No prompt. -DreamingFirefly- told me to do a 6-word story challenge and I came up with something (Which are the last six words of this poem).
But after I created it, my mind had a scene for it so I wrote this poem.
I inhaled
and exhaled.
A breath passed.
I Blinked
and re-blinked.
No matter how
many times.
It remained the same.
Orange hues
tasting the blood
And chilly winds
kissing the wounds.
As lifeless as
his body looked,
my heart felt .
Some different end neared
as the day began to melt.
The sphere descended low
One setting sun
Swallowed two souls...
In the original one-liner, what meant was, one person dying-- which is refered to, as the setting sun-- and two more people slipping into the night, tearing apart due to his death.
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