Chapter 3
Author's Note: Slight changes on the dialogues and maybe the time frame and all. From Blackgate Prison to Arkham Asylum. Okay, I am not sure if this is really the their first official encounter or whatever. But the game says Arkham Origins. So probably this is their first meeting. And I am still working on all the chapters because I am planning to incorporate the games and Suicide Squad's plot, characters and all soon. And hopefully I get to finish this book because I think this is lengthy.
Disclaimer: Doctor Harleen Quinzel's first psychiatric evaluation lines (as well as Joker's narration) to Joker. It belongs to the Batman: Arkham Origins game.
From my second day in Arkham Asylum in meeting the patients...
Time flew quickly. Now, six months later. I finally persuaded my superiors for me to take charge of patient 20666, The Joker. They finally trust me enough to handle patients like Him... Well, basically I have done a great job to the other patients so far. Probably the reason why they finally let me handle him. I heard that he just got here from Blackgate Prison due to his arrest from his latest brawl with Batman. He must be quite tired.
11:00 AM, Friday, March 4, 2011.
"Welcome to Arkham Asylum. We are gonna do a quick psychiatric evaluation."
"Bad day, huh?"
"Cops in this city, always beating on the sick and defenseless."
"Tell me something dear, have you ever had a really bad day?" He spoke in a menacingly calm tone.
"And what do you mean by that?"
"You of all people should know, there's nothing cruel as memory. The pointy, bitey thunderbolts. Unwanted party crashers, screaming through your synapses. Inescapable, unrelenting... And not all friendly... You cannot even escape into madness!!!"
"And then you meet someone who changes your life. And you feel that you do not even know who you are anymore. Isn't it funny on how one little encounter can cleave off little pieces of your past. Deform your memories and persona until you rethink your whole identity......" Hahahahahahahahahaha...... "And as you realize how foolish it all is.... Your laughter reverberates off the walls of your own emptiness."
"Okayyy... I am gonna need more specifics. How about we try some word association?"
"That sounds... Delightful."
"Oh, that's a little trite isn't it?"
"Look, I am only doing this to help you. Let us try this again acceptance."
Hahahahahahahahahahaha... "My favorite stage."
"So you know Kubler Ross? Okay."
"Oh, I know her better than most."
I laughed.
"Okay, one more. And I need you to be serious for this one."
Hahahahaha. "You want to know something funny? I used to think of fate as evil. Predetermined. Not by some higher power. No, but by the rules of human nature."
"But tonight, that's all changed."
"What has changed?"
"Have you had the feeling that your entire life has been building towards this one moment?"
"Is that how you feel?"
Hahahahaha... "Well now, yes. Now I realize that all the battles, the bad days, the brutalities... It was all the hand of fate at work."
"So, now you see fate differently?"
Hahahahaha... "Absolutely. Now I understand. There are no chance encounters. It was all meant to be. Everything leading up to who I have met tonight."
"So, you have met someone special?"
"Yes, and you might say it has changed everything."
"Absolutely. I mean, do you realize what a vile world we live in? How lonely it is to wade through all the wretch and filth on your own?"
"It is kind of lonely, isn't it?"
"Of course. Of course!!! You understand! Even in a crowd of other screwballs... You are so alone that you can kick, call, yell, scream at the top of your lungs... And no one cares... It is like you don't even exist. I feel..."
"And how that does make you feel?"
"I feel adrift... Floating... Like someone has pulled the stopper on my reality and I am sucked down the drain into something new. It is all very exciting really."
"You would not know what that feels like, I am sure."
"I might..."
"Can you tell me more about how this person makes you feel?"
"It is like meeting someone I can relate to... Which, believe me dear I have never felt before..."
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha.......... He laughed.
"You understand. You are someone who is not afraid to let go and fall."
Hahahahaha. I laughed at his statement.
"Free falling. And I did not pack a chute. Hahahahahahahahaha."
"Do you know what I mean?"
"Yes. Yes I do."
"I figured you would."
"So, may I ask who is this person?"
"Ohhh. Someone very, very special. But whose real name I do not know yet."
He spoke, while he continued to stare at the ceiling. Then he turned his head to face me.
"Uh, my name is Harleen. Doctor Harleen Quinzel."
"What a pretty name. Do your friends call you Harley?"
"Oh, I do not have a lot of friends." I slightly look down. Suddenly feeling shy about his question.
"Well, Harley you got one now." He stared at me... Smiling...
I touched and traced his hand, down to his fingers... As he moved his head and smiled maniacally.... To others it is... But for me I love his smile. It makes me happy to see that I made him smile.
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