
"I know. I'm dumb. See you tomorrow."
》》》End of Chapter《《《
Heh. The drama that comes next chapter is going to shake you to the core. I've kept it pretty low on the drama. But. . . To hell with that. It's going to get boring.
Love to all.
P.s. this chapter is 1880 words beech.
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